
Day 42 of Mining

The pokehack of today is one created based on a Pokemon video on YouTube, by Darkly. The name of the game is Pokemon rusty a here are a little information from fandom:

"Rusty is the stupid, yet determined, 10 year-old protagonist of the webseries Pokémon Rusty by Dorkly. He is very naïve, but is determined to become the best Pokémon trainer there is, despite the fact that he is, in reality, the very worst. He looks up to his hero, Red.

Begining of his journey:

He randomly announces one day that his destiny is to be a Pokémon trainer, despite much opposition from his parents. He goes to Professor Tree and receives a Kakuna from him before sneaking out of Beige Town and heading out into the world. He goes through a series of misadventures where he declares a random Bug Catcher as his rival and tries to evolve "Pikachu" in numerous, unintentionally cruel, ways. He is caught off guard by Team Rocket who tries to steal "Pikachu", but he "evolves out of pure happiness" the moment the Team Rocket member touches him. Rusty is punched by "Pikachu" and left alone in a cave, after which he calls his dad to pick him up.

As they ride home, they crash into a Snorlax and Rusty takes it as a sign that he must continue his journey, leaving his father at a Pokécenter. He makes his way to the Celadon Mall where he uses his dad's stolen credit card to purchase a number of, mostly, impractical things, such as 50 Brunch Balls Professor Tree's bike, which happened to be used for smuggling drugs.

Shortly after leaving Celadon City, Rusty came across his greatest rival - a tree blocking his path. Initially, he nearly gives up and goes home, but an old man tells him about Hidden Moves, which Rusty just so happened to buy at the mall. However, struggling to use them, he ends up killing multiple Pokémon, like his Zubat and Bidoof, before lighting the tree with a match, unintentionally causing a rampant forest fire.

He meets Julian the EV Trainer and his Buff Clefairy before Team Rocket kidnaps the Pokémon. Rusty pursues them to the SS Anne with the intention to rescue "Pikachu". However, since he does not have a ticket, he is kicked off in the middle of the ocean, drowns, and washes up on Cinnabar Island Shore. On Cinnabar Island, he challenges Blaine, thinking its his destiny to defeat him. Rusty is dealt a crushing defeat and is discouraged, so Blaine gives him a seashell, claiming that it is a 'Participation Badge' and it lifts Rusty's spirits once more."