
3 The Revelation

As the other immortals raced to the source of impact, people all over the world could feel the power contained in that blast.

To those who saw the blast would later write it in history as the light of change. Blasting away all adversary in it's way and paved a path for a new era.

(Back at the Wasteland)

As the other immortals arrive one after another, they were greated with a befouling sight.

They where left helpless with what they saw before them. Some blinked their eyes owlishly while rubbing their eyes constantly making sure that what they saw was not just their eyes playing a trick on them.

And the others just left their mouths hanging. Speechless on what they saw. In front of them, the so called eternal battle of the twin devil's and angel duo was shattered to million pieces.

Gion and Miosa were having tea while seating besides each other. With fingers clasped together, they leisurely lean on each other's head having a moment.

But what really left them hanging was the fact that in front of them, without any shame or care of the surroundings, Larkan and Rin, two people famous for killing their enemies in the worst way possible were there making out with each other.

With their hands rubbing all over the others body. Trying their best to make their partner feel good. With their moans replacing the sound of the blast.

After a few minutes they still haven't stopped with their make out session. Getting pissed by the second, Cairo coughed to catch their attention.

(Rin's POV)

As I pointed at Miosa and Gion while exclaiming loudly, I noticed that Larkan lost his control over his magic.

I immediately raised my defense at maximum and at the corner of my eyes I see Miosa deploying here protective seals.

Then I looked a above me only for me to see Gion shot his brother with an apologitic face. Then I remembered, Gion and Miosa were together.

How could this be. I thought that the twins hated us. With how Larkan even tried to toy with me, there's no way they could possibly love someone from our race.

The same thoughts kept on repeating on my head till I my line of thought was broken by Larkan's question to his brother.

"So you're saying that it's alright to marry women from other race. Even if the said race is the same race that we have been in war with for centuries?"

"Yes Larkan. It is completely fine. Where devils, we take what we want, do what we want, say what we want, wherever and whenever we want.

All that really matters is weather or not you have the power to do so. And as far as I can remember, we do have that power that enable us to marry an angel."

After hearing Gions reply I looked at Miosa and thought to myself. If she as a pure holy angel can marry a devil, can I also do it? after all, I'm only a fallen angel we have fewer restrictions than they do.

Then I felt someone staring at me. I traced the source and saw Larkan eyeing me with comprehension. Raising my right brow, I looked at him silently asking him "what?".

He slowly made his way in front of me and asked me "Do you love someone?"

I was taken aback by his question but I quickly recovered and answered him straight on. "Yes"

He frowned upon hearing my answer and took three calming breath to steady his heart. Then he looked at me straight on and asked the question I dreaded to answer the most.

"Who is it?" he asked with clinched fist. I know his probably grinding his teeth together. Resigning my self to fate, I choose answer him softly and truthfully.

I stepped closer to his ears and whispered with a tint of fear, nervous of his reaction, fearing rejection and humiliation. " You. You're the one that I love.

As the words left my mouth I felt him recoil out of shock. He stared at my face looking for any trace of deceit.

"I thought you hated me. You even humiliated me when I tried to propose to you."

"Propose!? when did that happen!?" I couldn't help but exclaim my question. I was unsure such event ever occurring because if it did happen I wouldn't be standing here reasoning with him.

"It was when I asked you to meet me in private for a heart to heart talk at the tree of wisdom. I remembered that you brought a handsome fallen angel with you. I can still remember how he looked at me like he was defending a precious treasure while you hold his hand."

I saw him sigh with a dejected face full of pain as he narrated the event to me.

I couldn't take it anymore, tears flowed from my eyes as I hugged him and repeatedly apologize while trying my best to explain.

" I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't know. I thought you were just up to something no good so I asked my subordinate to act as my lover. I didn't know you felt the same way I did. I'm sorry."

While I as apologizing, I didn't notice we were in an intimate position and the fact the Gion and Miosa moved a few meters away from our drama.

Larkan stretched his hand and wiped the tears from my eyes. Then he tenderly kissed my eyes, then my forehead, my nose, my cheeks and lastly he pecked my lips.

I looked into his eyes, and for the first time, I saw a tenderness that wasn't present in his eyes before. Then he tilted his head till our foreheads touched each other.

I stared at his eyes, lost in the sea of love. Unknowingly moving closer till our lips touched once more, kissing. Then he told me with his husky voice " I love you" then and there, I knew, I couldn't close my heart and pretend it didn't exist.

So I leaned , giving him a kiss. Then comes second and third and the fourth till we lost count in the sea of pleasure. The innocent peak, turned into a kiss then it deepens and turned into a make out session.

We were so into it that we didn't pay any attention to our surroundings, well that is until he heard someone cough from behind us.

We immediately stopped our make out session and looked around us. The scale of Larkan's distraction was noticable to the naked eye.

The once rocky terrain transformed into a flat source devoid of bumps due to being leveled by the heat of the fire.

As I focused my attention to the other immortals present, I can see that behind those smile hides a mirt and those knowing eyes just couldn't help them hide that fact.

I stared at the sky and asked " God, kill me now"