
MINE (an elite school trilogy)

On a normal day, Lexine is sent a large wardrobe and a letter telling her she is invited to a new school. She firmly believes it is a scam and refuses to go, not caring of the 'consequences' they had stated in the letter. However, on the day she resumed her normal classes, she is kidnapped and taken to the school. Here she learns that the world she knew was divided into two realms by what is known as a gate. The Headmaster took a risk in inviting her to be part of the academy. If anyone finds out that she is human, she might die in a duel. She agrees to the terms in order to find out the truth about her father. Was he part of this other world that had mystical creatures that were only found in fantasy films? If yes, what creature was he? What led him to get to the other side of the Gate? Lexine has to discover who she is, while rectifying the mistakes that her father made years and years before. Will she be accepted or kicked back to the other side of the gate or will she be killed to keep the secret? *Small excerpt* Lexine held the heavy metal sword tightly in her grip as she breathed heavily. She could feel the skin on her palm had become torn again. Either way, she could not give up now, not when she had come this far. She looked up at Taevlin who was attacking her silently with wave after wave of water. Her job was to cleanly slice the waves of water in half before they hit her body. So far, she had succeeded in hitting none. Taevlin was becoming increasingly irritated with the human. He ran a hand through his ash gray locks, trying to think of a solution. Without a word, he walked up to the human, held her by the hips and pushed down, thereby correcting her posture. Lexine internally frowned, not used to contact with a lot of people. Before she could get a word in, Taevlin had spoken in her mind, 'Plant your legs firmly, else the force of the water will continue to push you back.' She frowned, "I've told you time and again, don't speak in my head like that. It's disturbing." Despite the chastising tone she was using, she followed his instructions and planted her sneaker covered feet ankle deep inside the soil. Taevlin: 'Did she just...' Note: This book does not focus on the love life Lexine will have. Yes she will have a love life, but it is not the whole plotline. The main theme is how she grows as a whole, trying to accept who she is and find out who her father truly was. I would like to hear your guesses on who the love conquests are though. There's a whole new world being introduced, many different species. All characters, despite not being in the main cast, have a storyline. If they are important to the story, the storyline will be explained further. Hope you enjoy the book, and please comment on anything you would like to point out.

AudreyJeru4 · Fantastique
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401 Chs


"I don't like this," Sevin said as he wrung his fingers together over and over as Taevlin walked away from them. "Can't we just ask her nicely?"

The young werewolf was committed to a life of non-violence, which was sometimes difficult considering he was a werewolf alpha. If something could be resolved without having to resort to violence, he would not resort to violence. However, if he was faced with a situation that required him to fight, he was a force to be reckoned with.

"Just get the girl and hold her as I open the Egress. Okay? Let us follow her and wait until she is alone. Clear?" Artin said his eyes flashing a red color.


They stood to the side of the hallway for a few minutes before hearing Taevlin's voice in their heads. They simultaneously cringed. 'Human has been taken care of. The rest is up to the two of you. I will open my own egress and meet you both at the academy. You have ten minutes.'

Almost immediately Lexine walked past the two boys. She was obviously ignoring them as she did not even spare them a glance. But at the same time, she was walking on the other end of the hallway.

A few moments later they followed behind her. Keeping their distance and waiting for the right time to strike but she kept to the crowd and did not allow herself to be alone. "Seven minutes," Artin muttered under his breath as Lexine took another turn for the front doors. Instead of heading to the gates, she walked to the nearly empty parking lot.

There were humans littered all over the place and he got hesitant to do anything. But he was running out of time. "When I say now, I want you to cover your ears and eyes, alright?" He said to the blonde werewolf next to him. Sevin nodded and looked over where Lexine was. She had leaned on the side of a brilliantly red machine he had come to know humans called cars.

"What are you going to do?" he asked the drakkon.

"You know that dragons can read minds. I cannot exactly do that, but I can send a frequency to the brains of these humans and at the same time I will use my external heat to heat the surrounding on the exact radius of this parking lot. These will make them pass out."

"How exactly does closing my eyes and ears help in this situation exactly?" Sevin asked incredulously.

"I do not know the exact science behind it, but it helps. So just do as I say Brashwa. We are running out of time. Now"

"Fine fine." He did as he was told.


Lexine felt an irritating itch on her forearms and she scratched it. However, it seemed to spread to the tips of her fingers. She pulled up the left sleeve of her cardigan to see her skin perfectly normal.

The nerves were playing with her again. She let the sleeve drop and looked around the parking lot for Ceeret. That is when she noticed everyone on the parking lot had passed out.

She moved from Cee's car to walk to them to see if they were breathing. Her eyes immediately landed on the only standing figures.

It was two of the trio from that morning. The silver-haired guy was missing. Lexine took an instinctive step back and looked around the lot again to look for the missing musketeer. That moment of distraction gave the blonde a perfect opportunity to tackle her to the ground. He held her arms behind her back and placed his knees on the back of hers. "What the fuck. Get off of me you overgrown boy. You are fucking fat. Get off! Asshole. I swear I will cut off your ear, push it into the other ear and pull it back out of the cut ear. Are you hearing me right now!"

"Hurry up Artin, she's frightening. And I am not fat. I have muscles." he pressed further onto her arms.

"You better be scared!" Lexine struggled under the werewolf's grip, scratching whatever skin she could get her fingernails on. It was completely useless.

"She's scratching now Artin."

"I am working on it."

"Hi, I am very sorry about this. My name is Sevin Queswar Brashwa. I hope we can be friends?" He said to the girl who was under him.

"Are you fucking serious right now. I swear I will hurt you so bad you will be begging for your mommy." She wiggled further trying to kick him off of her. It was not working though.

From her peripheral, Lexine saw the red-headed guy take out something that resembled a coal marker, and draw a dot on the driver's door of Ceeret's car. The color was black and Lexine knew her red-headed best friend would freak when she saw it. However, the dot immediately began glowing. Lexine's eyes widened and she began struggling even more but it was like lead had been placed on top of her. No matter how much she wiggled, he just would not budge.

Had all her efforts been in vain? This was where it ended. She continued to struggle and twisted her surprisingly flexible body and bit his arm. "She bit me! I thought we would be friends." The blonde shrieked and started dramatically sobbing.

"Friends my proverbial ass." Lexine spat out.

The one called Artin scoffed but said nothing at the blonde's antics and ignored Lexine. "Deschid Ieşire. Eirene Academy," he spoke clearly and the dot enlarged. Lexine looked to Ceeret's car and gasped at the sight.

Where the driver's door would have been was now a hole that showed a clear pathway. Greenery stared back at her through the hole that had been created by the dot. If she still had control over her hands, she was sure she would have scratched her eyes in disbelief.

This could not be a dream, especially since there were rocks poking her stomach quite painfully. The blonde picked her up and hung her over his shoulder. She kicked him as hard as he could. This did not make him drop her, but the painful grunt gave her satisfaction even though she had no idea where she had hit. She began screaming hoping someone would hear her and come to her rescue.

Artin looked around to see people still passed out.

In a few minutes, they would regain consciousness so he was not worried about that. He bent and picked the backpack that Lexine had dropped. Better not leave any evidence. He followed the two through the Egress and turned to watch it close. The marker he had in his hand disappeared as the Egress shut and he sighed. He still wanted to learn more about humans.

'Maybe another time,' was his thought as he shook his head.

Lexine however, did not keep her mouth shut. She screamed obscenities at them and cursed them with all she had. It was, however, all in vain since she could do nothing. They would probably squash her like a bug. But that did not dampen her spirit. There was no way these bamboozling buffoons were going to take her without a fight, even if it was verbal on her part.

"You have quite the language. I suggest not speaking as such in front of Headmaster. He does not take kindly to insults." The blonde who was carrying her spoke up.

She watched as the hole they had passed through shut. Her eyes widened. She had no idea where she was now as all around them were trees. "What the fuck. What sorcery is this? Let me down!"

"You can put her back down now Brashwa. She has nowhere to go anyway."

She began wiggling on his shoulder but he dropped her quite painfully on the ground. "Ouch," she mumbled under her breath and rubbed her sore butt. She whipped a fierce glare to the blonde who was called Sevin and he promptly hid behind Artin.

If Lexine would not have been so angry she would have laughed at the comical sight considering the fact that the blonde was slightly taller than the red-head. She kept the frown on her face as she stood up dusting herself off.

"You both deserve to go to the police. This is kidnapping."

Artin broke down in laughter and Lexine raised a brow at him. She was being serious. She removed her phone from her pocket ready to call 911 when she realized that she had no cell service. Not even one tiny bar. She felt like bashing her head against anything.

The two boys looked at her incredulously. Did she realize she was shaking? Was she angry?

Their gazes went to her hand where the phone was and Artin's face lit in uncontained excitement.

"Is that what I think it is?" he grabbed the phone right out of Lexine's hand, "A phone!" he said after examining the rectangular screen. Headmaster had told him time and again of the ingenious creation that would allow someone far from him to communicate with him as they looked at each other. He had called the machine a phone and the ingenious creation was a Video Call. He then waved it in front of Sevin's face. This was a kind of childish excitement Lexine was shocked to see from the passive faced redhead. Lexine took this opportunity to look all around her.

They were on a cobbled pathway. Straight ahead was a large wall. Lexine looked the other way to see a large wooden door. On both sides of the pathway was a garden filled with trees and flowers she had never seen before. She was not a flower enthusiast or anything, but she knew some flowers thanks to a summer at scouts camp.

She turned to the two boys who were still gushing over her phone and shook her head. Had they been living under a rock this whole time not to know a simple necessity such as a phone? The looks on their faces as they tried to operate the phone, however, was simply priceless.

The one called Artin seemed to know more about the item than Sevin because he was able to turn the screen on.

From there he was simply blank and just stared at the picture of Lexine that was her background picture. It was a picture Ceeret had taken of her as she lay on the sandy beach. She was in her white bikini and her coverup was a black button-up that had been unbuttoned. Black shades covered her eyes. Lexine immediately snatched her phone from Artin's hand, her ears became red.

Artin cleared his throat, having never seen that much skin from a female before. "Come. The headmaster is this way." He gestured to the big door. Sevin, however, was completely red and he nodded to Artin's statement.

"You know, for kidnappers, you guys suck at it." She took her backpack from Artin. She sighed. She did not want to join this school that had people who walked through holes. If she explained that to the headmaster, maybe he would understand and let her go home. She placed her phone back into her pocket and turned back to her kidnappers. "Well then, darling kidnappers, lead the way."

Artin walked ahead of her and pushed open the door. There was only a stairway that he immediately began to climb. Lexine walked behind him with Sevin behind her. His cheeks were still blazing red and he did not speak a word. Lexine's thoughts ran all over the place.

Would the headmaster listen to what she had to say? Would he let her go? Would he be those mean people who did not listen to reason? If so, she would kick his ass.

They came to another door and Artin turned to Lexine. "Be nice and watch your language."

Lexine gave him a blank look, tempted to stick her tongue out. He sighed before turning and knocking on the doors. Lexine held her breath.

"Enter," a male voice spoke from inside the room and Artin opened the door. They piled into the room and Lexine took in the decor. It was beautiful. The browns and blacks of the wood giving the room an older vibe to it. Standing on the other side of the room was the gray-haired guy from that morning.

He gave them a once over before returning his gaze to the person who was sitting facing away from them. From where Lexine stood, she saw he had blue hair that was shaven close to his head around the sides and back but long around the middle, going as long as his shoulders. He turned to face the three who had walked in and Lexine found herself starring into caramel brown eyes she swore never to forget. She gasped and pointed her forefinger to his face. "You," she said lowly and glared at him.

"Ahhh. Red. I thought you would never arrive. Or may I call you Lexine now since I finally know your name?"




Lexine: (Hits Sevin in the nuts)

Sevin:... 'I shouldn't have agreed to this assignment.'

Lexine: Snickers