
Mighty Mr CEO, Keep Up Your Composure!

The 'retired' commander of a special forces secret service organisation doesn't realise the business world is as firce as the battle field though no bullets are flying overhead. When he encounters the immovable stoic female lead by chance, his icy heart thawed, and he suddenly became a doting tsundere willing to flip tables on her behalf! "Let me do all the dirty work for you," he's always saying. However, our female lead is driven by revenge against a certain underground association, and will not be sidetracked! "Look, I got you this bunny hat. It's so cute!" "If you like it so much, why don't you wear it yourself. Please maintain your distance, sir," "It's cold. Here, have my jacket," "I'm fine. Please keep your composure, sir," "A nice restaurant just opened. Let's be their first customers!" "Do I look like an idiot to you? I know what you are aiming at. Sir, please leave now," But the overbearing CEO is not someone that gives up easily! "I like you!" "There are four billion women on earth. You can continue trying. I'm sorry I have to refuse," Yet later... "Everything. Give everything to me. Including you, sir, that is"

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The Return of the Adonis

Sirens blared as a convoy of over eighteen cars, ten motorbike riders and seven police cars sped down the metropolitan highway. Journalists and paparazzi pushed one another as they raced along the sidewalk to catch the whole event on camera.

All of the entire city was glued to either their phone screens or the tv, watching live. This was no small matter! Yu Hanyu himself, retired commander in chief of the Boar Secret Service Special Forces, the most elite force in Country K's Army; heir to the Shanxi Corporation and the Yu Conglomerate; the embodiment of the most eligible bachelor in Country K, had come back home!

The convoy screeched to a halt at the entrance of the Puyi Grand Hotel, where the President herself had thrown a reception ball in Yu Hanyu's honor. Cameras kept flashing as an orderly group of Special Forces descended from the vehicles and formed two neat rows in front of the hotel. A grey haired butler stepped forward and pulled the door of the metallic black Limited Edition Rolls Royce open.

Ahhhh! The female journalists screams hit the air as the adonis of a man, Yu Hanyu, stepped out of the vehicle and patted down his suave light green jacket that had a Special Forces pin on the left breast pocket. His A-line tailored black trousers matched the car behind him.

Yu Hanyu raised his hand to take off the dark shades he was wearing and his piercing pitch black eyes were revealed. He had slightly long eyelashes, a straight Roman nose and pursed, slightly red lips. Forget war, he looked like he stepped out of a teen romance manga!

"Commander Yu, just one question --"

"Commander Yu, how do you feel upon returning to Country K--"

"Commander Yu, the news of your victory in Country F reached us. What comment do you have on this --"

"Commander Yu, President Yu announced you as the Heir to the Yu Conglomerate. You are a soldier. Will you be able to cope in the business world as you did on the battlefield?"

"Commander Yu, CEO Fei announced you as the Heir to the Shanxi Corporation. How will the young masters of the Fei family feel about this?"

"Commander Yu, how will you be able to manage two top tier corporations at the same time--"

The male journalists immune to Yu Hanyu's ethereal beauty fired him with questions. The female journalists and those from entertainment agencies had other concerns.

"Commander Yu, Miss Kim Qiwen, Country K's Best Actress, posted an update reminiscing about her childhood spent with you? Is it true that you have a relationship with the Best Actress?"

"Commander Yu, are you going to settle down and build a family now that you've returned to Country K?"

"Commander Yu, Country K's socialites want to know what you are searching for in a prospective partner--"

"I am no longer Commander Yu," he opened his mouth and his deep voice rendered all the reporters speechless, "I am a normal civilian like everyone else," and he strode into the hotel.

The foyer of the Puyi Grand Hotel was filled with people. Mid tier and lower ranked families, businessmen and women who could not get an invite to the President's Reception Ball on the 87th floor. They all swarmed forward but the Special Forces prevented them from coming too close.

"Commander Yu, I'm Fei Hanshi from the Fei family branch in Hao Province. " One man rushed forward and introduced himself, "please remember us when you take over the Shanxi Corporation,"

Yu Hanyu raised an eyebrow. But of course, even if this Fei Hanshi was against the passing of his maternal grandfather's corporation to Yu Hanyu, what could he do about it but go with the flow? The Fei brothers would be the tough nuts to crack. But that would be Fei Lihang, his grandfather's headache. After all, Yu Hanyu had never asked for the Shanxi Corporation. He didn't even know about all this heir business. He was just hearing it, from the reporters, that his father and maternal grandfather had just dumped their companies into him. Was that their idea of a welcome gift?

Yu Hanyu left for the 87th floor immediately after arriving. On his way to the elevators, sanctioned state run media took photos and threw some questions but he ignored them.

The reception ball went smoothly. The president gave her speech welcoming every atendee to the reception ball, and then Yu Hanyu was called to the podium.

"I formally declare our victory and henceforth peace between Country K and Country F," the most important news was saved till last, and Yu Hanyu descended the podium amidst a standing ovation.

As he retuned to his seat, his father, Yu Renyu, approached him.

"That was wonderful! Heh heh, I am the proudest father in this room!"

"What's with you and grandfather dumping your companies on me?" Yu Hanyu narrowed his eyes. His father pretended not to hear.

"Wow, I just realized. Her Excellency saved me the trouble of throwing a welcome party for you! Ahh. I have to thank her specially. Oh, aren't those my chess buddies? See you later son," the old man left quickly. Yu Hanyu shook his head. They said old people had weird antics, right? This was worse than antics. His father was behaving more or less like a toddler!

"How shall I refer to you now, retired Commander Yu?" A warm voice asked. It was the Adviser on Military Affairs, Han Yaoze, who was once a mentor to Yu Hanyu. He had with him an exceptionally beautiful young lady. She wore her violet off shoulder evening gown with style. Her hair was tied up in a half bun and a jade hairpin held it up. An agate necklace resting above her bust was eye-catching with the way it reflected the surrounding colors. It was intentional. Other people's eyes would have strayed down, but Yu Hanyu didn't even spare her a glance.

"Hello, Uncle Han. How have you been?" He greeted Han Yaoze.

"Not too badly," Han Yaoze laughed, "congratulations on your victory,"

"It's not mine," Yu Hanyu corrected at once, "it's the whole of Country K's, as well as the victory of the countless servicemen and women who gave their lives for ours,"

"Yes, yes," Han Yaoze nodded, "oh," he added, when the lady with him coughed slightly, "do you remember Yaoye? She finished her degree already. It was such a long time ago when you two used to play with toy soldiers,"

"Welcome back home, Brother Hanyu," Han Yaoye took matters into her own hands, smiling as she took a step closer to Yu Hanyu, "you've made us all proud,"

"What degree did you finish?" Yu Hanyu merely asked by manner of conversation. He was starring at her face, nowhere near her chest.

"Advanced Economics and Financial Management," Han Yaoye replied proudly, "in South University. I wish to work with either the Shanxi Corporation or the Yu Conglomerate,"

"Really," Yu Hanyu smirked.

"Hanyu, tell her I want grandchildren first. You can introduce Yaoye to one of your brothers-in-arms, or marry her yourself. After all, you know each others ways,"

"Father!" Han Yaoye's face went red, "don't-- don't mind him, Brother Hanyu,"

Yu Hanyu was already pissed with the little game this father-daughter duo were playing. Did he look like a two year old?

"Uncle Han, I'll see you around," Yu Hanyu had spotted the corner his friends were huddled in. He strode off with resounding footsteps across the hall. Heads turned as he went.

"Yu Hanyu!"

"Welcome home!"

"Ahh, it's been a while!"

When Yu Hanyu joined them, the lineup was complete. People's eyes hurt as they witnessed the next generation of the most prestigious families of Country K standing together. The paparazzi's cameras started flashing!

Representing the military might of Country K, was Hu Jinhui, the eldest heir of the Hu family. Many of Yu Hanyu's colleagues in the military were from the Hu family. Hu Jinhui however, was a businessman. He was charming and dashing, despite the cunning aura that surrounded him. For this ball he was wearing a lime green tuxedo and grey trousers. His demeanor set him apart.

The political moguls were from the Xi family. Xi Zirui represented the Xi family. He wore spectacles, making him dignified, and a formal suit. He was handsome, but not the ethereal type. A lawyer by profession, he was not someone to get on the bad side of.

The only woman Yu Hanyu could tolerate in his life was Xiao Yimin, nicknamed the genius doctor of Country K, and people shipped them a lot. To the consternation of all the stanners and shippers though, Genius doctor Xiao Yimin was in love with a nameless chap four years her junior! Tonight she was dressed in a western style dress with a frilly bow at the waist. Like Xi Zirui, she also wore spectacles. It was her Yu Hanyu had played with growing up, not Best Actress Kim Qiwen or Han Yaoye.

Ah, of course. There was Yu Hanyu, who completed the lineup. Astonishingly handsome, with the gallant air of a soldier. 

"Hey chap," Xiao Yimin slapped Yu Hanyu on the shoulder, and he glared at her, "I saw missy Qiwen's post. Why don't I remember 'our blissful childhood' together? Or am I missing something? Did you guys used to sneak off to play with her without me?"

"Who is she?" Yu Hanyu frowned in confusion.

"Exactly what I'm asking, chap!" Xiao Yimin sniggered, "oh, maybe Zirui and Jinhui can tell us who she is?"

"No idea," Xi Zirui shook his head.

"Stop, guys," Hu Jinhui laughed, "it was probably in her dreams. It's okay to dream,"

When the video of their conversation was posted by the entertainment gossip channels, with Kim Qiwen's account tagged repeatedly, she couldn't cry! It was so embarrassing! It was all that sl*t Xiao Yimin's fault for bringing it up, she cried to her confidants. Kim Qiwen's popularity dwindled drastically. She put off her phone for a week, her manager kept calling her!

Yu Hanyu socialized a bit with his friends before deciding to leave. After all, he unlike them, had just returned to the country and had to sort out many loose ends.

"Dad," he approached Yu Renyu and his 'chess buddies' "I'm heading to the Fei Mansion,"

"Yes, yes," Yu Renyu waved his hand nonchalantly, "see you at the Yu Conglomerate tomorrow!"

Yu Hanyu shook his head helplessly. He greeted his father's friends and went to say goodbye to the president. Then he headed straight for the Fei Mansion.