
Minecraft isekai modded story

Renz101231 · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

chapter 12

Here's a potential next chapter continuing the story:

Chapter 12

Badly wounded, the Ender Dragon landed on the central end stone island and screamed in fury. Alex seized the opportunity and unleashed a relentless assault on the beast. His enchanted diamond sword found its mark again and again.

With a final, earsplitting shriek, the Ender Dragon shuddered and collapsed, defeated at last. A ceremonial portal appeared over the massive dragon's body as it slowly disintegrated into light particles.

Alex approached the portal cautiously. Stepping through, he found himself in a dazzling cosmic void surrounded by stars. Ahead floated a dragon egg on a stone platform - the heart of the Ender Dragon's power.

As Alex reached toward the egg, a booming voice echoed through the void:

"You have proven yourself worthy, champion. The Ender Dragon's defeat marks the end of your training. Now, you must protect Minecraftia from evils both within and beyond. Guard this relic, source of all creation and destruction."

Unsure what lay ahead but accepting his duties, Alex took the dragon egg and returned through the portal. The End dimension began to rumble and implode.

Fleeing into the central portal, Alex re-emerged into the Overworld just as The End collapsed in an explosion of light. Catching his breath, he tucked the egg safely away in his base, ready to defend it with his life.

Though one journey ended, Alex knew more adventures awaited him. He would need to be vigilant against future threats. But for now, Champion Alex looked forward to some rest and a return to building.

The End!