
Chapter 10 - Unexpected Company

Knocking, the rain hit against the window panes as though they were wanting to come inside of the bar. That very sound could only be heard when playing close attention to it, the music and chatting overpowered it. It was rather peaceful for a Saturday evening. The customers were being nice, for the most part ,and the tips had been generous. Cora was working alone again and also felt achy from last night's dancing, making her all the more appreciative of the minimal amount of customers.

Tucking my hair behind both ears, I bent down to the mini refrigerator for the sugary, non alcoholic beverages. In a squat pose, my black trousers tightened around me which made the task uncomfortable. I continued to stock up the drinks regardless of the annoying sensation, my hands adhering to the cold drink in my hands. My red cheeks were met with an icy air that soothed my exhausted self, I could stoop beside the open refrigerator for hours.

"Looks like your lady isn't here." I heard a familiar voice state, it was Vincent. His husky, powerful voice was distinct. I continued with my task, thinking it be best if I didn't jump up and let them know I was listening. I was also intrigued to know who the lady was that they were referring to.

My stomach dropped when a thought crossed my mind, maybe the 'lady' they were referring to was the Australian woman. I shuddered.

"She's not my lady." I heard Dean state, his words oozing with bitterness.

"Keep it that way. Let's go sit at the booth for now." Vincent ordered. The foot steps indicated that the pair had fled away to their spot, it was rather disappointing as my mental questions hadn't been answered. I shut the fridge, sighing, and groggily lifted myself up into a standing position.

I turned to the view of the bar. Luckily neither Vincent nor Dean could see me as the booth they sat in had large back rests. Sometimes they would come and not order a single thing, I found it odd but Richard viewed it as normal behaviour. I dusted my knees casually and looked up once again, still as quiet as when I had left for a couple minutes ordering the bar around. Watching a man in the distance consume his refreshing beverage, I had realised how dry my throat was and decided to pour myself some water. As the cooling liquid soothed my throat, in the corner of my eyes I witnessed the rain worsening. The irony that the day I had to get the bus home, was the day the earth decided to send down its bullets of water at lightening speed.

Cora had cleaned the bar thoroughly, turned up the chairs and counted in the earnings of the day. She felt proud of her job and relaxed her shoulders, accepting that her work was done for the night as she sat on the chair at the bar. She searched for her bus money, her purse jingling due to the coins.

"Would you pour me a drink ?" I whipped my head around to see the man who once helped me with a fiery red customer. In this circumstance I was definitely in shock and slightly anxious, but his past actions had proven him to be a noble gentleman. I swivelled my chair around to face him, a small frown on my face.

"I'm sorry but you shouldn't be in here, the sign says closed." I explained to him. I watched as the hands in his pockets revealed themselves and he began to rub them together, it was then that I witnessed his dark wet hair and drenched casual clothing. He was seemingly cold from the rain. I pitied him in that moment.

"Since you helped me the other night -" I paused, getting off the bar stool and facing him as I stood.

"- I owe you a favour." I smiled and walked into the bar. Finally behind it, I crossed my arms and stared at him. I watched as a droplet of water fell from the tip of his fringe.

"Thank you." He chuckled, combing his hand through his moist hair.

I grabbed a glass in my hand and raised my brow at him.

"I'd like white rum please, straight." He politely stated. I nodded my head and searched for the items needed.

"So, just you tonight ?" He pondered. I looked up from my focal point which was his drink and then back down.

"Yeah just me. It's alright though, Im quite independent." I explained to him as I reached on my tip toes to place the rum bottle back on its shelf.

"I'm sure you are but doesn't it get a little lonely ?" He quizzed me further. In my mind his questioning was becoming rather odd, it was clear he had something he truly wanted to know but kept beating around the bush.

"Ive got my thoughts to keep me company, oh and five pounds please." I smiled, handing him the drink. I watched as he took it from my hand, his fingers caressing my own momentarily. His dark eyes stared me down as he took a sip of the drink, liking his lips before placing it down.

"How would your parents feel if they knew you were here alone, and with me ?" His question had devilish undertones, causing me to feel more uncomfortable.

"I'm sure they'd be alright, they know it's my job." I announced casually. The eeriness that was this scene caused my stomach to churn. I just wished for him to leave, I wished and wished.

"But you're not getting paid to be here with me, it's your choice darling." He shrugged and took another, painfully small sip. His agonising pace caused me to scream internally.

"Well, i'm not allowed to leave a customer here alone. So in reality i'm just waiting for you to finish your drink and we can both head home. I have a bus to catch so if you wouldn't mind ..." I smiled sheepishly. This time, I struggled to move my lips into such a shape. Each moment that paused caused his once seemingly charming and heroic demeanour to melt and reveal this odd creature.

"Stay, lets talk. I can give you a ride." He winked. His action caused shivers to erupt down my spine and my face to drop in disgust.

"It's okay and I appreciate it, I do. But you shouldn't be driving now you've had a drink anyway." I rejected his offer. He pouted and began to push his chair out, I watched him closely. The moment he removed himself from the seat and placed his feet onto the tiled floor was the moment I began to panic. My bag was on the chair, on the other side of the bar. I couldn't reach it. I couldn't call for help or slyly text anyone.

"Why don't we get a taxi to my flat, it's not far." He offered. Hastily, I created a plan.

A plan I grimaced at.

"O-okay." I stammered, his eyes gleamed.

"Just let me go call a taxi and then I can call my parents and tell them i'll be home tomorrow so they don't worry." I flirtatiously smirked.

Of course, he received this well as he had an accomplished look plastered on his face. My insides shuddered by his grotesque behaviour and giddiness when I had essentially agreed to be his conquest.

As I neared him, I felt his gaze intensify and his lustful eyes observing me. Coldly, I walked around him and grabbed my bag. But to ensure a sense of realism, I turned to him with a seductive look.

"Finish your drink and then we can go and have our fun. I'll just go near the entrance to call the taxi, it's got a better reception." I explained, he nodded and sat back down with his drink. I instantly rummaged for my phone in my bag and grabbed my phone. I swung my bag over my shoulder and turned back around to look at him, to check whether he was drinking. He was, he was sipping his drink.

Walking to the entrance, I scrolled through my phone and called my father.

As soon as I pressed his name on my phone, I felt safer. But the dialling noise made my heart race, with each beep I felt another wave of adrenaline and fear entrance me. I held the phone to my ear, pressing it roughly and closely to my mouth.

"I'm sorry I can't pick you up tonight, don't you remember ?" My father asked on the other line, assuming I was calling for this. Hearing his voice calmed me.

"Dad there's this man, i'm at work alone and he wants me to go home with him. Im pretending to call us a taxi, can you please pick me up. I just dont know what to do, I don't feel safe." I explained hastily, my voice cracking.

"Cora you need to run, run somewhere far and hide. I'll pick you up, of course I will." He assured me with a calming yet concerned tone.

"Okay i'll run. Just please set off already because I'm worried he'll find me. I'll keep you on the line, just incase okay ?" I asked nervously, observing the street before me and the passing cars.

"Yes ofcourse. Go now and hide somewhere public, with people who can help or someone you know he'll never find you." After my father finished, I lowered my hand with the phone and opened the door with my forearm. As the breeze hit my face, I sped off and fled to the left. I wasn't sure why I chose the left side but it was too late, I had ran far already and everything was a blur. I could feel my legs hit against the floor but I wasn't tired. I was running as though I had been caged for years. The thought of him catching up fuelled me to keep up my stamina.

"I'm okay Dad, I can't see him." I managed to shout to the phone as I continued sprinting across the path, turning around and being hit with a wave of relief when I saw no one behind me.

A dazzling light caught my eyes, it was the gorgeous hotel that I had once recommended to a customer until he insisted I join him there. I shuddered at the thought but continued to jog into it.

Everything was a blur and I had tunnel vision.

I sighed in relief when my eyes met the eyes of a tall and broad security guard for the hotel.

"Hi, could you please help me -" I panted and he frowned.

"This man, he kept insisting I go home with him and we were alone in the bar I work at. I ran away from him and I'm just worried he'll find me." I explained frantically with tears in my eyes. I remembered my father was on the line and took it to my mouth.

"Dad it's okay. I'm in a hotel but please come quick." I pleaded. I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped slightly.

"We have an office, you can stay in there with my coworkers until your Dad picks you up if you're comfortable with that?" The security guard politely offered.

I was led into an office, as he opened the door I was met with a small room that had three tables and one empty chair. Within the corporate-like office, sat a middle aged woman wearing a suit and beside her on the nearing table was a young man with an oddly long beard that tickled the tie from his suit. My presence called them both to look up, I listened to the security guard explained what had happened to them and he sat me on the empty office chair.

"I can stay here if you'd like ?" He offered sincerely, his smile almost causing me to form one too.

"It's okay. Thank you, but you've done enough for me already." I sniffled. He bent down and looked at my face. I stared back, confused.

"I have a daughter myseld, in-fact we all have kids -" He paused, raising his arms in the directions of his colleagues. They were already looking my way.

"- and i'm sure we would want someone to look after them in such a situation." He stated charismatically.

The colleagues nodded.

"You're safe now dear." She assured me. Safe. I haven't felt safe for years, especially recently. Ever since I accepted Richards offer, my life has spiralled and brought my fears to the surface.

My eyes widened. I had left the bar unlocked and that man was inside it, or maybe he had gone to find me and left it open.

"I left the bar unlocked and what if he decides to steal things or trash it. My boss is going to kill me." I explained, both to myself and to them, whilst my my face rested and hidden in my palms.

"I'll go check it for you, can I have the key ?" He asked politely. I rummaged through my bag and handed him the keys, looking into his friendly eyes with concern.

"Please be careful." I pleaded, feeling the tension in the crease between my brows.

He nodded reassuringly and took the keys from my fingers. My eyes followed his figure until he left the room. I began to blame myself for all this, shame and guilt flooding my mind. Dean had warned me of this exact thing and I recall how I felt in that moment: I felt like he saw me as a fragile child. I hated that my mind had drifted to him.