
Chapter Fifty Seven

Bakugo walked beside Midoriya with Kirishima behind them. The red eyed hero narrowed his eyes onto Shiro, who seemed to be smelling the air much like a canine did when searching for something.

Bakugo blinked and Shiro was gone.

The blond froze in his steps, snapping his head he watched Shiro slither over the earth on all fours, his back arched as his speed was sickening.

"Guys!" Kirishima panicked as Shiro began to climb the ice with ease. Kirishima was speechless as Bakugo shoved past him, sprinting down the dome with Midoriya on his heels.

"(y/n)-!" Bakugo screamed your name, it all played out in slow motion. Watching you twist your body, shoving Gray off the wall, he franticly tried to grasp onto something but failed. Shiro propelling himself over the ledge his needle like teeth latching onto your shoulder. Your tattered cry filled Bakugo's ears, it was like a sick nightmare, trapped in one place, he couldn't move no matter how hard he ran.

Shiro and you rolled down the side inside the dome, Bakugo leaped over the ice wall, freefalling eyes locked onto Shiro who you had pinned under his body.

"Sh-Shiro-!" You coughed out, the taste of iron on your tongue, you pried your eyes open. Shiro hovered inches from your face. Metal spikes had completely painted his body, he opened his jaw, dropped dripped from his teeth as he let out a gurgling roar. "-I-I'm sorry-" You breathed, hand slapping the ground ice sprayed forward, impaling Shiro lifting him off his feet, throwing him backwards.

"(y/n)!" Bakugo gripped your arm, pulling you off the ground spinning around. "Are you ok!?" He quickly looked you over,

"Alright!" Kirishima slammed his fists together, hardening his skin as Shiro sketched. "Let's go a round!"

You could only imagine the comments Shiro would have made to Kirishima.

"Why did he go after you!?" Midoriya breathed.

"Ankle monitor." You coughed; feeling like your chest felt like it had been kicked in.

"What-?" The two gazed downward.

"Those fucking morons!" Bakugo bit.

"That's why you pushed Gray." Midoriya realized.

"Ha!" Kirishima's voice turned your head, Shiro had tried to bite down onto his arm, but Kirishima's quirk prevented the limb from being ripped clean off. The red head swung a punch against Shiro's skull, the metal beast scampered backwards, letting out a howl of pain, twisting your heart. Kirishima smiled, stomping forward he swung again, hitting two, three more times, he didn't understand why taking this monster down was so difficult.

"What the hell are you doing!?" You shouted, venom licked the letters, "Don't hurt him!" Kirishima glanced over his shoulder confused as Bakugo held you from marching over and clobbering his friend.

"(y/n), he-he tried to hurt you-" Kirishima stuttered, shell shocked by your seething glare.

"You touch him again-" You point, "-and you'll get your shit rocked."

"(y/n) we can't just let him-" Midoriya tried to be more of a presence in the conversation, while Bakugo was content with his arms around you, protectively pressing you against his chest.

"Fuck off." You bite, feeling the rage seeping off your body you turned to the greenette. "This isn't up for discission, if you can't hack it, fuck off and I'll deal with Shiro on my own."

"Guys-" Todoroki joined the group.

"What!?" You snapped.

"Kaminari is ready." Todoroki glanced at Midoriya, confused on why you were more hostile than normal.

"Fanfuckingtastic-" You sneered, pointing to the U.A. students. "-back in your spots."

"What about you-!?" Kirishima went to question but was cut off by you whipping around.

"Did I fucking stutter!?"

"N-No..." Kirishima licked his lips, turning back to Shiro who was slowly coming out of the daze he had been pummeled into.

Todoroki lifted everyone off the ground, Bakugo wasn't thrilled you were being left below but he knew better than to poke an angry bear, thanks to his mother.

After a few seconds of watching Shiro regain consciousness, you swallowed, turning to the top of the dome where your classmates resided.

"By all fucking means-!" You raised your arms outward. "-take you fucking time-!" You jabbed at Kaminari. "-it's not like I'm standing down here with a fucking dinner bell tied to my leg or anything!"

"She's...kinda scary." Kaminari mumbled to himself, taking a deep breath he looked around making sure his friends were clear of him. "It's kinda hot." Kaminari took a deep breath, relaxing himself while he waited.


Was there a code word or something!?

How did he know when to use his quirk!?

"Do you want me to go yet-?" Kaminari called.

"Hurry the fuck up!" He was met with your brace tone, he flinched.

"Impatient woman-" He mumbled, peeking over the edge only to be knocked down a peg, his eyes widened seeing Shiro had recovered from Kirishima's blows and was stalking towards you who was backing away. Kaminari could faintly hear Bakugo's threats as he quickly activated his quirk, his skin tingled as lightning poured from his tired body.

You watched as yellow lighting spilled into the space around you, reaching out it felt like sucking liquid through a straw as you gathered the stray substance and redirecting it towards Shiro, the forest green lightning crawled its way over his body, it stalled him, but you frowned, seeing him still trying to make his way towards you.

He was fighting it, and it was fighting it well.

"Shit." You cursed, feeling yourself running on 'E', you didn't have much left to give.

Bakugo and Todoroki jumped down, unable to stand on the sidelines Bakugo released controlled explosions while Todoroki froze Shiro's feet to the ground. Your sharp glare when the blond dropped beside you caused him to smirk.

"You can be pissed at me all you want-" He retorted locking eyes with you. "-when you're in my bed."

A humanlike grunting snapped your attention forward, seeing Shiro had dropped to the ground, the metal reacted slowly into his body.

"Finally." You exhaled, shoulders going slack as you watched Shiro shift back into himself.

"Ok-!" Gray called; you didn't bother turning around. "-I got some words for you Five-!"

"Tell them to someone who cares." You replied.

"That was a dick move pushing me like that!"

"How would you know?" You wondered watching him stomp his way to your side. "Don't you need a dick to know how-"

"Hey-!" Gray cut you off, "-I was the one who got pushed, I think I would know!"

"You're acting like a toddler."

"I am not!"

"Mhm." You hummed as Shiro stirred; Bakugo braced himself.

"Ugh." Shiro grounded, lifting himself onto all fours but stopped, as his stomach flipped inside his gut vomit instantly flew upward, spewing onto the ground.

"Ew!" Gray hopped back as Shiro threw up the contents of his stomach. You rolled your eyes at Gray, as if this was the first time, he had seen liquid metal being thrown up before. You reached over, taking his gun from his leg.

"Rude." Gray pointed, "You could ask."

"I'm not gonna ask a toddler." You shot back.

"I am not a toddler!" Gray stomped his foot as you walked over to Shiro, checking the magazine as you did so.

"What the hell did you let me eat?" Shiro whined, sitting on his ass Kirishima couldn't help but think who. "My mouth tastes like a dirty pit stain, what the fuck (y/n)-?" You lifted the weapon and fired three rounds into Shiro's leg.

"What the fuck!?" Kaminari jumped back; you rolled your eyes.

"Shut up." Your patience was worn thin. "They are the tranquilizer darts."

"Oh." Kaminari blinked, letting a loud breath he stretched. "I am so ready for a hot shower!"

"Todoroki-" Midoriya spoke up, "-do you think you can get rid of you ice, so the paramedics can get in?"

"Sure Midoriya." Todoroki nodded, glancing over as Shiro passed out, flopping against the ground as drool dripped down his chin.


You stood beside Gray as Shiro was wheeled into the ambulance, restrained to the stretcher as a failsafe the EMT locked him into place before hopping out, about to signal you to get into the nearby ambulance.

"We're gonna stay together." Gray steps over, the EMT visually confused. "Hey-" Gray puts an arm around the first responder. "-neither of us will bleed out on the way to the hospital, so do you mind giving us some space?"

"Uh..." The EMT trailed off, looking from Gray then to you, his confusion written clear as day on his face, Gray sighed.

"Get in the front." He points, cutting around the bush.

"O-Oh, I-I don't think we can do that-"

"It'll be fine-" Gray waves, directing the medic to the passenger door. "-if something goes sideways, trust me, you'll hear."


"See you at the hospital!" Gray waves closing the door in his face, jogging around the van he hopped in the back with you and Shiro. Gray gave a quick knock on the side of the ambulance signaling for them to go, spotting Aizawa. Gray smirked, locking eyes with the teacher as he slammed the doors shut.

"Woo-!" Gray exhaled, letting his body weight lean against the wall of the ambulance as silence quickly filled the space, the only sound lingered from Shiro's heart monitor. "-we gonna talk about it?"

"Talk about what?" Your head throbbed with each beat of your heart, sending sharp pain through the middle of your skull, needless to say you weren't in the mood to chat.

"The look on your face when Atsumi dropped."

"I don't care-"

"I'm not talking about your relationship with her sister-" Gray pinpoints, "-you don't think this is over."

"I don't know what you're talking about-"

"Don't treat me like I'm stupid (y/n)." Gray darkly warns. "You know I'm far from it."

You held Grays cold gaze.

"You don't think Kaina was the mastermind, do you?"

"No." You breathed, rubbing your sore shoulder. "And I don't think Atsumi knew it either."

"Mm..." Gray hums, heart filling with wet cement, hoping his suspicions had been incorrect. "...you think the tag will still be on your head?"

"I don't know." You shrug, "I think whoever is truly in charge was using Atsumi to throw the heroes off their trail."

"Awesome." Gray leaned back, head resting against the wall of the van as his eyes slowly closed, the nagging realization of the war just beginning drained Gray off the last shred of strength he had.

Slowly, he opened his eyes, you stared at Shiro, mind miles away.

Gray knew another fight was brewing in the shadows, he could feel it in his bones, but he did know one thing: as long as he had you and Shiro by his side, the three of you could do anything.

"Renata-" Gray speaks after a few miles, a smile spreads across his face, his finance's face flashes into his mind. "-she's going to ask you to be her maid of honor."