
Miguel, the judge of Life and Death

The story revolves around Miguel, a nerdy boy who has several defects in his life, but did not expect that some would happen to him, such as awakening a power where he could control the moments of another person's life when they reach the end of his life, Miguel controlling this power just to think about the person and imagine. But that ends up leaving Miguel with that uncontrollable power because he doesn't know how to control it. Miguel is sick and depressed because he thinks he is killing innocent people, until he discovers that it is actually the incarnation of an angel named Azrael.

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Chapter 1 Miguel

Miguel is a seventeen year old high school leaver who is getting ready to go to school, but before he goes, he picks up a book, and after he picks up his book, He goes to school.

After he arrives at school, he is barred by a group of bullies in front of the school gate.

"There you mom's nerdy little brat," the bully speaks debauchedly,

"Let me pass, I need to study," Miguel said calmly,

The bully then pushed Miguel back.

"You're weak, nerd, you don't have the guts to face it.

So Miguel didn't think twice, and said this,

"You may have muscle, but I doubt you have a degree, you may be big and strong, but your intelligence is small, just like your friend under the pants.

The bully felt offensive and went on the attack, obviously he was going to get beaten, so he tried to escape and managed to get away from the bullies.

"I don't think that was a good idea," Miguel says.

Miguel then goes to the closet to get some books, and goes to class, as he always does every day, Miguel is a successful student who has always done well in his grades.

But Miguel is not a boy with many friends, he doesn't socialize with the other students in class, that is why he doesn't have many friends.

After the break is over, he goes back to class, finishes his last studies, finishes his school hours and goes home.

Miguel takes the bus and goes home, but inside the bus he realizes that he has the impression that he is being watched,

"I don't know but .... I feel that someone is watching me," Miguel says.

Then Miguel takes a corner look and he sees that there are some students from his school and he gets suspicious, but he doesn't care much, because the bus he takes is the same one that some students from his school take.

After he gets home he first takes a shower and starts to do the house chores like washing the dishes and cleaning the house, because he lives alone in an apartment, after he finishes washing the dishes and cleaning the house, he goes to his room to do his homework, and when he finishes his homework Miguel goes to his computer to work as a "Home Office" as a customer support for a printing company,

So far this has been the job that has worked well for Miguel.

At night Miguel is in his room writing in his life notebook, which is definitely a diary, but he has given up renaming it the life notebook. What he writes in the notebook of life, things that happened on a daily basis, thoughts, choices he should have made is important moments, Miguel was passing some page of the notebook when he begins to read a page written on 07 August 2016, the written page said,

I miss the days when you asked me if I was okay, when I came home from school, you told me to be careful when I went to school, and that hurt when I remember, you were my hope, my happy day.

Because you're gone

You have no idea it hurts so much, I'm scared....

I wanted you here, Grandma,

Miguel reads this page and begins to cry for the loss of his grandmother who died, Miguel wonders why he did nothing to protect his grandmother from that day,

Miguel then jumps off the page and dries his eyes and writes in his notebook of life.

After Miguel finishes writing in his life notebook, he starts to write a book that he has been writing for a while, which is a fantasy story about a city that was overwhelmed by rain, and that in the story he tells that the rain is nothing more than his new feelings that would make these people change their way of personality, this book is being one of the biggest projects that he is very confident to work out, but for now he is still working on this project.

During the weekends Miguel stays at home studying for school tests,

Miguel also stays in the living room, sitting on the couch thinking about his projects and things he wants to do and accomplish, Miguel is a boy who wants to enjoy his life, but he ends up reflecting about something like the fact that he is so alone.

"Why am I so alone, how will I enjoy life alone, I just wanted to know why I don't get along with other people, was I born to be like this.....", Miguel said thinking,

Miguel then shakes his head and turns on the TV and speaks,

"I'm alone but at least I don't have anyone to fill my bag," said Miguel confidently,

The day arrives on Monday and Miguel is already getting ready to go to school, but before he goes Miguel says,

"I think I'll stop by the coffee shop for a hot cup of coffee,

"I'm going to go to that coffee shop called 'Café Do Brasil', Miguel said, because he likes Brazilian coffee.

After Miguel left home and then went to the coffee shop, he arrived at school, and at school he went to the classroom.

"Okay, this question is a little impossible to solve, but I will get it..." Miguel said thinking.


"Ahh damn I'll finish that later" Miguel said annoyed.

After the school campaign plays, Miguel leaves the classroom and goes to the schoolyard and there he sits on the bench, and start reading a book, but a beautiful girl with long hair and green eyes, this girl starts talking to Miguel, Miguel is a little shy because he never talked to a girl in his life, but he will soon lose the shyness.

"Hi... good morning Miguel..." said the girl,

"a.... hello... bo... good morning" said Miguel shyly,

"what is your name ?" Miguel asked,

"My name is Emily, but you can call me EMI" said Emily.

"A... hi Emily nice to meet you" said Miguel.

Miguel realizes that no girl has ever given him a chance, because he is lonely and alone, and this Emily is talking to him, something that Miguel doubted would happen.

Could a relationship be on the way?