
Burst out of the Ground.

Rushing out of the ground, I was greeted with the sight of three things.

A cacophony of purple worms that seemed to have forgotten about me.

A giant skeletal being dubbed Skeletron suspended by jets of blood.

And a giant shark octopus hybrid that manifested ocean waves to fight on the land.

Staring at it all, I glanced at the woman behind me and the little lizard slightly ahead of me.

Rushing towards Guillian, I heard him mutter something as I appeared besides him.


Dodging the harpoon heading for my eyes, I quickly knelt besides the little creature.

"Oh its you Accidental! What are you doing here? As you can see it's not exactly looking good here, or I guess that depends on what you see as good as I'm happy that I can harvest those bosses remains later and probably learn some more mutations but there--"

Holding my hand up to interrupt Guillian otherwise he would yap my ears off, I quickly spoke before unwrapping the green woman behind me.

"Hey Guillian, this is..."


"Celestia, and she's a powerful plant mage, the specifics of it I don't really know but I'll leave you under her protection"

Dumping her there I spoke loudly as I hopped lightly on the surface of the water, Ram runeing every now and then to crush sharks underneath my feet.

"Miss Celestia, I'll just be dealing with these guys for now!"

Jumping upwards with the help of several things, I felt the sky whip across my skin as I drew out one of the many weapons in my inventory.

With a fierce smile adorning my face like a placard shouting out I'm excited, my arms rose above my heads as the large blade fell down to the earth.

"Let's do this!"


"Oh... well that's rude." Puffing out his cheeks Guillian watched as the accidental fucked off to who knows where while leaving behind a beautiful woman.

She was probably incredibly powerful if even the accidental who's feats outweighed his appearance acknowledged her.

But due to the unique arrogance of the islanders of the malaise who had quite literally lived in a hell that continued to repeat itself over and over, Guillian looked down on her.

No matter how capable she was, wasn't she afraid of death all the same like the rest of the world? Not to speak of the battle experience gained over an innumerable number of years repeating the same month.

Turning his head away, Guillian took what the accidental said for a grain of salt, no, wouldn't a grain of sand be better? 

Recalling salt was quite expensive and sand was rather common, Guillian absentmindedly threw his harpoon only for it to thud directly into a large worm.

Seeing that he tensed.

'Oh shit.'

Reacting to the attacker, a portion of the eater of worlds instantly moved from eating the most visibly dangerous being to the one that had just damaged it.

If it was anything but vengeful than it was nothing more than just a larger than normal worm.

And it was exactly for this reason that the gecko man was so wary of where he was aiming his harpoon.

There was a thing called the psychological level of importance that was distinct in everything that could be called living's mind.

And according to a majority of the larger monsters thinking processes, its better to get rid of the weaker guys to prevent them from annoying it to much all the while eating them.

If nothing they usually served as nice appetizers to the main course.

Blinking his eyes Guillian hurriedly turned around to grasp at the unknown woman that the accidental had dumped onto him.

"LET'S RUun--?"

Blinking stupidly upon seeing no one there, with a faint premonition, Guillian turned around only to see the woman in vine like clothing standing at the doorway.

"What are you doing!? We should run now!"

Running to her, Guillian grasped at her thin twig like arms and pulled.

Waving him off with unprecedented strength, Guillian closed his eyes in despair as the eater of worlds opened its gaping maw dripping with acidic purple bile.

Clacking its two bone like jaws together, Guillian closed his eyes.




Opening his eyes since he hadn't died yet, Guillian was greeted with a terrifying sight.

The woman that he thought to be weaker than himself despite the accidental's assurance appeared Uneaten before him.

And instead of a gigantic creature of corrupted flesh and blood barreling towards them, it was instead a giant construct of wood and leaves that met him.

And if he looked carefully, the vague appearance of the Eater of worlds was what he was able to see.

Fearfully staring at the woman who was a much stronger powerhouse than he had thought, she ignored him and raised her hand and balled it into a fist.

Following her will, the wooden construct creaked slightly before contracting.


Hearing a choking noise, the source of it being the wooden construct, Guillian dutifully ignored the purple blood seeping from the construct and diligently threw his harpoon at the few sharks in the vicinity.

'I think I should stop doubting the accidental.'

Thinking those thoughts, the sounds of the eater of worlds being slowly crushed into a concentrated slush resounded behind him even as the bones cracked underneath the pressure.

Shivering slightly, the water was dyed red and purple with blood.


In the air, I had free rein of all of my abilities save for a few.

Unlike underneath the ground where it was so incredibly hectic and I literally was unable to do anything else but run away in the tunnels I made.

In the air with the unobstructed surroundings, I could finally go wild.

Feeling the acrid and tense feeling of my heart disappear.

My heart thumped fiercely in my chest, causing me to feel the blood rush through my fingers.

Tightly gripping the broadsword, I swung it.

Slicing through the arcing worm that was trying to entangle the skeleton, the creature screeched.

Ignoring it, by relying on the counter force of the rebounded flesh, I removed the heavy weight anchoring it and instead brought out the good old blood sword.

And with the jets of blood coming out of Skeletron, a dastardly plan was what I was cooking up.

Lighting it up with blood fire, with a gentle nick of the arm, the crimson flames instantly consumed the blade while exploding into a cloud of scarlet flames.


Groaning loudly, the jets of blood instantly turned into gets of scarlet flames.

Turning its empty gaze to me, I ignored it and turned to the final boss I haven't pissed off yet.

The overlord of the seas...

It seems I have already caught their attention by the looks of it.

Instantly looking into my inventory for literally anything to help me, I brought out my ice related weapons and begun blasting.

Freezing a portion of the wave heading towards me, it turned out to be counterintuitive as instead of the wave stopping in place like I hopped for it to do, the waves instead swept up the ice and brought it with.

And now there were deadly ice shards in the wave.

Ram runing, I cquickly plummeted to the ground, only to be met with the eater of worlds.

Ignoring it by thrusting the brunt of a gigantic hammer down its gullet, the monster crumpled downwards all the while blood spurted out of its extremities.

Continuing my descent while ignoring the eater of worlds which was now forming another part of itself.

I slammed into the ground.

Producing a large shockwave, it offset a portion of the waves right before I shielded myself with the ice shield.

Slamming the bottom of the shield into the ground, the vine rune activated and grasped at my ankles right before the wave hit.

And oh did the wave hit.

Shielding myself with a shield of ice, I felt the ground underneath tremble with the distinct rumbling of a much unwanted monster.

"Well that's not good"

Glancing at the trembling ground, I weighed the benefits in my mind just as the gaping maw of the eater of worlds swallowed me up.

I chose to get swallowed up.

And right after that, the jaws of the eater of worlds was blown up.

Now closer to the top of the wave, I smiled.

Bringing out several wooden planks, they quickly enlarged in my grasp.

Floating on the surface, my grin couldn't be any wider as I was reenacting a childhood memory of my own.

Balancing on the wooden board much like the floating boards used to aid in swimming, I spread my arms as I began to surf the top of the waves.

Of course my smile quickly disappeared when I saw the forest of green and purple trees that the waves were heading in the general direction of.

Wiping the smile off of my face, I glanced at the crest of the waves and compared them to the forest.

It seemed that there were two options since the crest of the waves was much higher than the forest top.

I could either continue to ride the waves, braving the forest of trees while weaving through them on the wooden plank.

Or I could somehow climb the top of the wave to avoid the forest altogether.

Eyeing the forest, a purple worm burst out of the ground reminding me of the dangers hiding underneath the ground.

'I guess I'm going up the wave then.'

Mentally choosing an option, my eyes darted through my inventory right as the waves continued to ride into the forest of green.

Bringing out all of my ice type weapons and putting them into the quick slots, mana plunged into the depths of my eyes and pointed me towards several pieces of rubble being carried by the wave.

'Let's fucking do this.'


Yello there, author here, the reason for my recent non commitance to writing this fanfic has nothing to do with you guys.

It mostly has to do with the harsh exam schedule that I'm currently going through and the fact that I'm struggling on how to implement the minecraftian content to the novel.

I've already planned it all out but the power scaling was being a bitch.

That was until I applied real world physics to it (Ignoring Terraria)

Did you know that a piece of coal could dry a sponge block which can absorb five by five blocks of water? 

And according to Minecraft size comparisons, to even begin to dry such amounts of water you 523,000,000 joules of energy.

Steve's not even eating well done steaks anymore with that heat, they're literally at the level of being coal themselves.
