

Lady_moon · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

new life

In the blazing desert, there was a young man He had dark black hair and golden eyes, and although he had Dirty clothes and looked like he had not taken a bath for days, still he had snowy skin, He was kept alive solely for his handsome appearance so, they could sacrifice him to the goddess Azila. as the ancient bells rank everyone knew it was time the king immediately started the ceremony. The priest started the incantations and everyone bowed their heads, the pyramid temple rose from the sand, and 5 of the nation's most handsome men were in the alter in chains, horror written across their faces as every worst scenario popped up into their mind. They did not want to do this but what choice did they have?

after all the people had learned their lesson they knew that she was not want to talk she was ruthless and although they did not say it out loud in whispers, they called her the devil.

the drums rank and the doors opened, a woman in a veil covered from head to toe in a beautiful white dress came out and although they could not fully see her face her beauty was indescribable, and for a moment they forgot their fears but that was soon short-lived as she pulled out a dagger she headed towards the men suddenly a scream echoed please don't let her come anywhere close to me I don't want to die, father, please save me, his father the Duke said nothing nor did he move an inch to help his son ahh stay away from me do you know who I am I am the son of the highest-ranking Noble the more he spoke the more it seemed to agitate the princess slash. slash. in front of everybody she slashed The Dagger across his chest, his screams were heard but no one dare to stop her she raised the Dagger to her lips and licked off the blood with a disgusted look she spit it back on his face the man next to him could not take it anymore he had already peed himself before passing out while the rest of the men were cowering in fear from the corner of her eyes she noticed that there was a man right there just sleeping she thought he had passed out but the more she looked at it the more she felt like he was asleep she walked towards him she knelt down and slowly tapped him to confirm her suspicions he was asleep he opened his eyes and directly stared into hers they were in a daze it felt like they stared for eternity than she abruptly got up and spoke for the first time since she came