
Thrain Ironfist

In the depths of the forge, where the very air seemed to crackle with the heat of an unrelenting fire, Thrain Ironfist stood as a testament to both the artistry of the forge and the might of a warrior.

The room was a furnace itself, every surface thick with the weight of burning embers and the heat of the ever-roaring flames.

Yet, amidst this inferno, Thrain moved with a rhythmic grace that seemed to defy the oppressive heat.

He was a giant of his kind, his towering frame stretching far above the typical dwarven stature.

But even with his height, which surpassed that of most dwarves, his features were unmistakably those of his people, stocky, powerful, and brimming with the kind of raw strength that came only from generations of warriors and craftsmen.

Thrain's beard was thick and wild, cascading down to his chest, the silvery strands flecked with soot and sweat.