
Misplaced Princess

Emily's 18th birthday would be the day her world would be turned upside down, threw into a new life in a seemingly familiar world how will she cope? With more questions than answers will Emily be able to piece anything together? Emily is not alone in her journey but will the secrets be more than she can bear? A story of supernatural forces, royalty. loyalty. love. and betrayal.

LillianRose · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Chapter Eight

Upon making it back to her room, Emily found Molly there putting clothes she had cleaner on hangers and in drawers. Emily entered through the sliding door.

"Hello Molly." Emily greeted.

"Oh, hello Miss Emily. I was wondering where you had made it off to this morning. Seems you were enjoying the garden. I brought your breakfast." Molly gestured towards a plate that sat on a small table in the room.

"Ah thank you very much." Emily sat down and began eating. It happened that she had worked up quite the appetite.

Molly was getting ready to leave the room when Emily asked, "Molly, do you happen to know where I could find a map?"

"Oh yes miss. The Library is near here. When you have finished your breakfast, I can escort you if you would like." Molly responded.

"Actually, Id like to try to find it on my own. I'll never learn to get around if you hold my hand the whole time.

"Very well. The Library is up the stairs and all the way to the left. If you follow the hallway it should take you right, there."

"Thank you, Molly."

Molly bowed and left the room.

It didn't take much time for Emily to find her way to the library. It really was a straight shot. This castle was giant, Emily wondered if she would ever see every room it contained. Emily passed several people but mostly guards and servants. They would politely exchange hellos and continue.

When Emily finally found a map, which proved to be the real task in the many aisles of books, she found that Adam had been correct. She saw no Walden anywhere. She was starting to believe she would never unravel this mystery. Maybe it wasn't meant to be solved. While she was in the library, she also decided to do some reading. It seemed to Emily that she should learn more about this Rose Bud Kingdom. Even if she weren't their princess, she was curious as to why they would even think so.

Much to Emily's dismay the library contained little information about the kingdom. Most of the information she found was about the North Star Kingdom. She did learn a little about both though. The Rose Bud Kingdom was several days ride from here. The two kingdoms had recently been in talks for a treaty. Rose Bud Kingdom's king is Jason Rose, he has no heirs and recently married a princess from another kingdom. They are the third most powerful kingdom it seems. Emily wasn't surprised to learn that North Start Kingdom occupied the first-place spot. Obviously, Adam was the king. No Queen. The princes also had no spouses or children. Emily supposed that might be why the castle tended to seem so quiet.

Emily spent most of the day in the library, attempting to learn the politics and how everything worked in this world. These kinds of things were never her specialty to begin with. Frankly, she had lost track of time and had her nose buried deep in a book.

"Don't you have anything more exciting to do?" A familiar arrogant tone rang.

Emily begrudgingly looked up at the man. "Prince Alex, right? What can I do for you?"

"Oh, I didn't even have to introduce myself. Should I be flattered?" He smirked.

"I'll ask again. What can I do for you, your highness?" Emily found this man's disposition to be the most annoying. Though the king's cold calm demeanor could cause frustration at least he wasn't condescending.

"Princess, I am supposed to escort you back to your room so you may get ready for dinner."

"Don't call me princess. Let me put this book way and we can go." She got up and walked back to the bookcase she had plucked it from.

"Politics? Why would you want to read that?"

Emily rolled her eyes and walked past Alex. "I think it's important to understand my surroundings."

Alex chuckled. "I think you'll need more than some politics books, kitten."

Alex did walk Emily all the way back to her room. Emily rushed in, shutting the door behind her. She didn't say another word to Alex. She heard him laugh from outside the room.

"So annoying." Emily muttered.

"You'll have to excuse him, young miss. He really isn't so bad. He just tends to be something of a trickster." Molly said from inside the room. It appeared she had been preparing Emily's outfit.

Emily sighed. "He's something, that's for sure. Doesn't he have something better to do?"

Molly smiled. "Well normally yes. He is the Highest General of the kingdoms fleet. He usually handles most of the battle and protection tactics, but the king has put everyone of royal lineage in the castle for our visitors."

"This is a really big event, huh?" Emily asked, sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Yes, miss, it is not very often another kingdom steps foot in the castle."

"Do you know why they're here Molly?" Emily asked.

"No, miss. I suspect only the royal families know that. It's been kept very hush hush."

"Mm." Emily said, losing herself to thought once more. Tonight, should deliver some answers… right?

Hm, what will the next chapter hold? Will this dinner go any better? Find out tomorrow! Let me know what you think! :)

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