
Minecraft isekai modded story

Renz101231 · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

chapter 7

Here's a potential next chapter:

Chapter 7

Potions of decay in hand, Alex trekked back to the original Illager tower. The corrupted Iron Golems stood guard, lumbering amidst the writhing vines.

Alex hurled a potion, smashing it directly against the obsidian surface. The liquid sizzled and steamed, slowly eating away at the material. He lobbed more vials, weakening the tower's exterior.

Not wanting their fortress breached, the Iron Golems charged toward Alex. He managed to dodge their pounding attacks while continuing to splash potions. Parts of the tower began cracking and crumbling.

Just as Alex launched his last vial, a massive vine wrapped around his leg. He found himself inverted in midair as an Iron Golem moved in to crush him. Thinking fast, Alex used his telekinesis to redirect the golem's slam into the vine instead, freeing himself.

Landing on his feet, Alex saw the potions had done their work - a large hole now breached the tower wall! He raced inside, finding a spiral staircase leading up. Alex rushed upward, prepared to confront whatever evil lurked at the top.

Reaching the apex, Alex found a robed Illager hovering over a glowing portal. Before the villain could react, Alex unleashed a barrage of fireballs, reducing him to cinders. The portal flickered and faded without its master's dark magic to sustain it.

Having disrupted this Illager operation, Alex descended from the tower victoriously. But out the window, he could see the other towers continuing to spread corruption across the land. His quest was far from over.

To be continued...