
MirG Games

Jin a hard working intern tries to live in a capitalistic world, until he dies and gets reincarnated in some ruins with a bunch of people. They wait until a door opens and pass through a perilous area where they must survive for a whole hour. The story shows hardship and crazy interactions between the characters only to slowly unveil the mysteries and make the participants evolve. *Glitch.. or may be not... your liv...es...are..mine..

Ali_Haddani · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: The commoner

« Faster you slow slime! You need to deposit those letters in the next 10 minutes, you want to end my career or what? I am doing that for you, then you will have more experience, now off you go » said my boss,

His name is Ivar he is a greedy dwarfy man always blaming me for my laziness when he is the one sitting all comfortably while giving orders.

Me on the other hand, I am just a young man trying to become a better man in this capitalistic world, my motto:

« Never say no to any experience », my name, ah I almost forgot to tell you, I am Jin.

« WHAT ARE YOU DOING DREAMING LIKE THAT HURRY UP! Oh yeah before you deposit that letter could you also deposit that sack of gold, just a little detour you know, for your experience» said Ivar.

I knew Ivar where manipulating me with this experience thing but what did you want me to do in this world some don't even find a job.

« Off I go then big boss! »

I went outside and ran as fast as I could, I gave the letter to the Dorlow family, I love coming here just to see their beautiful daughter she is about the same age but she wasn't there that time, weird maybe something happened to her, what could it possibly be ?Is she married now ?..She would not care about me anyway with my feeble charisma.. She must just be somewhere else. Let's stop dreaming again, IN THIS CAPITALISTIC WORLD THERE IS NO TIME FOR A DREAMER LIKE ME.

Saying goodbye to the family I came back and took that little detour, I never went through that path and as I was walking towards i found an enormous abandoned mansion.

It was an eerie place, so I went through to see if there was someone, as I put one step into the mansion there was three men surrounding me, surprised! I did nothing and with a frightened voice I said:

-« You. Ivar had me... euh send this sack of gold to you guys.. »

-« Let me see that » said one of them « There is not enough gold in here what shall we do with you now »

-His friend came and said « Come on stop messing around Sygurd you see that the man is already in fear »

They all started laughing and told me to wait in the garden outside.

I waited about 2 minutes and they came back with a wooden box they said to give it back to Ivar.

Three steps before quitting the mansion I heard a voice shouting and crying inside the mansion. I recognized this voice... I stopped and the three guys noticed when Sygurd told me to just go away.

Frightened I kept on going until a girl came out running from the mansion shouting « Help me Jin! Those guys abducted me » It was dorlow's daughter.

Then I stopped, heck what am I doing, it is not my problem, I shouldn't help the girl, I should only shut up and follow orders, this will get me in trouble with my boss Ivar.

The three guys started running after her and I started running too, in the way back to Dorlow's house.

Through the pursuit we went across on horse, the daughter had time to get in , then as I tried to get in also one of the guys through a rock at my leg making me fall.

As I fell, the horse was already far away with Dorlow shouting: « I will get help as soon as possible just stay alive »

What a prick, why did I let her first in the horse I should have ran away first, she left me there.

I got back up and started running again, the pursuit was long and tiring but the guys had some kind of heavy armor slowing them but no luck! After running long enough the four of us went miraculously on a weak cliffs edge as we fell all down for a lot of meters

It was a long fall, man the thing I would have done in my life, I started crying while falling thinking about everything I could have done, and experienced and what a waste some things were. Why didn't I propose to all those girls was the question I asked myself mostly? But before the big land on the head I understood, nothing could have been done differently.

Death is weird.


« What is happening? » I asked myself while opening my eyes slowly.

Surprised, I stood up and found myself in some kind of ancient ruins, across me the three bandits looking around surprised at me one of them said: «Don't worry boy, we will not pursue you anywhere, we have been here an hour ago, don't know what took you so long it seems we have been resurrected, welcome to hell kid »

A fifth guy appeared suddenly and said: « This is not hell, you'll understand soon enough »

Then some kind of portal appeared and many people came out of it one after the other

The fifth guy finally came and said « Welcome to MirG games »