
New discovery

The sight of two Echo team operators mounted on the Duskha heavy machine gun to use enemies' weapons as theirs was watched by many through the drones in Yang Qingyue's control room.

With cold efficiency, they aimed their powerful weapons at the fleeing vehicles and gang members who were trying to hit their comrades. Their fingers tightened on the triggers.

The barrels of the Dushka shook, emitting a menacing quick repetitive toom-toom that seemed to drown out even the chaos of battle. 

The rounds tore through the metal bodies of the trucks like paper, ripping apart everything in their path with brutal force. Flesh and bone were shredded as easily as the thin metal of the vehicles, sending a spray of blood and gore into the air.

Limbs were torn from bodies, heads exploded into a grotesque mess of brain matter and bone fragments, and screams of agony pierced the air before being abruptly cut off by the relentless onslaught of bullets.