
Minecraft:The Good Fanfiction

A world forever locked in war,a tyrannical force yet to be defeated,and romance yet to bloom. it'll all happen here.

Studio_10XT · Jeux vidéo
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36 Chs

"Dont Sleep Outside at Night"

After what felt like two or three chunks his run slowly faded to a jog...and then a light walk..

Somehow,some way,he had managed to find his way back into the summer region,the trees darkening his way..

Grayson lights his sword like a torch,casting a pale orange light a short distance into the forest. He checks the time on his phone,11:45PM.

"Ugh...so late..."

He blinks gently,wiping his eyes. He brings himself to rest against the trunk of an oak tree,using the sword as a fire while he rested. The warmth of the sword started to lull in the temptation of sleep..when a bush shifts. Grayson looks up,only briefly though as the flash of purple warned him to keep his eyes down..

A pair of dark boots step into his lowered vision.

"I won't hurt you..Promise.." A girl almost whispers.

"Not taking a chance. Rule 4 of the night." He replies,getting up and keeping his gaze fixed downward as he picks up his sword.

"If you wont look at me...Then I'll look at you..." She gently growls as she grabs him by the hoodie. Grayson immediately shuts his eyes as the creature held him in her grasp.

After a few moments of silence he was set down...and everything fell deathly silent...

Grayson opens his eyes,and yelps as he found himself gaze-locked with a girl.

Those purple eyes glowed...and went deeper...

Before Grayson could find himself bewitched,he squeezed out from under her,somehow already out of breath...

A blue trail was following him,heading back into his mouth,all the while a dark chuckle gracing his ears,"Come back~ Im not done yet.~~" She purrs,spurring Grayson into a second wind,allowing him to almost sloppily start running. His vision was blurry,hazed over by a purple mist that had gathered. He looks back only for a moment,turning back straight into a tree-

His world went dark for only a few minutes.

As Grayson came to the mist had become dense..and the girl chasing him was calling to him in an almost singsongy manner. He gets up,slowly making his way into the thinner part of the fog,and making his way out of her area of influence,which now seems to have effected his vision. All he could make out were purple,hazy lights and only the blurry shapes of the trees...

"What the hell was that..?" He questioned quietly,only for his brief rest to be brought short by a blood curdling groan. Almost blindly he hurriedly continued feeling his way through the forest,his vision giving no sign of restoring.

For now he keeps fleeing,until he came to rest at a small pond,climbing into a tree and coming to rest on a two way dip in the tree's branches..

He checks the time again.

12:03 PM.

He blinks tiredly,distrustfully getting to sleep with his sword close at hand..

Sleep finally graced his mind,and he came to sleep for a few hours,his world becoming muffled and distant for a while,when the buzz of his phone stirred him from sleep with off sounding chimes from his dreams.

He leans up,checking his bag to find everything accounted for,and he fished his phone out to check the time.

4:20 AM

"Happy 420..." Grayson tiredly mutters.

He was about to simply lay there,staring absent mindedly into the branches of the tree,when a distinct sound came to his ears,specifically bones clattering gently.

Very quietly he turns over,peeking down below to spot a girl in a skimpy,skeleton themed outfit. Her features were dark...and couldnt be told off easily.

His ears pick up on a sound,the sound of a bow straining,"Oh sh-"

An arrow zooms past his head,narrowly grazing his cheek,sending him into a scramble for his bag to drop out of the tree with a swift roll,two more arrows being lost to the night in the process.

"Damn- Those were my last arrows..." The girl mutters as she watched the male disappear into the night.

He comes to stop,panting gently and coming to rest after a chunk or two of running. His phone buzzes.

"I am starting to hate these buzzes..." Grayson said as he opens the phone.

'Congratulations! You have burned 3,000 calories in less than 24 hours.'

He opens the phone and deletes the app that created the notification. "I already have enough trouble without you butting in." He gently said.

The warm light of the sun began to edge over the horizon.

At least he wouldn't have to worry much longer...

Someone was approaching,Grayson ignites his sword to the intruder,to find Kupa staring down the edge.

"Oh thank gods its you.." Grayson said as Kupa approached. "Fugitive already? What happened?" She asked.

"Paris." Grayson states.

"What,as in Paris,France Paris?" Kupa questioned.

"Noo somebody named Paris. Word has it she has connections to the Queen." Grayson sighs tiredly,rubbing his eye baggage to keep himself awake.

"You look horrible.." Kupa remarks.

"Ugh....I can barely swing a sword and had to flee from monsters all night...I just want a place to sleep."

"Hey...Now that I think about it,I have a friend who lives near here. She's pretty strong,like an old friend I used to know before...the war.." Kupa said,seeming hesitant at that last part.

"What's her name?" Grayson asked.

"Alex Major." Kupa said,as she wondered what the male was up to. "Think we can go pay them a visit?" Grayson asked.

"Sure! She's on a snow capped mountain a small walk away." Kupa said as she pointed to a seemingly distant mountain.

"Are you sure? A two day hike seems much more likely." Grayson said as he briefly climbs a tree to get a better view of the planned direction. "Scratch that, it might be three. There's a split in the trees that doesn't look too healthy." He said.

Kupa laughs gently,"What measurements are you using? Its just a simple 10 minute walk!"

"Miles. I'm using miles. Plus there's a cavern in that direction." Grayson said as he came back down.

"I know that cavern! We'll be fine I know that place like the back of my hand!" Kupa assured.

"You sure?" Grayson questioned nervously.

"Cross my blast bladder and hope it bursts." She said,seeming to make a reference to a creeper's variant of a vital organ in the general area of her heart.

"Okay...lead the way then. Please make sure we don't run into more crazy along the way..?" Grayson asked.

"No promises."

"Another question...Do you always have friends closeby?" Grayson asked.

"Only around here."