
Mikaelson Family Across The Multiverse

MC dies and meets another version of himself who just happens to be an omnipotent being. With the second chance at life offered in such a strange way, MC gets reborn into the world of Vampire Diaries as Kol Mikaelson. But that's only the beginning. He becomes a king, and later discovers a way to travel between worlds. His kingdom grows so large that it spans over the Omniverse. You will love this series if you are into OP protagonists.

_EMI_ · TV
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63 Chs

Katerina Petrova

Seven years later, now in the year 2006.

The absence of Annabeth from this world wasn't enough to shift the inertia of time too much.

Luke acquired the Golden Fleece which had the power to restore anything and managed to unseal Kronos despite the best efforts from Percy, Grover, Tyson, and Clarisse.

The only change here was that with Annabeth out of the picture, Percy and Clarisse somehow became a thing.

Luke and his gang tied up Percy and his friends and threw them aside so they wouldn't cause any more trouble.

Then Luke used the Golden Fleece, "Lord Kronos, he who was betrayed by his sons, hear now the words of one betrayed by his father. I bid you... rise.".

"Growl!", Kronos was slowly being revived. His hulking figure nearly reformed.

But at this moment, when the end was nigh, Astrid, Elle, and Athena showed up in bright spheres of light, also bringing together Annabeth with them.

Everyone was surprised by this sudden change. Only Grover and Luke had some clues as to what was happening as a hint of recognition flashed in their eyes.

It was seven years for this world, but only a few months for Astrid and others. Even that was done deliberately.

Astrid wanted to give time for Annabeth to get along with Athena because she knew that there was an Athena in this world too, and she was Annabeth's real mother. Something unexpected might happen when they would return.

Annabeth was the daughter of Athena, meaning she had the inherited divinity of Athena. She felt like a part of her. And after a few months, even Athena couldn't resist her newly emerging maternal feelings for Annabeth.

"We're finally at the right place for some good old Kronos hunting!", Elle spoke full of excitement and smiles, her eyes full of anticipation.

She didn't waste any time but grabbed her trident and flew towards Kronos breaking the sound barrier.

This Kronos was not only much weaker, but he still wasn't completely restored. His source was in a sealed state.

A couple of blows from the excited Elle was all it took to turn him into a pile of stones.

Then Astrid quietly absorbed his source.

Different worlds have different origins, and even among the things that seem similar, there are some differences, sometimes minor, sometimes major.

The gods and titans of this world were weaker, but the emphasis here wasn't on strength but that they were different.

It was like merging two different things and getting something else entirely.

The gods here weren't dependent on prayers as much but on their domains. Their powers didn't work outside their domains.

On the other hand, the gods of the 'clash of the titans' world were too dependent on prayers, but they were universe-level existences at their prime, and their powers worked everywhere.

Astrid wanted to merge these two properties as her soul attribute would make sure that she would only get positive results.

After merging the sources of two Kronos and sealing it away in her storage bracelet, there was only one thing left to do.

She turned toward Athena, who was holding a blonde boy by the hair. On the side, Percy, Clarisse, Tyson, and Grover were also tied up.

Astrid asked, "Why are they tied up?", she only asked for Luke, not the others.

"They tried to save him.", Athena replied, then pointed at Percy, "That one in particular. Something about a promise to his father... I assume Hermes. Then he started waving his sword at me.".

"Usual messiah complex...", Astrid snorted, "An unremarkable kid is suddenly given all this attention. Then he just wants to be the hero, always standing on the moral high ground, afraid to be seen in a different light.".

Suddenly, their attention was attracted by something. Elle's voice, accompanied by Annabeth's giggles.

Annabeth was riding on a manticore, laughing and giggling, enjoying herself, while Elle was guiding it from the side, ready to catch her if she fell.

This manticore was Luke's pet. Now it had its tail bound by a rope made of water and looked like a scared little kitten.

Athena was concerned, "This... stop it! This is dangerous!".

Elle replied, "Relax... I have this under control.".

"What under control...", Athena picked up Annabeth from manticore's back and put her down, then berated Elle, "You can barely control your newfound abilities...".

This time, Athena followed her subconscious urge to protect Annabeth, but in fact, she never really accepted this fact. She always denied her maternal instinct, considering them a burden.

That was why Athena was always very conflicted when it came to Annabeth.

In this harmonious environment, they compelled Luke to guide them to mount Olympus.



In a huge white hall, tall statues of major gods of Olympus could be seen sitting there, anxiously looking at the entrance.

They were expecting special visitors today that they called 'outsiders'.

After the incident seven years ago where Zeus' and Athena's daughters were abducted, the Olympus gods gathered together and speculated that these 'outsiders' must belong to a pantheon of gods that could travel between worlds.

Now after learning about the disappearance of Kronos, their intentions for coming to this world became clear.

((|AUTHOR:- From now on, Athena from 'Clash of the Titans' world will be called Athena-1, and Athena from 'Percy Jackson' world will be called Athena-2.|))

Soon Astrid, Elle, Annabeth, Athena-1, and Luke walked in.

The gods looked at them with scrutiny, and with fear.

Athena-2 looked at Annabeth worriedly, as Athena-1 observed Athena-2.

Athena in this universe was different. She didn't resist her maternal instincts and was genuinely concerned about Annabeth's well-being.

And Zeus was different too, "Outsiders... why have you come to Olympus? Wasn't Kronos your true purpose? What more do you want?", the thought of his daughter's safety didn't even cross his mind.

He showed no respect and spoke like speaking to a subject. Astrid didn't like his commanding tone.

She released her oppressive aura as a higher form of life, "Swish! Boom! Crack-Crack!", The airflow increased tremendously as the ground burst open and cracks spread everywhere.

The halls of Olympus nearly collapse.

But it all passed as it came, "Mind who you're speaking to...", Astrid took back her rampaging energy.

"F... fo... forgive me. Honorable guests, I merely asked so we would know how to better assist you.", Zeus was sweating.

"Assist me!", Astrid mocked with sarcasm. The difference between the two versions of the same person was so tremendous that she found it disbelieving.

She looked around the hall at the other gods, and continued, "What I want is simple... Him!", she pointed at Zeus.

At first, Zeus was surprised and frightened, but after a while, his expression changed as a small smile appeared on his face. He spoke with a voice full of anticipation, "What do you mean, my lady?", his voice was romantic, like romancing a lady.

Obviously, he misunderstood and thought of something perverse.

Astrid didn't reply but just stared at him with a cold face.

Then she disappeared from her place and appeared in front of Zeus, and plunged her hand into his chest.

When she took it out, Zeus turned to dust, and his glowing white divinity was in her hand.

Not only Zeus... but all versions of him had disappeared from this world, all his avatars, all forms of him had died.

"Zeus... NO!!", "BROTHER!!", "FATHER!!", "NO!!", Poseidon, Hades, Artemis, and Apolo screamed out loud and attacked.

But before they could take a few steps forward, water manifested around them out of nowhere and tied up Poseidon and Hades, completely locking them in place.

When they tried to use their divine abilities to free themselves, they were stunned by intense lightning.

This was Elle's work.

On the other hand, Athena-1 appeared beside Apollo and kicked him on his lumbar flank, blowing him towards Artemis.

Artemis got out of the way, nocked an energy arrow into her bow, and aimed it at Athena-1, preparing to fire.

But Athena-1 raised her hand, and the bow instantly transformed into a rope and tied up Artemis' hands.

By the time Artemis freed herself, Athena-1 was already in front of her. She put a hand on her shoulder, and Artemis felt a huge force acting on her body.

She was instantly on her knees, unable to move.

Then Athena-1 flashed beside Apollo who was starting to slowly get up and did the same to him, making him unable to move.

Athena-1 and Elle were much stronger than these gods.

However, their divine strength was highly dependent on the prayers of mortals, so by all logic, it should've waned significantly after coming to this world considering there was already an Athena and a Poseidon here, but unexpectedly, Athena-1 and Elle only felt stronger and stronger every day.

This was because Astrid was the ruler of their pantheon. So the divinities of her pantheon members were constantly evolving, taking on the same properties as Astrid's.

This was why only Astrid needed to absorb Zeus' divinity from this world. Because an upgrade of her divinity would mean an update for her pantheon members.

All the other gods seemed frightened, looking at Astrid and others with fear.

They didn't dare to move. It was still quite unsettling, this feeling of powerlessness. They never felt it before.

Astrid looked around and waved her hand at them disdainfully, "GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!", not bothering to waste her time with them.

Without wasting any time, they hurried away, not even bothering to rescue Poseidon, Hades, Artemis, and Apollo.

However, before they could get far, Athena-1 stopped them, pointing at one of them, "No! YOU, stay!", she commanded.

Astrid looked over and suddenly realized, "That's right! We're short of a god of war.".

And with that, Ares' fate was sealed. His divinity was taken and all versions of him forever disappeared from this world.

One figure stay behind, neither ran nor did she seem frightened. Athena-2 just looked at Annabeth worriedly.

Elle ruffled her little head affectionately, "Look Beatles... that's the version of Athena who brought you to this world, your real mother.", 'Beatles' was Elle's nickname for Annabeth.

"Mother!", Annabeth looked at Athena-2 with a complex gaze. She was her real mother, but she also abandoned her, so Annabeth had a certain reticence about approaching her, even calling her 'mother'.

"Annabeth!", Athena-2 called out to her lovingly. She didn't mean to abandon her, but it was a law that Zeus had passed.

"Go ahead... she's your daughter.", Astrid urged her forward, giving her approval.

And so, mother and daughter were reunited. All their inhibitions and reluctance were gone with a few drops of tears. They hugged each other compassionately as they conversed.

In the end, Athena-2 looked at Athena-1, "Thank you! Thank you for taking care of her.".

Athena-1 nodded, "Hmm.", she felt very complicated at this moment. She didn't know what to say. She knew it was a weakness, but she got attached to this little girl anyway.

She glanced at Astrid. Was this her plan all along? Did she expect this to happen? Was it her power over 'time'? It was truly terrifying.

After thinking about all this, Athena-1 looked at Annabeth with complex emotions, and sighed, "Why don't you come with us?", she spoke to Athena-2, "What's left for you here anyway? You've been with your family all your life, always taking care of them, cleaning up their messes, don't you think you deserve a break?".

'With her real mother around, maybe this kid wouldn't bother me anymore', Athena-2 tried to convince herself.

Athena-2 replied, "Break? Break from family? Duties! I have responsibilities. I can't just... abandon everything and leave.".

"What about your responsibilities to your daughter? I think she needs you more.", Athena-1 argued, "Now Zeus is dead. There are other pantheons in this world, so that will be a whole new mess to clean up. It will never end. They are all impulsive little idiots who will never learn. Do you want to raise Annabeth in this kind of toxic environment?".

Athena-1 was different from Athena-2, but they were both versions of the same person, so each knew what the other was thinking.

Athena-2 knew Athena-1 didn't wanna be separated from Annabeth, not to mention that she put forward some valid arguments.

In the end, Athena-2 knew Athena-1 was right.

On one hand was her daughter, her only child, and on the other hand was the rest of her hopeless, spoiled family.

This choice wasn't easy for her, but a necessary one for the future of her child, and if she was being honest, for her own happiness.

Besides, the gods would be fine without her. Either Hades or Poseidon would succeed Zeus and there wouldn't be much infighting.


In the end, Athena-2 agreed.



In the year, 1511, Constantinople was the capital city of the Roman/Byzantine Empire.

Since Kol was using the guise of religion to spread his influence over the world, the city of Constantinople did not fall to the Ottoman Empire.

A beautiful olive skin woman was sitting on a couch, carefully studying the heap of documents on the table.

After a while, "This is tiring...", she twisted her body lazily, "I'm peckish...", her body was so seductive that even such simple actions would make any man stare, "Multan Pasha, I'm done making travel plans. Clean this up and bring me someone to drain.".

A man walked out from behind the couch, "I'll make arrangements right away!", he bowed and left.

Multan Pasha was a Wazir in the Sultan's court, yet he owned a lot of property in Constantinople, which was a Byzantine territory.

He was playing for both sides.

This lady planned to travel east and had to step onto the territory of the Ottoman Empire, so she compelled the Wazir to be her guide.

"This is starting to attract too much attention lately. I must leave Roman territory before I'm discovered.", she spoke to herself.

Not long after, a man came in from the door. Shoulder-length black hair, purple eyes, and a common attire.

He looked around in confusion as he walked in, "Hello! I was told that Saint Laura wishes to see me?", he asked the lady.

She glanced at the fool who was misled here by Multan Pasha, "Finally!", and without wasting any time, fangs came out of her mouth as she rushed at him with vamp speed.

She grabbed him in place and prepared to sink her fangs into his neck.

However, he jerked her hands away and held her instead. Then fangs came out of his mouth as he sunk them into her neck.

She struggled hard to resist. She repeatedly hit him on his chest and twisted her body, desperately trying to get out of his embrace.

Just when she thought she was going to be desiccated due to excessive loss of blood, the man let her go.

She immediately used vamp speed to get to the other side of the room, nearly stumbling on the couch.

"Who are you!?", her voice full of caution, "Did Klaus send you?".

"Klaus? Oh, you think I'm one of Niklaus' little soldiers?", the man seemed amused, "Of course not... I'm his brother, Kol.".

Hearing this, she was truly frightened and didn't intend to hear the rest as she immediately ran for the door.

But Kol suddenly appeared right in front of her, and she ran into him.

It felt like she hit a wall and she fell back on her butt, "What do you want?", she looked up and asked anxiously, thinking about how to escape from here.

"Don't worry Katerina, I'm not at Niklaus' beck and call like the rest of our siblings.", then he bent down at her eye level, "Our interest in finding you is purely personal.".

"Our...", Katerina asked.

"Me and her.", he gestured behind her.

She followed his gaze and turned to look back, and was immediately startled.

A beautiful brunette was sitting on the couch, holding a gold amulet in her hand with her eyes closed. Multan Pasha laid dead at her feet.

As if feeling Katerina's gaze, she opened her eyes and spoke to Kol, "I don't see how she can help... This seems to be a complete waste of time.", she threw aside the gold amulet in annoyance. It appeared to be worthless to her.

"Just give it a chance.", Kol tried to reassure her.

Katerina was getting more and more anxiously by the minute, "What do you want from me?".

Kol looked back at her, "Katerina, you're running away from our siblings... It seems to me like you can use some help.".

Observing her change in expression, he continued, "And in return, you can help us.".

"What can I do? I'm nobody special... If you want the moonstone, I don't have it on me. But I can lead you to it.", Katerina spoke.

Kol raised his hand and a white stone appeared out of nowhere, "You mean this?", he gave it back to her, "You have good survival instincts, but it's useless to lie in front of us. We're not like Niklaus and our other siblings.".

Then he continued, "If you just cook a chicken and eat it, it won't be too appetizing, but if you add proper condiments to it, the same thing will become delicious. We want you to become our condiments, the spice in our marriage.".

"I don't understand.", Katerina seemed confused.

"Me and my wife, Astrid. We went through a bit of a rough patch this last couple hundred years, and we want you to make things interesting.", Kol explained.

"We heard you really know how to throw a party. So let's have some fun, and you don't have to worry about your safety while we're at it. Isn't that amazing? Best of both worlds.".

And that's how their journey began. The three began to travel around the world, following Katerina's original plans.

The only difference now was that thanks to the two tagging along, Katerina wasn't running away from someone, but just having fun.

3020 Words.

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