
MirG Games

Jin a hard working intern tries to live in a capitalistic world, until he dies and gets reincarnated in some ruins with a bunch of people. They wait until a door opens and pass through a perilous area where they must survive for a whole hour. The story shows hardship and crazy interactions between the characters only to slowly unveil the mysteries and make the participants evolve. *Glitch.. or may be not... your liv...es...are..mine..

Ali_Haddani · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: A terrifying figure

At the end of the hall there was stairs going down.

We heard more screams and a door shut, as if something came from downstairs, we went discreetly and looked over to see what it was.

Terrified from the image we couldn't move. Coming up from downstairs was a big three headed dog with faces screaming all over its body.

We tried running but the thing cornered us in the little hall.

The three brothers then started swinging their weapons at it and then Sygurd threw some kind of bomb at it.

The thing exploded, that was what we thought until it came out again from the smoke launching some kind of acidic fluid out of its mouth.

Aid's got injured on his left arm shouting out in pain.

« Brothers! AAAAH put it out it burns »

I almost crapped my pants, and started panicking until Bron started healing his brother while Sygurd and Sabrina was diverting the thing in a calm way.

Calm down Jin! You are better than that, and I started thinking and assessing the situation.

I started looking around and there was some paintings of the dog and its owner on the walls, I deducted the owner to be the host of the manor.

In all the paintings there was that thing agitated but in one of them it was calmly chewing on something, I went to look at the painting and it seemed to be some kind of bone, looking at the painting closely again I saw the title : Cerberus chewing on the bone.

Instantly, I took the painting and broke it in half, I took the wood scraped then built them to resemble a bone.

I threw it and the dog went after it then started to chew on it calmly.

Sygurd was choked and said to me: « I am beginning to appreciate you kid, you may have no powers but you sure can think »

Sabrina was looking at Bron as if he was her hero, Tss.. As if it was him that saved us, LOOK AT ME INSTEAD!

I had all these thoughts in panic as the thing was chewing on the piece of wood with the faces covering his body going silent.

In hurry and panic I told to the group: « We need to get out of here as soon as possible when that king went calm our only way out is through that door »

Bron agreed and helped his brother Adi now injured to walk, Sygurd stayed behind the walking group to defend us.

Walking through those terrifying stairs we almost arrived at the door until a mysterious voice said behind us: « I would not advise you to go through there »

We rapidly turned our head around when we have seen a tall figure looking at us from above the stairs with the pet sitting in front of his feet, guarding him.

The voice continued: « You unwelcomed guests are truly making a mess in here, normally I advise people to go through the door but in this bizarre suit of events it seems we are all victims»

Bron gave Adi to Sygurd and said in a menacing way: « Then how are we supposed to get out of here? »

The mysterious voice answered to him: « Come back from the same path you went from go down the village and never disturb me again. »

Adi suffering, answered: « Yeah you are just trying to trick us into going through the village again, you don't like our presence in the mansion don't you? »

The mysterious shadow snapped its finger and everybody felt some kind of malicious energy.

We felt some kind of strong pressure from the shadow, as if a predator was tracking us, we went totally numb but what surprised us the most was Sabrina bowing to the thing and repeating some kind of chant.

Bron passed Adi to Sygurd and started running towards the door.

We all started running through the door following Bron's lead.

We followed Bron through the door, and I knew then that Bron had something in mind.

Once through the door down the stairs, it unveiled a big cavern with two sides: a garden with a beautiful magnificence and a scorching volcano side both leading to a big chair as if the whole made a throne room.