
Minecraft: loading new world

Welcome to Minecraft, a world of blocks and endless adventures at your fingertips. ___________________ What would our Main Character do once he realized the he is in a video game with different logic from his own world. Will he try to get back? Will the Viligers keep him away from the arms of loneliness? Or will he die in the first night to zombies? Let's follow him to find out about his adventures in another world, in another life. __________________ The book is about a Man who woke up in the world of Minecraft, but not the Vanilla Minecraft, this world has a system, and some things may be changed in comparison with the original, the world is corrupted, so once a year a player is brought into the world that further corrupts the world.

EnderStar · Jeux vidéo
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158 Chs

Chapter 55. End of volume 2

In a huge room used for celebratory events, where there was laughter, food, and drinks. Or it was supposed to be, now in the middle of the room stood a mob of people looking angry at one person.

"He's the one that killed the Sultan!"

I turned around in confusion to see the Prince swinging a sword at me.

Out of instinct I took out my diamond sword from my inventory and blocked him.

He looked surprised at my sword, it was the sword of the strongest mob that I fought after all, and the enchantments were good.

I took out a speed potion and drank it, with this I should be able to react more quickly since I don't know how to swing a sword.

"Wait! Aren't we supposed to interrogate him or give him a trial?"

A voice yelled from the crowd, it was Bobby.

"What trial? He has an iron armor that was probably stolen, the signature of the enchantment led to him, and didn't you see him just now drinking a potion, he has connections with the assassins."

With that he took another swing at me which I easily blocked, unfortunately, the guards didn't want to have a duel so they ready their weapons.

"Wait, I don't know what you're talking about, maybe you're referring to the cursed book you made me do in exchange for teaching me enchantments?"

"How dare you spout such lies! Why would I want to kill my father?"

He swung at me with force again, but the potions did their job and I could react to all of his strikes. Fortunately, the guards seemed confused about what to do, so they stopped advancing.

"I don't know man, but how would I even get access to a cursed book? Only someone as important as you would have such an item."

I kept deflecting his sword, but he seemed to get the upper hand the more we fought. I need to come up with a plan and get out of here.

How did I even get back here?

"You got envious of the hero, so you made a deal with the Witch clan to have more power!"

Envious of Froggy attention? We were both forced to come here why would I be envious for being more of a prisoner? Also, I don't know any clan of Witches!

A slash reached my arm, leaving a small wound that would regenerate in no time.

But the Prince was gaining ground, and I was losing it. Speed could only help so much in front of skill.

I had to come up with a plan now.

As I was thinking an explosion came from my left. We both stopped and looked towards the noise like everyone else.

And the one who made that explosion stood beside a crater. It wasn't just one person there were a dozen all looking tired but ready to fight.

They were prisoners from the obsidian factory. But I only recognize three people from there.

Omar, the head guard who trained Froggy, stood In diamond armor looking with dangerous eyes at everyone.

Aisha, the only person that saw through my invisibility stood there with an iron armor and flint and steel in her hand. She was probably the one that ignited the TNT.

And Prince's Cleopatra surprisingly, was there confused but with determined eyes.

"Since the ruler of this kingdom died, we need to have a new leader. We the Knights of the People, chose princes Cleopatra the Enchanter to be our new ruler."

Cleopatra looked confused at the sudden news. Looks like she didn't know about their plan.

"She can't be the ruler, I'm next in line to the throne!"

The Prince shouted back with anger, but from my point of view, I could see fear as well. The plan got off the rails and he was losing control.

"We don't want a ruler that works with the Pillagers! I've been thrown in prison because I found out about about your deals with them!"

Everyone gasped in surprise, it was taboo to talk with the Pillagers never mind working with them.

"Baseless accusations! Do you have proof of such a heavy claim?"

The Prince bit back with furry but this time I could feel that he was confident.

And I can see why. Even though Aisha found out about their deal, she didn't have fiscal proof, and what she knew was years outdated and they made sure to patch any leaks.

Some proof against the prince, do I know some?

I started to think, about anything that caught my eye while sneaking around or when I was with the prince, and there was something.

A secret room in his office.

"You can find proof in his sec-"

Suddenly I heard a splash on my armor, and my skin started to melt, ignoring what protection I had on me.


Another potion hit me again, pain flew through every nerve I had, I needed to run, I was in danger.

I turned around to see the attacker, only to see a floating sword coming towards my head. In a panic, I swung my sword as well, and I felt something, but the enemy sword reached its target as well.

Light started to fade from my eyes, and the last thing I saw was a shocked villager with gray skin holding his neck while falling.

You Died!

POV: Enderwoman

A few hours passed, and they weren't pleasant being constantly on the run.

But those foolish humans are too young to catch me, I only need to teleport on one of the roofs and wait them out.

I can feel my human on the other side of the wall, I can be patient for a few more hours. I only need an opportunity to pass the huge wall, but I think I can only do it through the gate, or worst case scenario I'll go on the walls, but there are too many armored people there to risk it. Especially now when they're on high alert.

A few hours passed and with no luck on their side, they gave up, which finally let me get out of my hiding spot.

I watched the gate as people passed from time to time, and when I saw the guards preoccupied with a certain group I teleported past them without anyone noticing.

The view was beautiful with all kinds of blocks all over the place. I'm sure this would be a place where a lot of my people would find their soulblock.

But I wasn't interested in them, I was interested in only finding my human. I don't know if this is normal, I will have to ask The Father once I get the chance.

I felt an Ich coming from my Pearl, it was coming from the huge building so I got closer to it keeping it out of the human's view.

Finally, inside I teleported to one of the empty balconies and watched over all the humans that gathered in the huge room.

And there he was, in a beautiful green costume my human enjoying himself with some food. I felt like a part of me came to peace, I could see him in front of me once again. I'm curious how he'll entrain me now, what kind of fascinating stuff will he show me.

The music was all in the air, I looked at one of the blocks that made the noise and saw a jukebox.

I remember one of my people bounding with one of those blocks that he found in an abandoned temple. He chose to spend the rest of his life finding all the disks which is a stupid goal, why would you want to go through so much trouble just for something that's not part of your block?

He did get some envious looks from others though, which didn't make him too popular.

My human met his friend for the first time since they split in the hot dimension. They were happy to see each other, but for some reason, I didn't feel good when he smiled at that stupid human. I don't want to share my human with anyone, maybe I should get rid of him.

But today I'm in a good mood so I'll let that slide, everyone suffered those months and needs to have a brake.

Time passes and I amuse myself with stupid stuff the humans do, some of them are dancing on the floor, others are eating and the most fun ones are fighting and ready to throw punches.

But something happened because my human exited the building and went towards the garden.

It was night outside, which helped me greatly to blend with the darkness and get closer to my target without being noticed.

He looked around for any signs of people following him, before breaking one of the blocks beside the tree with his unnatural speed.

Then he jumped down a hole and blocked the entrance.

I don't like to teleport in enclosed spaces if I don't know how large their going to be, but my human hides something special if he's so secretly about so I take the risk. And it was as I thought, only a two-block tall tunnel with flickering torches, I had to crouch so I could stay in the tunnel.

And Surprisingly the floor was all made with the unmoveable block. Maybe this is why I couldn't teleport past the wall.

I couldn't move on my own with those tiny tunnels so I had to teleport from place to place, annoyingly I couldn't see the human but I could still feel him somewhere close by, and those tunnels were long and each led to a different place. I tried to follow one but it was a dead end, I teleported back to the surface and was surprised to see a room with lots of chests.

Maybe those tunnels aren't so useless after all, with this, I can sneak more freely around this place.

I explored some of the rooms that were connected with the tunnels and had fun with pranking people by placing blocks in front of the door.

Some of the guards looked very annoyed.

Suddenly I heard a horn, it was similar to the one when they found me, but this one was more powerful.

This can't be a good sign, I teleported towards my human but I still couldn't see him, I could feel that he just passed the confused guards at the gates, but nothing in sight.

After looking around confused on the streets, I finally saw some floating particles that moved at great speeds towards the second wall.

I hate potions, it's because of those I lost my human last time. Luckily I could see him again once he wanted to hop on a horse.

With a fast horse and iron armor the guards didn't even bother to stop them, and soon they were galloping on the dunes.

They both started to laugh, shouting that their finally free, even I could hear them and I kept my distance so I wouldn't be seen.

I'm happy that my human is happy, it feels fulfilling. Is this how the others feel with their block?

We got further and further away from the big city until suddenly he disappeared. I felt him through space like we use it to teleport.

I was angry, he used something precious from my people, I hated it when they did that, but I followed the trail with growing worry. He was too happy to be finally free, and the trail that was slowly disappearing led back to the city.

Something happened, and it wasn't in his plan.

Then something happened that shook me to my core, something cracked in me.

I couldn't feel him anymore.

Why did this happen to me? I just found him and now he's gone again?

I'm I too selfish, Am I not fast enough? I'm I too weak?

No! I refuse to believe this, if someone took him from me, I can take it back, if someone wants to take him from me, I'll destroy them.

I felt a change all over my body, I felt my muscles crack making me taller, and my hands started to get heavier and more dangerous.

But the biggest change of them all was a pain coming from my forehead, I screamed and scratched trying to stop the growing pain until suddenly it stopped.

A new eye opened its lids for the first time, and I could see it, I could see HIM.

"Wait for me human."


Hi everyone!

This is the final chapter of Volume 2, hope you like the story so far even with the looong brake.

Don't worry I won't be going on another brake, the next chapter will be posted Monday at the same time.

Is Trader truly dead, how would Froggy react to the sudden news, whats the deal with the Enderwoman?

And many more questions that need to be answered.

If you can't wait anymore for the next chapter, you can go on my Patreon to read up to 10 chapters ahead.

This would also greatly help me as an artist, and any comments are more than welcome.

Don't forget to leave a review if you want to, it would help me reach a wider audience.

With this EnderStar will be back Monday with more chapters, see you soon!

Patreon: EnderStar
