
Chapter 48

We all took the elevator to the parking lot all in silence, caught up in our own thoughts about the events of today. Right before we all go our separate ways, we all come together for a group hug all feeling a little less tense over Scarlet's health.

"James thank you for bringing Elli out here to support us all. Man, you have done us all a r great favor. Ellie Bear thank you for dropping everything to be here and to take care of Scar I know it hasn't been the easiest for any of us but thank you for coming here and staying with her all day while the rest of us have not been able to do so. And Jace, my brother and my closest friend, thank you for being here for me and Scar Bear. Thank you for showing my sister the purest form of love and not only that but for being my best friend. Honestly if it wasn't for you guys, I have no idea the condition that I would be in. I love you all very much, even you James you may be new to our little family but none the less you are a part of this tiny tightknit family." I swallow hard against the lump in my throat as I look at my odd little family, old and new and I feel lucky to have every one of these people.

"Man don't thank me, El needed y'all as much as y'all needed her. It brings me a great amount of joy and happiness to see her with her family. And honestly thank you for welcoming me into this family it makes me feel really good. Y'all are good people."

Ella comes and hugs me again, "You've always been family and I would take a bullet for any one of y'all and I know that you guys would have done the same if it were me in there."

"Dude, you know for as long as we've been friends that I am down for both of y'all. Oh, and you guys too. Scar is my love, so of course I am gonna do what I can for all of you guys. We are all in the same boat here. And as a family the best thing for us is to come together and be here for each other in this difficult time. They always say that a family who goes through something traumatic is always stronger when they come together for one another."

"Alright Elli Bear and James please go get some rest I am sure that you guys could really use some rest. We will see y'all here in the morning. Jace lets go home I am sure you surely need some sleep after working and then that long ass drive."

We all go to our separate vehicles and go our own ways to get to the place where we will lay our heads for some rest. As I am driving my mind wonders to my dream and to Castiel last night. I need to tell Jace about this and see what I need to do. When Jace and I finally get home we go inside, I don't have anything here to make for us to eat so I grab the bread off of the top of the refrigerator and I grab the peanut butter jelly mix out of the cabinet and make us some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

"Dude something weird happened to me last night...I don't know if it was a dream or if it was real." He looks at me with a look of curiosity and concern.

"I got home last night and when I fell asleep... it felt so real man I feel like I am going crazy." Jace looks even more confused than he did before.

"What do you mean Cam? What happened?"

"You remember when you told me about how you became an Angel? And that Castiel helped you...well I dreamed of him last night..."


My heart stops, why would Cas go to Cam? "What do you mean you dreamt of him last night?" He looks at me as though he is unsure of what happened.

"Like I laid down and I swore I fell asleep, but it was like I had been transported to a meeting room, the lights were so bright, and the only person there was a guy wearing a trench coat looking very scruffy. He told me it was very important that I listen carefully and that I am in danger and that Stella and Scarlet could also be in trouble too. He said his name is Castiel and I remembered when you told me about when you told me about how you changed. As I remembered that I had asked him if he was your Castiel and he looked really confused and as though I had said something completely wrong. When he spoke, he confirmed to me exactly who he was when he called you by your first name...It scared me too because I heard him speaking but his mouth wasn't moving. He said I wasn't supposed to now him or even know about him. Then he said he had to go, and everything went black."

I feel a huge amount of panic rising in my chest, why the hell is Cas going to Cam what does any of this have to do with Cam and the girls? I try to hide the stress and all of these rogue emotions; I look at Cam's face and see that he appears to be trying to read my emotions. I can tell that he is scared, and I certainly don't wish to scare him further nor do I want to show or tell him that I have no idea what any of this means because it could cause him a lot more stress than he needs at this point in time.

I don't even know where to begin...but I do know that I need I have to tell him about the visit that I just recently had with Cas myself.

"Cam it wasn't a dream. Cas is real...he also came to me physically as well as in my mind. He has given me my grace back...meaning I am no longer a fallen Angel, but I now have my wings back. Cas also gave me a similar warning about y'all. He has also told me about Scarlet and Stella." I pause unsure of how to proceed.

"Dude I never even thought to consider that they may truly be related. I never thought that my parents would hide something like that from me. I seriously can't even comprehend what Stella told me. Like I have twin sisters but again my family, my parents lied to me. Scar will always be my sister and in all honesty, Ella has always been like a sister to me also so in a way it really doesn't change anything. Which when Castiel says that they are in danger it causes me to panic, I was so afraid that I had died and that much like you I had been saved and brought back to be an angel just like you. I panicked thinking that I had somehow been killed and left them all alone." He shakes his head deep in thought and I can tell that he has a lot of emotions surrounding his sisters.

"Cam it is very scary to think that you may end up like me, it is very painful to die, and, in all honesty, it is just as painful to become an angel. Cas did show me something that really upset me and with what you have shared with me about Cas visiting you I guess I should tell you that Cas showed me a vision or more like a blip of our father's plan. And it very much has something to do with you passing away but not coming back. Heaven is in trouble; I don't know exactly what is going on, but it is really not good. Cas going to you to warn you tells me this is serious. Another thing that concerns me is that he is speaking more to our minds rather than out loud, which means that means the arch angels are listening and there is something much bigger than the rest of us may realize." I feel a deep frown crease my face.

"Dude, I am truly scared that something is going to happen to my sisters, I am not so worried about what could or will happen to me. I can't let either of my sisters be in danger or get hurt. God take me but leave them the hell alone." Cam looks angry and I don't blame him one bit I would be too if my sisters had been in danger, hell I am pissed that these two girls are in danger, my girl and her sister, some of the most important girls in my life.

"They are my charges now Cam and I can promise you I won't let anything happen to either of them or you if it is the last thing that I do. Y'all are my family, the only family that I have left, I may not be strong, but I will go to the ends of the earth for y'all." The look on Cam's face tells me how grateful that he is. After having this conversation, I know that I need to speak to Cas again.