
This hack client is strong!

In a room one would see a young man at the age of 17 playing a game on his computer, Lucio was in a state called high sensitivity.

Every movement that his mind perceives will be transmitted back to his brain at incredible speed, he seemed like a professional player-killing noob!

In front of him is a game called Minecraft, Lucio has been playing Minecraft since he was 8.

On the computer screen, there is a chatbox and there were rows of messages filled with hatred, this message is like this.

SunOfKing: Report Lucio658 for hacking!

FlixerOG: Only Noobs uses hack!

ArthurGreat: recorded!

Lucio who was sitting in a normal chair was laughing inside, these players are noobs! He clicked on the screen and logged out of the game.

"Let's look for other clients, my hack client is boring."

With time moving forward, Lucio has been searching for a better client, he arrived at a link and he clicked on it.

[ Minecraft Hack Client: So strong that you can even hack life! ]

"Are you serious?"

Lucio thought to himself and clicked on the download button when he clicked it there was a clap of thunder outside of his house which makes him jump!

"The hack client is indeed strong!"

Lucio thought before pressing his hand to his chest to calm his heart, he was about to sit in the chair when a terrible headache engulfed him!

"The hack client is super strong!"

Lucio thought before his body fell to the floor, the computer was still on and the contents on it were changing until there was nothing left.

Next day!

Lucio opened his eyes and he stared at the ceiling, after a few seconds he got up and looked at his surroundings.

"Damn, the hack client is strong!"

Lucio thought before laughing but soon his expression changed, he turned his head and stared at the computer screen.

The file of the Minecraft client which he downloaded disappeared! His heart started to skip a beat, this situation is strange.

"Coffee first before investigating this strange situation!"

Lucio thought to himself and he walked out of the room, after a few minutes he came back with a cup in his hands.

There was smoke coming from it and Lucio put the coffee near the computer as he started to look at the file.

"Where are you."

He headed into download sections, into documents, then into recycle bin. The results left him disappointed.

He grabbed the coffee and took a few sips before recalling the strange events yesterday.

I got bored with my hack client so he started to look for a new client, then he saw a link which he clicked then he heard the thunder which scared him.

After that, he felt his head was about to split and he woke up.

Lucio squinted his eyes, the situation is incredible and scary at the same time. As he was reflecting on himself a cold voice rang in his mind.

[ Welcome to the Minecraft Hack Client! ]

Lucio's eyes turned wide, he looked to his left and right and felt that the atmosphere turned cold.

"Calm down."

Lucio chanted a mantra that calmed him and he started to think outside the box, the voice said something about the hack client.

"How do I open this client?"

Lucio thought to himself since he began to walked on the path of hacking he knew that most clients will open if you press the right shift.

Then how do you open in real life?

The cold voice in his mind replied and the contents of it made Lucio laugh!

[ Minecraft Hack Client

The total number of hacks:?

Available hacks: 1

Freecam: allows the host to leave his physical body to observe his surroundings. ]

Lucio laugh and the sound was filled with happiness and excitement, he didn't know what was going on. Is he crazy or crazy?

"Let me test it to see if it's real."

Lucio said the name of the hack in his mind and he felt his body was light when he jumped he was shocked!

Lucio saw his physical body, it was standing there in a daze. He looked at his forearms and it was transparent, maybe this is the soul?

Lucio laughed and he started to practice his movements, he was currently floating in mid-air and when he touched physical objects his hands would pass through them.

"It's real!"

Lucio called the name of the hack and opened his eyes to see that he was back into his physical body.

Lucio was excited, his hands were shaking and for a while, he felt like life will be easy, suddenly there was a loud sound which echoed in the room.

Lucio turned his head and looked for his phone, he grabbed the cushion and throws it to the side, and grabs the phone.

"Son, when will you visit me."

There was an old voice on the other side and when Lucio heard this his heart was in pain like it was stabbed by a knife.

"Mother, after the exam I will go back."

Lucio replied and he heard his mother's voice, "Okay, do your best."

Lucio said a few words before ending the call, he sighed and stared at the phone.

"Fortunately I have a hacked client, if not then."

Lucio didn't want to think of it, the exam is a turning point for every student. Lucio was in 12th grade this year and the exam was bound to be difficult.

If you pass the exam you will go to college, if not then you can pay money but the amount is ridiculous!

Mother put her hope on me, the pressure was so great that I played Minecraft for the last time. It turns out to be the best decision!

"No need to review, there is freecam!"

Lucio was happy and the despair and struggle that lingered in his mind were swept away!

It is indeed true, this Minecraft hack client is strong!

"Let's play Minecraft, don't forget to tease the players."