
Minato: Struggles of a Hokage(and a father)

Minato Namikaze, arguably the most talented shinobi ever(we don't talk about Boruto). It's no question that he was nerfed by the plot. But what would have happened if he wasn't? that's the premise of this story. ------------------------- This is a total AU by the way.

I_Like_that_thighs · Anime et bandes dessinées
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July, Year 65

Training ground-12, Konoha.

-Minato Namikaze-

Damn this kid is talented and something seemed to motivate him very much too, must be his mom or his dream. He is a genius comparable to Kakashi. Haah… That kid finally opened up to us, he is now talking normally. 

I finally came out of my own idiotic thoughts and finally asked him for forgiveness directly. Becoming a sage has not only made me understand others' feelings but mine too. The kid finally cried, hugging me. I too shed some tears after a long time.

I'm a pathetic guy, to think that it took me to become a sage to understand my own student's feelings.

Sigh back to the main topic. It has just been a month since I took in Shisui as my student. He is very talented and is an allrounder like me. I made him train to have a higher chakra output and control since he is seriously lacking at that department. It seriously paid off as all of his jutsus now are a lot stronger than before. I made him train his body too, it was the easiest part really as all I did was introduce him to Gai, and it worked like a charm.

He is now as strong as a Jonin even if he doesn't use his sharingan.

As to my progress. I have finally figured out Elemental Variations of Rasengan. Safe to say it was nothing like I expected. I only thought it would be stronger than an average Rasengan since the prototypes I made before was just slightly stronger.

But boy was I surprised.

The first Rasengan that I figured out was Wind Style one, it expands much bigger when it hits the enemy and surrounds them in a dome of wind, which is insanely fast. It cuts at a cellular level, destroying the enemy.

Fire style-one is also a one hit kill, it explodes into a flaming tornado which lasts for a few minutes, the training target was reduced to ashes along with a few trees. 

I wanted to create the lighting style one differently from the other two, so I didn't go for the destruction path but instead went for the decisiveness and killing part so that I can use this while fighting with the allies. It becomes condensed to a very small size no larger than a marble, but it is the most dangerous of all my Rasengan, as it travels even faster than my current maximum speed, it is just that fast and easily penetrated even my Lightning armour, a pity that Kushina renamed it. 

Water style one was more of a capturing type, It will expand forming a large Tsunami and will gather all the enemies caught in at one position. The current it produces is strong and the force behind it is nearly 100 tons.

The Earth style one is the deadliest, it is a sure kill jutsu. It will keep on expanding and change the things in its surroundings into rocks. Yep even living beings, I don't even know how the fuck I made it, It will multiply the minerals surrounding it while destroying whatever which is not a mineral. 

All these are forbidden jutsus since I can't use them without being damaged in normal mode. But Sage mode is a different story altogether. 

I can use the elemental rasengan's mini version for small fights, they are harmless and are just slightly stronger than a normal Rasengan.

Yeah I have created the most destructive jutsu in a while. I still can't go to the level of the first hokage though, from what Hiruzen-sama said, Summoning a 1000 feet tall statue with just sheer chakra, I can't even get close. Maybe in the future…

"Haah…. haaa… Can I stop now Sensei, I think I can't go any longer"

Oh I totally forgot that I sat on top of him when he was doing push-ups without using chakra.

"Yes. You did much better than I expected." I nodded.

This should be the best time to pass down the legacy.

"I will show you my signature jutsu so open your sharingan"

Even with sharingan it is hard to copy Rasengan, otherwise most of the Uchihas who have seen me use it would have learned it, but Shisui is not an ordinary guy.

I extended my arm and let the chakra rotate at a high speed in the opposite direction. I did it slower so that he can observe much more easily. I kept the rotating blue rasengan in the palm of my hands for a few seconds to let him observe it. 

I should show off to my student shouldn't I?

I increased the power of the rasengan and threw it in the sky.

"Now look" 

I picked a small stone and flicked it directly at the rasengan.


I felt the shockwave and I am sure Shisui felt it too, the birds in the surroundings flew due to the sound. 

"Woah.." Shisui muttered while still looking at the sky.

"Now you try."

He then extended his arm to try and copy me, the chakra swirled above his extended arm, but he made a mistake, and as I expected the rotations cancelled itself.


"You should practise it yourself. If you can learn it within a month I will teach you another powerful jutsu"

I said to make him motivated. After all, one tends to give their best when they have a concrete reward at sight.



This kid is very enthusiastic. He reminds me of Obito very much. Haah… if I had taken my training more seriously instead of just going on missions for fame and achievements to become a hokage, I could have saved him. 

Sigh… I am really sighing a lot these days. Guess I am really gonna become a dad. I should stop being like this before my son is born. What should we name him? Kushina literally had more than hundreds of options but I have none.

Shisui is training hard too, I don't think he is anywhere even close to figuring out how to form a perfect and stable rasengan. 

But if he did it would definitely make him stronger and more dangerous too. Shisui is a fighter who will try to end the fight as fast as possible with quick and deadly blows, he is someone who will certainly become a force to recon with in the future.

I checked the time and saw it was 3:21 PM. 

I should let him on his own since he doesn't seem to have any doubts. He should be able to figure it out on his own.

I left the training ground and my body flickered to the hokage tower and entered my room.

Ever since learning about nature's transformation on all basic elements, I shifted my focus from ninjutsu to myself. What if I did get hurt, though I don't think any shinobi will be even able to land a lethal blow on me but what if they did? Even though I have lightning armour which even tanked a Wind Style: Rasengan without any problem I was still hurt by it's shockwave and impact. Well nothing my sage mode couldn't handle but what if It is so fast that I can't even activate my sage mode?

I have two choices. To either make a seal like Tsunade-sama. But that is not well suited to my fighting style and will constantly absorb chakra from me, so I can't afford that since most of my powerful jutsus demand a lot of chakra. There's no doubt that I will be almost invincible when I activate the seal. But that's it, even Tsunade-sama's monstrous amount of chakra can only stay in that mode for maybe 2 or 3 hours, after that even a Genin could easily kill her without much difficulty.

Now for the second choice, Sage Mode. Currently the maximum time I can stay in this mode is 17 minutes. In that time I can heal back to full health even if my heart is stabbed. My body will be brimmed with enormous vitality far exceeding even Kushina.It's no wonder Jiraiya-sama never loses when he is in that mode.

Sage mode makes everything even stronger and better. Be it speed, power, chakra control or output hell even my Libido was enhanced. But I can't extend that time as that is the total amount of Natural energy my body could handle, if I try to absorb more it may lead to my transformation into a stone frog.

Hmmm now that I think of it. My Earth Stye: Rasengan works in a similar way too? Perhaps I subconsciously pushed some natural energy into the rasengan along with earth chakra? No wonder it had such an effect compared to my other variants.

I should test what effects natural energy has on all other jutsus, barriers and seals. 

I should not get distracted. Back to the original topic. Tsunade-sama's seals and Sage mode.

Tsunade-sama's seals work on the principle of storing her own chakra on a single seal which amounts to a staggering level after a long time. When the seal is released, it extends to her whole body, like black tattoos, which slowly disappear when her chakra runs dry. Hmm… It works a lot similar to sage mode but the effects are a lot less along with many side-effects.

So it's just a last resort.

But instead of my own chakra, if I used my chakra mixed with Nature energy and stored it in a seal I should theoretically be able to enter sage mode whenever I want to be just absorbing it from the seal. 

But having that much high amount of natural energy directly released in my body will just be a suicide so I will have to make some kind of regulator and a special seal to store it. And since I don't think having it in a part of my body is just stupidity I will use an external object like an earring, ring or a chain as a storage.

It will be a lot safer and efficient too.

If I was just an ordinary hokage I would just sigh now since with my busy schedule it is almost impossible to solely dedicate my time to developing such a complex seal with layers of security. But I am no ordinary Hokage, I am the husband of a Grandmaster in Seal arts. 

I can just ask my lovely wife who just reads those novels all day. 

*Knock* *Knock*

"It's Shikaku"

 He's here? I see… It's time.

"Come in"

Shikaku opened the door and came in with a frown on his face. That's all I needed to know that the situation is already serious. 

He handed me the file he carried without saying a word.

I went through the contents of the file.

I see… It's already that late.

"What do you think is the best response for this Shikaku?" I asked him.

"The rebel forces in the mist are asking for help. They promise to form an alliance with us after the 'blood mist' era ends."

That is a problem. The resistance force in the mist is too weak, if they have to win we have to send someone experienced like Jiraiya-sensei along with a squad of elite Anbus. 

I don't want us to lose just because I underestimate Yagura, he is a perfect Jinjuriki so fidgeting him in a place which is almost always surrounded by water is hard. 

I can't go there myself either,since in the case this is a trap, Konoha will be less without me to hold the forces together

Haah… I think I too feel the need to smoke.

"When do they plan to attack?" I ask Shikaku. Even though I looked at the file, I didn't fully go through it.

"December 24th. They are getting impatient since 2 of the major clans, Kaguya and Yuki, are already extinct because of Yagura's tyranny."

No wonder resistance is forming. 

So in five months, I will call it Jiraiya-sensei. And Kushina's due date is October, at least it will be after my son's birth. 

"So would we help?"

Of course, it will be Kakashi's revenge. He will finally be able to let go of the past after killing the one who organised the plan to kill Rin.

"Yes. I will call Jiraiya-sensei for help. You will probably be going too" I say. It was hard to say.

His son will be born before mine, so he'll be going to a battlefield where his survival isn't guaranteed. What will his son feel if his dad died? The mist? Our village for sending his father? Will he blame me? 

This feeling is too hard. Being a hokage is hard, if giving a dangerous mission to kids who just graduated was known to my stupid brain, I would have just stayed as a Jonin. 

"Hah I know" He smiled and patted my shoulder. "After all, I'm the brains of the squad right?"

Knowing how smart he is, he probably already knows how I am feeling now. 

Being a hokage is not easy for kids.


September, Year 65

-Kakashi Hatake-

Haah… life is not Daijoubu.

I should be dead with my teammates, yet here I am.

Obito, I couldn't keep my promise to you. I myself killed her with my very own hand. She wanted my love, my heart but I just took her. 

But I think I am getting better than before, I don't feel as depressed as I was. I stopped getting nightmares about that day but I am scared about that, what if I forget about their pain.


"Look at you, all alone brooding again." Kushina-san creeped behind me again.

"I was just staying quiet."

I am assigned to protect his wife till she delivers the baby, by Sensei. I still wonder why someone as strong as her needs protection. 

Sensei is weird like that sometimes. I don't know if the last few years have been like a bad dream. 

"Do you have any suggestions for the baby's name?"




It isn't that bad, woman. For a boy that name is a lot better than 'Tetsuna' which you picked. Just think about it, Tetsuna Namikaze. It's worse than Bob Uchiha from the Uchiha clan. I heard he is a lot talented too, he learnt Fire Ball jutsu from just seeing it once.

"It's better than Tetsuna Namikaze or Naruto Namikaze you and Sensei picked."

"What! How can you say that? Minato liked that name very much" Kushina gasped while covering her mouth with her hands.

"I think that name sucks"

"Shhh! No bad words! Babies can hear from the stomach"

Woman he is inside your tummy, even if he heard I don't think he will be able to understand.

But I know better than to argue with her.

"Sorry" I apologised like a good boy.

"You better be. You should be the responsible big brother you know?" She smiled while patting my head.

Big brother huh?

I wonder how this will turn out.
