
Miraculous : Newborn Miraculous

Artel_Shelby · TV
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Let's Get Reborn!

-In a room roams a white orb of light.just moving around,but if you were to look closer you would notice that it seems to be shaking.no.trembling in fact and it has a distinct yellow to it-


-Yup just as you guessed this is a Man more appropriate a very,very,veeerrry confused and scared man.Who is actually me,Brian Andlers.I was just a normal 35 year old Salary man who happened to get hit by a truck,Yes A FUCKING TRUCK!!.I do not even know where it came from.

I was just moving out from the convenience store after a long hard day of work.As I was just about to cross the road I see a truck pass at high-speed right infront of me,but I just managed to step back before it arrived.'Could've been a one way ticket to the afterlife' I thought.Well who would've guessed that just as I survived a Truck-Kun meeting that I would run into a women of high beauty just standing on the road looking at the sky in a daze.Now I'm not the good guy type to help others,but I don't wanna see death right infront of my eyes so I walked up to her and tried to drag her away from the road,but she stood still as if she was a great wall,did not even flinch when I touched her.

"Come on lady,you need to move this is the middle of the road....Lady..Lady..LADY WE NEED TO MOVE!!."

Just as you guessed again the great truck-kun has come back to finish the job but with an extra victim.He truly does his work diligently.When I was about to scream again I suddenly blacked out and here we are in the Dark room....

"So anyone here?,I mean I can't just be left here all day right *Sigh* Stupid death!."

{Ohh is that how you speak to your father,Brian or should I say to....GOD}

And that's when I knew I had truly died,Well let's go reincarnated....

First time writing a novel and I think from a scale of 1/10 it's a 4.3 at the least right?

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