
CHAPTER 2 New beginning ✨

luna choose to leave her mom quickly took her luggage and pack every thing packed everything

luna said "mom why do u love me so much I am not even your own daughter "stopping luna her mom said "shh no don't even say that ur my baby even if u didn't come from my tummy u still my princess and nobody could change that" her mom hugged luna and said " now hurry up go to the bus stand there will be a car waiting and get in that car ok ....hmmm " luna get ups quickly and get changed her mom was looking at her " luna said are u gonna keep looking at me now I have to change go " her mom giggled and said "look at u all grown up anyways now if I went out your dad will probably think I helped u runaway and this place for me will be a living hell for me right a letter and pretend u left on your own and I will take care of the rest " luna rushed into the bathroom and got dressed in a white and blue tie die sweatshirt and black legging she came out took her luggage and took her sling bag and slowly without making any noise ran to the front door and she walked towards the gate and looked back her mom waved at her at lip synced to her " I love u ,call me everyday ok 👌" she waved back and showed her 👍 .

luna got inside the car and said " I could smell the freedom " intrepting her the driver laughed 😅 luna said " that was not funny... anyways sir u won't under stand .After a few hours they reached grandpa heis house it was morning 6 am grandpa hei was sitting in the front yard and gave a big smile and said " happy birthday my dear super pie " luna ran towards and said " awww thank you grandpa I thought u have forgotten my birthday " " haha how can I forget ur birthday my little sweet pea " luna thought for herself I missed grandpa after 3 years I am seeing him even though he sents me gifts every birthday I missed him making sweetly embarrassing names for me his grandpa told "tommarow u will be starting ur collage as u wished u are studying in your favorite college and ..." there came a beautiful girl came running towards luna in her pj's and hugged her it was Renná Luna's cousin best friend they were the same age . Luna was 2 weeks older than her . Grandpa said "and hana would be joining you " Luna screamed in joy and said " OMG!! what can be better " Renná says " let me guess we are sharing a room and I HAVE DECRATED YOUR SIDE OF YOUR ROOM " " I can wait gramps we are going to our room I love u " grandpa thinking for himself this little brats haven't still changed and he shouts " breakfast will be served in an hour "

Grandpa hei's house was a big mansion it had a lot of servents who grand pa treated like family they were all on their mid 40s there were totally 14 servents 9 women and 5 men . They loved Luna and Renná

Luna and Renná unpacked talked a lot after a long time . " Ren ,lulu come break fast is ready" Renná and luna said together "AUNTY MAY !!" they ran down hugged her .Aunt may was both of their fathers sister . Aunt may and Uncle Dave didn't have kids when ever they came to grandpa's they both come and take care of them . " Aww I missed u sugercups " said Aunt may they both look around and renná asked where uncle Dave " umm he " she fell into silence and said " he went work in south Africa he will be back in 2 years ... now let's have breakfast Ren and Aunty may went to dinning room but luna stood there and thought to herself I could definitely hear a sadness in her voice she is lying anyways I am not gonna bug her . Then luna went and had breakfast . After breakfast luna went out for shopping with Ren and Aunty may . They had a lot of fun



with love Loco 💘