
Miss Troublemaker

Sometimes stuff makes you do despicable deeds. As of this moment, I am dumbfounded by the leather jacket held out to me. If I were not soaking wet, shivering with a cold, and going red due to fever, I would happily waste his attempt at being a gentleman. His biceps twitched as he held out the jacket further while he pitched his voice. How dare he command me? It can’t be possible that my wavering hands are reaching out for the jacket that is drenched with the scent of pure leather. Maybe my hands are naive or my vision is blurred or my senses are blocked as I am reaching out for something out of reach. I shut my eyes. Maybe I am just dreaming. Suddenly he wraps my shoulders with his jacket. I want to take it all in: the warmth, the pleasure, and the gist. All of his kindness seems to be a fantasy. Am I still alive? The warmth brings on realization and my eyes snap open. What am I doing with my enemy by my side?

Lee_Hazel · Urbain
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23 Chs

It is time to play along

Aaron's pov

Little is just playing with my nerves.

She keeps making a huge fuss of the location I chose to bring her to.

What was she expecting?

After some troublesome moments and constant budging, I am finally able to convince her to walk.


She might have been scared owing to the fact I brought her to a police station

After all she is guilty of a serious offense.

She walks like a slug, taking small steps.

After a decade we finally reach the officers desk

I drag a chair out and sit on it myself

A confused look crosses her face.

What? Was she expecting this act of generosity for her?

With a smug expression she pulls out a seat with one hand and flops onto it.

"How may I help you?" the officer behind the desk addresses us.

"Sir I have to report…" my words are cut off.

Little who has been quiet for long with her head dropping down suddenly jerks up.

"Hear me out first honey"

I am dazed.



Me or the officer?

I frown and glower at her

"I know you are mad at me but that doesn't mean we will discuss our private life at a police station"

"Miss please come to the point" the officer asks.

I open my mouth "No…"

Little starts bawling her eyes out, leaving no room for my voice to adjust in.

I decide to remain silent.

"Officer" she says stammering, " my honey here", pointing in my direction and then almost lunging at my arms gripping it tight "is mad at me for going out alone at night"

She dramatically wipes her eyes "I was followed and in a haste to get away from the stalker I fell on the road. Now he is mad and wants me to report it"

"Miss isn't it good he cares for you?" the officer questions

A smirk stretches across my face.

It's time to play along.