
Miss Hina 4

I mean you'll be a great help .

What do you say ?

Oh. The octopus is crawling up

On you.

Look, all you have to do is sing your name.

here no this application from .

( club Application from )

Easy, ani 't it?

II'I do anything! Hurry up!

-so, you're joining?

-I am! Just take it away! !!

( I want to join the breakwater club.

-Tsurugi hina)

I met a terrible person.

Speaking of which , what is

that club ?


How about we go to the club room to make sashimi out fo

this ?

Eat ? Club room?

Oh, don't you know ?

Just flip it inside out and

Squeeze .

Simpel ' ; right ?

Oh' she can't take this either ?





Where is this place....?

Oh' you're awake.

This is our club room .

I didn't think you'd faint .

My dad.

Club activity... could it be fishing ?


Welcome to the breakwater club .

Break ....?

Breakwater club.

Perhaps ' only schools' near the sea would have such a


Well, fishing isn't all we do, though .

But, can't fish!

I've never touched a live fish before !