

Genre: Urban fantasy, magic, super powers, system, reincarnation, mature, milf, incest, rape, bondage, action, tragedy. Summary: Xinthia a goddess in heaven gets backstabbed by her angels and falls into a mortal world. Now she's a mortal but with a system! It's called: Milf System! Granted by Aphrodite, the milf system helps Xinthia gain power through sexual activities and level up so that someday she can ascend to heavens again and take her revenge on the angels.

Inkyug · Urbain
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20 Chs


When Xinthia woke up, she felt pangs of pain all over her body; especially in her pussy and asshole.

"Ugh…" Groaning, she got up and winced weakly. She was feeling dizzy and could barely focus. She was in a room with bare necessities. A bed, a chair, a dressing table, a cupboard, and a jar of water.

"What the hell... Where am I…?" Xinthia murmured.

Suddenly a door was kicked open and two men walked in brazenly. Xinthia squinted her eyes and realized that both men were equally ugly. One of them was fat with gaping teeth and a perverted grin on his face. The other was muscular with tattoos and had a scary hideous face.

"This is the new slut. Have a good time sir." The muscular guy who was one of the gangsters that kidnapped Xinthia, said. "I'll give her another shot and she'll be all set for breeding for another two days."

Saying so, he approached Xinthia with a syringe in his hand.

"Wh-who are you…? Where am I? What are...you doing…?" Xinthia muttered weakly but the man didn't answer and easily managed to inject a drug in her. Immediately, Xinthia's eyes rolled up and her mind went back to heaven. She hallucinated that she was squirting out a fountain of heavenly water from her divine pussy and clouds were caressing her body. But in reality, she was being groped by the fat man and squirting out a fountain of pussy juice as a fat dick fucked her deep and hard.

The muscular man had already left and the fat customer was having his way with the Xinthia. Xinthia moaned continuously. Under the effect of drugs, she was horny as fuck and very submissive.

"Ahhhn! Ahhn!" Xinthia exclaimed and screamed erotically as the fat man kept fucking her in missionary position. His tongue was exploring Xinthia's sweet mouth while his hands kept teasing her boobs and tits. Xinthia's legs fell to the sides and she took the fat dick deep inside her, enjoying the sex.

Soon the fat man turned her around and started pounding her loose pussy from behind. Xinthia's big perky hips made clapping sounds and jiggled around as she moaned and squirted her juices. This sex session lasted an hour. Finally, the fat man unloaded his thick cum inside the milf and proceeded to take photos of Xinthia in her obscene state. She was sprawled on the bed with her hips spread and her pussy was oozing with cum. There was a stupid smile on her face.

"Ah, good slut. What a great body." The fat man praised and spanked Xinthia's hips. "I'll come again hehehe. Every penny was worth it!

As the fat man left, another man walked in to fuck Xinthia. Apparently, she had been getting drugged and fucked ever since she was brought to the whorehouse. Xinthia had no idea where she was and what was happening to her but she was happy and reeling in the pleasure as many men came and fucked her in turns all day and until late at night.

The same pattern followed the next day and night as well. Xinthia had become the top slut of the whorehouse because of her beautiful milfy body. If she were to use her abilities, she could become the whore queen of the entire world.

[System Booting.

Host name: Xinthia

Race: Human

Type: Milf

Age: 40

Height: 156 cm

Weight: 48 kg

Size: 48-24-40

Hair colour: Blonde

Eye colour: Blue

Status: Pregnant, slightly drugged, 1 STD infection.


Power: 0/30

Level: 1/10

Abilities: Blowjob, Truth seeker, R@pe mode (level 2), Handjob, Lust Awakening, Slut Dance, Dick Milking, Pussy Juice, Pussy Tightening, Milf-Milk, Karate, Mouth Pussy.

Distinctive Ability: Chi

Weapons: Chi taser gauntlets

Charm: 150/150

Sex: 20/20


Unused Cards: 1


Quests pending:

>> Take Simon's virginity

>> Make milffans account & post nude photos]

Xinthia slowly opened her eyes. She had regained much clarity as the drug had almost worn off. She read through the system report with a grave expression.

"What the fuck happened past few days? And where the hell am I?" Xinthia frowned and asked. Her memory was fuzzy.

[Host was granted free activation of R@pe Mode and proceeded to get raped by 28 teenage boys. Later was drugged and r@ped by a total of 45 men for 4 days and nights and contracted an STD as well. Due to host's inactivity, system underwent automatic update and proceeded to enter sleep mode. You are currently in the location: xxx:xx.]

Xinthia blinked trying to wrap her head around it all.

"I got raped and kidnapped and raped again? And by so many men!? What is this place? A whorehouse?!" Xinthia growled.

[This building is marked as 'whorehouse' indeed, on the booble map. Fetching details from LAN. Your current whore ranking is: #1]

"Shut the fuck up!" Xinthia had an ugly expression. She was way beyond pissed. A goddess was reduced to a whore and was kept in a whorehouse, drugged and raped continuously!? The audacity of mortals!

"Wait, is my baby safe?" Xinthia suddenly asked with a beating heart.

[Host's offspring is still in initial fetus form and is safe from any harm. It was automatically moved into system inventory during update.] Milf system replied and Xinthia took a sigh of relief.

"Wait, you have an inventory?" Xinthia asked.

[Yes. All unopened cards and weapons are stored inside system inventory. It is a small secluded invisible and intangible dimension space inside you.]

"…I see." Xinthia mumbled. "So how is fetus safe when it's not inside my womb?" She felt anxious at once.

[Since the inventory is inside your body, it can connect to any and all of your body. Thus, the fetus is in it and yet it safe and can continue to grow while being nurtured through the system.] Milf system replied.


Suddenly the room's door opened and a pretty woman walked in. She was seemingly in her thirties, was a head shorter than Xinthia, had an hourglass body and perky boobs. She was a brunette with cute freckles.

"Hi, you're awake now?" This girl said looking at Xinthia with concern.

"I'm Trixie. I asked those guys to stop drugging you so that you won't die from overdose. Seriously, they are so evil and senseless. This is no way to treat a human being." Trixie frowned as she sat beside Xinthia and sighed.

"I'm sorry this all happened to you. Your name is Xinthia?" Trixie asked.

"Yes, I am Xinthia. You know me? Where am I? How did I get here? Who are the guys that drugged me?" Xinthia asked even though she knew a bit already from the system. She was probing for more information.

"Those guys told me about your name. Since you don't know them, I cannot say how they learned your name. You don't remember how you got here huh? I believe they kidnapped you from somewhere and drugged you. You have been under drugs's effect for several days now and have been fucked by many customers and clients. This place is...a whorehouse run by the top mafia gang: Warhounds. Like you, every other prostitute in here was forcefully brought or kidnapped, drugged, raped and threatened. Sigh. We cannot run away because Warhounds will kill us right away. It has happened to so many poor girls who tried to escape in the past, sigh." Trixie said.

Xinthia frowned. She was feeling very angry.

"How dare they! These people are villains! They must be punished!" Xinthia growled and Trixie giggled sadly.

"I wish that could happen. We all wish God Almighty would send someone to save us. An angel, a hero...anyone. But reality is harsh." Trixie sighed. "You're one of us now. We'll help you survive. Just don't resist the gangsters and they won't drug you anymore. You'll receive all basic necessities here. Even some luxuries. This room is allotted to you. There's an adjoining bathroom & washroom. I've already put some clothes in the cupboard for you. They'll fit you. I took your measurements and had them ordered."

"....." Xinthia didn't know what to say. She could simply barge out of the whorehouse but this girl was giving her information in details as if she'd be staying here forever.

"Why don't you take a shower and put on some clothes? Then come and meet your sisters. Or, slut-sisters as we call ourselves hehe." Trixie giggled, mocking herself.

"..." Xinthia said nothing. Trixie patted her shoulder and left. Xinthia sighed. Her state was quite miserable. She was still slightly high, there was pain all over her body, she was very hungry and her body stank of semen and manly musk.

"I guess I need a shower indeed." Xinthia muttered and proceeded with it. While showering she took a glance at her system report and pondered.

"My charm points and sex points are full. Humph. Most of them must have gotten purged sigh." Xinthia sighed. "System, can't these points be stacked over?" Xinthia asked.

[Sex points and Charm points stacking option available at level 2

Proceed to level up?]

"Oh!? Well duh. Proceed." Xinthia was appeased.

[Upgrading Host level.

Upgrade successful.

Current Level: 2/10

Sex: 0/30

Charm: 150/200

Points stacking unlocked!

Level up rewards: 1 card

Power: 3/30]

"What are these power points about?" Xinthia asked while musing over the system report.

[Power points can be used to recharge charm points to the upper limit. Power points are gained only during level up. But if host doesn't have 30 power points upon reaching level 10, then host will fail to ascend to godhood. Although there are other species that can be ascended to with lesser amount of power points.

>Note: spend power points carefully.

> You may choose to purge a level or two and then level up again to gain power points. Power points gained each time are at least 3.]

"....." Xinthia fell silent. These power points were very important. They could help her survive. Like if ever she ran out of Charm points, she could expend power points to recharge charm points and then would be able to use abilities that she needs urgently. But she could not use power points recklessly; otherwise, she'd fail to ascend soon. It'd take her longer by purging her levels and trying again.

"What other species options are available for ascension?" Xinthia asked curiously.

[Species option available for ascension:

God (30 power points)]

Angel (22 power points)

Demon (20 power points)

Succubus (15 power points

Fairy (12 power points))

Ork (12 power points)

Monster (10 power points): Type: Cow, pig, snake, spider, Bird, octopus, zombie, cat, bitch, centaur, mermaid.]

"Well, I'll be damned." Xinthia mumbled. "Aphrodite said that I must ascend as quickly as possible, even if not as a goddess. All these species can travel to heavens and abyss. I should be able to reach out to God Almighty if I ascended as any of these species. But if not as a Goddess, then which species should I choose for myself?"

"Oh right, open the cards." Xinthia suddenly remembered the 2 unused cards.

[Card Opening: 1_purple

Ability obtained: Card merger

Description: Host can now merge two or more cards to obtain superior cards. The more cards merged, the better the resulting card.

Charm points consumption: 20]

"Oh? I can merge cards? This would be good. I'm sick of obtaining abilities befitting sluts and whores.

[Host Name: Xinthia.

Species: Human

Title: #1 Whore]

"Shut up. -_-" Xinthia muttered at the cheeky notification of milf system.

[Opening Cards: 1

Weapon obtained: Silver dagger

Description: Ever sharp, very durable, can cut through most things, can channel chi.

Charm points consumption: 5 per summoning.

Duration: ½ hour

Cooldown: None

Cards remaining: 0]

"Hmmm...not bad." Xinthia nodded. "Now all I need are lots of cards so I can merge them and obtain useful abilities or superior weapons."

She then took a glance at the pending quests. There was only 1 day remaining for completion of both > make milffans & >Take Simon's virginity.

Xinthia shook her head. She didn't think she'd be able to complete the second quest but the first one should be feasible once she escapes the whorehouse.

After shower, Xinthia put on a flowery dark red gown which fit her perfectly and accentuated her milfy curves & revealed her deep cleavage. Keeping her damp hair loose, Xinthia walked out of the room. She looked around and found herself in an apartment building of sorts. There were many rooms near hers. She walked further and found stairs that led downstairs. From the windows she saw several buildings, roads and a starry sky up above.

After passing two more floors & rooms from which moans and grunts were coming out, Xinthia reached a lounge type hall where many females of varying ages and body types were sitting. Some were on a spacious large swing, some were chatting idly on couches. Some were playing cards on the floor carpet while smoking and a few were gazing out from windows like birds trapped in a prison.

[Quest Generated!

>> Help prostitutes escape from whorehouse

Rewards: 5 cards

Duration: indefinite]

System created another quest for Xinthia. She was pleasantly surprised on this one. It was a good quest.

Suddenly Xinthia felt everyone's gaze on her. All the prostitutes were staring at her with mixed feelings.

"Hey, is that the new slut?" One of them whispered.

"She's so pretty!"

"No wonder she became the #1 whore within a few days. She's got the body for it."

"I'm jealous."

"I want to grope those titties." Prostitutes murmured and discussed as Xinthia walked closer.

"Xinthia! You look so much better now! How are you feeling?" Trixie came over happily and greeted Xinthia.

"Everyone, this is Xinthia, our new slut sister." She introduced her to others.

"Hello Xinthia."


Everyone greeted Xinthia and crowded around her. There were soon giggles and incessant chatter as they all mingled with Xinthia. One of the sluts named Maria even groped Xinthia's big ass.

"Mmm! Such soft and big buns you have. How many men have humped it? Did you keep count?" She asked.

"Er..." Xinthia faltered and smiled embarrassingly.

"Hush, don't ask such questions. She's new." Trixie fanned Maria away. But now Xinthia was intrigued.

"System, how many mortals have fucked me till now?" Xinthia asked inwardly.


"Oh, come on..." Maria continued to tease Xinthia and grabbed her boobs from behind. "Mmmm such delicious boobs! How many men have squeezed them before fucking you? Come on. You're the number one whore here. Don't be shy."

Apparently, Maria was slightly jealous of Xinthia.

"Erm…79 men." Xinthia ended up replying.


Maria stared at Trixie as her right eye flinched.

"You said she's new? New and 79 men? She's a devoted whore!!" Maria shouted.

"Umm I cannot compete with you. You're my senior." Xinthia taunted in response. At once Maria's face flushed red in anger but she gulped it down.

"Of course. I'll teach you some good tricks my slut sister." Maria smiled mischievously and pinched Xinthia's perky tits easily as she wasn't wearing any bra under the gown.

"Ahnn!" Xinthia let out a moan as Maria pulled her boobs around while holding the tits in her grasp. The scene immediately became heated. Even though everyone there were women, they all had plenty of skinship between them. Seeing the hot milf moaning and blushing, they all got turned on.

Soon more hands landed on Xinthia's body as the sluts teasingly groped and tickled her.

"Oh, you're so sensitive haha. You're cute Xinthia."

"Come on slut-sisters, let's teach the new slut our tricks of pleasure." The sluts spoke and soon Xinthia was getting stripped.

[Quest generated!

>>Appease your slut-sisters with your body.

Reward: 1 card

Duration: 5 hours]

"Tsk…" Xinthia moaned and let go of her defenses as she was stripped naked and groped by all the sluts. They took off their clothes as well and a lesbian orgy began.

Maria played with Xinthia's big boobs and perky tits while Trixie couldn't help but check Xinthia's spank endurance.

Clapping and slapping sounds along with moans and light screams echoed in the hall. The sluts were continuously groping and caressing Xinthia. This brought her a different sensual pleasure. She had never been sensual with another female after all.

The sluts brought out their toys and laid Xinthia on the carpet. They spread her sexy legs apart and put a vibrator on her milf pussy, bringing her great joy.

"Mmmm…Ahhh!" Xinthia moaned with her eyes closed. She was reeling in pleasure. But soon a slut shoved anal beads inside her asshole and began pulling and pushing them in her. Xinthia gasped and moaned. Her asshole wasn't tight anymore. It has been fucked plenty times so the big anal beads didn't hurt her at all. She had a lewd expression on her. Her eyes rolled up as she stuck out her tongue a bit while gasping. Her slut-sisters were even more turned on and continued to ravish her.

Maria soon brought out a needle and pierced Xinthia's crispy tits.

"Oh fuck!" Xinthia cussed and struggled but the sluts pinned her down. Soon large nipple rings were attached to Xinthia's tits, making her look obscenely sexy!

"Mmm…Look at these giant tits. They are like cow udders haha." Maria mocked.

"Her boobs are so dense and supple, I'm envious." Another slut said.

"Let's see how dense and firm they can stay." Maria suggested and soon1 kg weights were attached to the nipple rings, pulling Xinthia's tits down.

"Ahnn! Ugh." Xinthia groaned and moaned while squirting pussy juice. She was horny and ready for a fuck.

"Damn these sluts are something!" Xinthia exclaimed in her mind.

"Her boobs are still not flopping down! Bring more weights!" Maria shouted in jealousy.

And lo behold! Soon 5 kg weights were attached to Xinthia's nipple rings. Her big boobs finally were defeated and flopped down. Her tits were threatening to get torn off! And then...milk spurted out from her tits!

Xinthia had activated Milf-Milk ability along with Pussy Tightening. She was enjoying this lesbian orgy and was playing along.

"Holy shit! She got milk?!! Is she pregnant? Or recently gave birth?" Someone shouted.

Maria's face was twitching at this sight.

"Sigh, I lost. She has very good assets. T^T" Maria wallowed but then put her mouth to Xinthia's right boob and started sucking on her milky tit. Trixie began sucking the left tit and they rejoiced in the heavenly taste of the milf's milk.

Meanwhile a slut shoved a big dildo inside Xinthia's pussy and started fucking her.

"Mmm! Ahh yes!" Xinthia moaned. But then another slut stood over her and grabbed Xinthia's head between her thighs, stuffing her mouth with her pussy. Xinthia hummed and started sucking on the slut's pussy. Meanwhile she activated Pussy Juice ability and started squirting large amounts of her juices. The sluts were elated and started licking up her pussy lips for the juice while the dildo kept moving back and forth inside the milf pussy.

Soon the dildo was tossed away and Trixie sat down opposite to Xinthia & started scissoring her pussy heatedly. They both moaned in pleasure while Xinthia tongue fucked the slut who was sitting on her face.

Other sluts also began pleasuring each other. Girls were getting on girls. Dildos reigned supreme and moans and screams echoed in the hall.

An hour later Xinthia's was twitching on the ground while a slut was shoving an entire forearm and fist inside her pussy, fucking her intensely. Anal beads were replaced by a thick dildo. There was a pool of pussy juice and milf milk under Xiao. The sluts fucked her in numerous ways, spanked her, teased her, almost mutilated her tits and then proceeded to bind her in ropes, leaving the thick dildos deep in her pussy and asshole and a ball gag on her mouth while blindfolding her.

"Ahh, that was so much fun!" A slut exclaimed.

"Xinthia, you are so cute; so submissive!"

"Hey, let's drop her in her room like this haha. Her customers will be so turned on!" Maria suggested.

"Yes-yes, let's do so!"

And all the sluts carried Xinthia up and dropped her on the bed in her room and left her there.

[Quest completed!

Rewards: 1 card

Warning: STD contracted: 3]

Xinthia was too wasted to respond. She simply fell asleep.


Meanwhile in Xinthia's house, Haruto was sad and missing her a lot.

"Oh mom...where have you gone to? I miss you so much." Haruto sighed and watched the slideshow of Xinthia's nude pics on his mobile. He whipped out his dick and started stroking it. Soon he switched to watching Xinthia's gangbang videos that Haruto's friends had recorded and circulated throughout the school already.

As for Xinthia's disappearance, Haruto and Annya were in the dark. Jason simply told Haruto that Xinthia had left their house in the morning saying she is going out of town to some friend for some peace. Haruto believed it and blamed himself. He thought that the gangbang hurt Xinthia and she's gone away in anger and sorrow. But what could he do? He didn't know where she was. He could only beat his dick while going through her nudes over and over again.

"Oh mom, I wish you'd return. I'd give you so much love and fuck you so hard, sigh." Haruto stroked faster and faster.

"Oh mom! I'm cumming!" He shouted.

Suddenly the door opened and Annya walked in.

"Hey, any word from…." She uttered before widening her eyes in shock.

Spurt! Spurt! Spurt!!

Jets and strands of cum fell upon Annya's beautiful face and body, blessing her with her brother's manly potion.

Do comment which species Xinthia should choose to ascend to? :D

Inkyugcreators' thoughts