
Minato May Have Been Your Father But He Ain't Your Daddy

Fujii Itsuki unexpectedly found himself in Konoha on the night of the Kyuubi rampage. Although it was a dangerous situation Itsuki still survived. His Isekai life was as dull as it gets, he didn't have any talent for being a shinobi nor did he have a system. Itsuki was prepared to live his life as a lazy bum but unexpectedly he received a summons from the Third, only to find out a piece of shocking news. " Itsuki I have arranged a marriage for you, the other party is Uzumaki Kushina, I hope you will agree to this marriage " Facing the request of the Hokage, Itsuki could only reluctantly agree while apologising to Minato who died a few days ago. It's not like he wanted to steal his wife but he was threatened into it. 'Sorry Minato, But don't worry I will raise Naruko like she is my own child and take care of Kushina well, and never let her feel any loneliness' Itsuki's seemingly ordinary life was turned upside down due to a single event. *************** Discord link : https://discord.gg/AyFd3NRMTA This is inspired by an MTL novel. This is not a translation. But just in case you want to get a glimpse of the dumpster fire I will leave a link. Link: https://www.mtlnovel.com/naruto-forced-to-marry-narutos-mother-at-the-beginning/ Pat**on: patreon.com/Life_Sa_Beach

Life_sa_Beach_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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92 Chs

1.Transmigrating To Naruto (Rewrite)

Konohagakure Year 48, Minato's Death.


Three days later...

Land of Fire, Konoha, Ichiraku Ramen restaurant.


A teenager in a very conspicuous green outfit was wolfing down a bowl of ramen while crying at the same time.

It was quite a comical sight.

While the youth was preoccupied with eating he didn't notice someone sitting right next to him.

"Guy" Hearing someone calling his name Might Guy or Guy turned his head to look at the person who called him only to see a Youth much older than him.

"ITSSWUKHI (Itsuki) " Guy greeted the youth cheerfully.

While the youth known as Itsuki could only smile wryly at Guy's enthusiasm.

" Don't talk while your mouth is full " Itsuki said with a helpless smile.

" Ok! Ok! " Guy responded while trying to swallow his food.

While looking at Guy, Itsuki couldn't help but reminisce about the fact that it had been a month since he transmigrated to the world of Naruto.

At first, he was a little panicked then he became excited about the idea of gaining superhuman abilities but reality was cruel.

He had very low talent or Zero talent in becoming a Shinobi. Even if he tried becoming one he could only become cannon fodder Genin. So although very unwilling he decided to live a normal life.


Looking at Guy he could see that the other party was brooding over something.

" Is there something bothering you Guy?" Itsuki asked with concern, although Guy could be a bit eccentric he was still Itsuki's friend.

" It's nothing ..... But I'm just a bit concerned about Kakashi " Guy said with a bit of frustration lacing his sad tone.

Itsuki reached over to pat Guy on the shoulder and said with a reassuring smile "Actually you don't have to worry too much, and if it comes down to it we can try cheering Kakashi up" 

Guy also regained his cheerful demeanor and was rearing to go Cheer Kakashi up but Itsuki held him back with a helpless smile.

" Guy I'm a bit hungry, so why don't we leave after I've eaten something"

Guy could only smile awkwardly while scratching the back of his head 

" Haha, sorry Itsuki"

" It's OK " Itsuki replies with a smile.

Itsuki felt a little uncomfortable about eating out as he normally cooks his own food but he couldn't do that due to running out of supplies and the stores are still closed due to the Kyuubi rampage thus prompting him to eat outside.

Before Transmigrating Itsuki was a dropout of a prestigious Culinary college. He got kicked out for punching someone in the face, the guy who got punched had some relatives in the school management so they blew up this matter and expelled him. 

He wouldn't have attacked the guy if he hadn't insulted his orphan status and continued Insulting him till he reached his breaking point. 

It wasn't his fault that the guy's crush was best friends with him. 

After getting kicked out Itsuki didn't bother going to another college and quit it overall, he became an influencer and became a pretty popular one too.

Although unable to complete his dream of graduating from a culinary college due to a spoiled rich brat, he still was overall happy with his life before he was suddenly transmigrated.

'Maybe Saya will be a bit sad' Itsuki felt a little melancholic but shook his head and ordered a bowl of ramen.

" Hahaha! The two of us having a meal together, This is Youth!" Guy shouted enthusiastically while the people around him smiled a little at his enthusiasm.


Guy and Itsuki reached the Hokage Rock and they could see someone sitting on it. His whole aura radiated a sense of loneliness and detachment telling other people to back off.

But both Guy and Itsuki were unbothered by it and went towards him.

"Kakashi I'm here to see you " Guy shouted with his usual enthusiasm while Itsuki opted to just sit near Kakashi silently, Guy followed Itsuki's example and sat on Kakashi's other side.

The trio sat in silence with the flow of wind being the only sound being audible.

'Minato's death really did a number on him didn't it' Itsuki couldn't help but lament.

After getting enough of the silence Itsuki passed a wrapped-up package in his hands to Kakashi "Here"

Kakashi just took it and stared at Itsuki for a moment before unwrapping the package only for his movements to halt and his voice got choked up a little "T-This .....Is this Sensei and ...." Kakashi's eyes turned a little misty as he gazed at the portrait of Team Minato in his hands.

Yes.....How could he forget ... His life wasn't just his own. He was living for Rin, Obito, and Sensei too. He had to live a happy life, lest the others worry about him.

Kakashi's lips curved into a smile underneath the mask... 



If you are wondering MC was the one who friendzoned the girl unknowingly.


If you like my work consider buying me a coffee☕
