

Anthony was an orphan and has been through the hard life filled with suffering Working twenty four hours a day with nothing to show for it. He prayed everyday for a better day but god seem to not hear him He only read novels and other books in other to escape his harsh reality, because it was only in it he found solace He died one night on his way home from work after cursing god for the first time as a result of his frustration. He thought he would be heading to hell for cursing god. But a Unique being that even the universe couldn't fathom was intrigued with Anthony's soul. He decided to grant Anthony a wish after he had been through a hard life Follow Anthony as he vows to achieve whatever he couldn't in his past life. He shall stand above all with absolute power All tremble with just the mention of his name Overpowered✓ Handsome✓ NOTE: This is my first book HAREM PASS: DENIED R-18: DENIED Support us with your power stone and gift. .................................................................... NOTE: The book cover isn't mine, if the owner wants me to remove it, I will

LORDTEE · Fantaisie
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105 Chs


In a tall building, big enough to be called a castle, a woman could be seen going through child labor, the midwives encouraged her to keep pushing, as she was pushing, a dazzling golden soul arrived in their world and went straight for the building.

As the woman put to birth, she gave a look at her baby whom she carried for 9 months

"It's a boy" said one of the midwives who was carrying the child.

"Let me hold my son" the woman said, carrying her child and smiling, all sorts sorts of emotions coursing through her.

But unknown to her, a golden soul arrived immediately the child was born into the world and entered the baby and the baby started crying

She smiled thinking how her son had the hair color of his father, she cast cleaning magic on the child cleansing him of all dirt, then she said, "His name shall be Anthony, Null Anthony, the first son and first child of the Null family"

She smiled then laid her baby next to her and they slept off together

Anthony woke up the next day, he looked around his room, where his cradle was, seeing the design and aesthetics, and the wall literally made up of expensive ornaments he was happy that his family was well off as he didn't have to start off as an orphan this time around.

He was ecstatic, thinking of the adventure awaiting him, the dragon waiting for him to slay but all that was cut short when he perceived a smell, he soiled himself, 'this couldn't get anymore embarrassing, looks like I have to grow first in order to even slay anything' he thought and started crying, one of the maids arrived and changed his daipers

His days revolves around eating, sleeping, pooping, time passed and he was already 5 years old, he spent most of these years trying to draw in mana into his body which he failed terrible Which always left him angry, then he became older learnt how to read, he read in the library most of the time to find out why he failed to draw in mana, he thought he was crippled, that the being scammed him, he wanted to cry but later found out that people could only use mana when they awakened at the age of ten.

He leaped for joy when he found out nothing was wrong with him and thanked the being, he also found out that this world was called Blue planet and there has been mana in this world since the world was formed which no one knows how long and over 200 times the size of earth though he didn't know how much bigger, it was just a guess

The world was divided between between races and into domain, each race occupying their own domain, each race co-exist peacefully amongst themselves...ehhh more like they tolerate each other and aren't waging war frequently amongst themselves because of a common enemy The demon.

It is said The demons invaded blue planet 7 million years ago, they seemed endlessly, they kept killing, they kept coming, they only want to devour all life form on the planet and swallow the plant itself with the planet core, it's said they are invading worlds across the universe, it's been like this since the birth of their race, seeking destruction across all worlds, what their motive is, no one knows for sure

The main race on Blue planet were, The Dragons, who were said to be unrivalled in magic, the phoenix, who were dragging with the Dragon for the magic supreme title, by the way which wasn't even a thing, the titan race, which were unravelled in brute strength and force, the elves who were unrivalled in wind and spirit magic, the dwarves who were said to be unrivalled in blacksmith but were still batlle hardened, the human race who were called the jack of all trade, who were good at it all but hardly better than other race at a particular concept, but they are a force to be reckoned with, the demi-humans like foxkin and catkin, werewolf all come together to form a single domain, and lastly, the vampires who were called, the dominator of blood.

There are other races but these races are smaller races who aren't strong enough to occupy an entire domain on their own so they boarded near other domain or exist in other domain

He also found out that his mother name, who named him was Mitchelle Crimson from the Crimson family, she married his father Null Michael whom he hasn't seen since he was born, his mother always said he would be back in a few years, so he didn't bother asking anymore and just waited.

He learned Humans awakened classes here when they turned 10 and these classes came with perks that support them, some also awakened physique, some bloodline along with their class,which came as a surprise to him, he wanted to train earlier with the sword but he was stopped by his mother who said he might end up awakening as a mechanic which gave him nightmares so he gave up and waited for the awakening, he also found out that people have been trying to measure talent, in other to focus on which people to nurture, but failed on every turn, so people with bloodline or physique are highly sort after, people without physique or bloodline are still sort after, based on their class and perks, but people hardly divulge their perks to anybody.

He also found out he had grandparents but everyone was out and would only come back a week before his 10th birthday, it seems the demons and beast were holding everyone

He found out that his Null family was part of the strongest family in the human domain along side five other families, which were the, The Crimson family, The Amos family, The Stellar family, The Lionheart family, The Landell family, adding that to his family thats six, these were the top power houses of the human domain

He couldn't help by feel a headache coming from the cliche arrogant young masters that he would soon meet but if anyone tries him, he would knock them down, and kill them when no one was watching, he reincarnated fully prepared for this arrogant troupes, if anyone suspects him after killing the young master, well this is what a power house family is for, to shield him. Even if they have proof will they have enough power, but that didn't mean he would leave evidence for anybody.

The world here was also technologically inclined like earth which surprised him cause he thought mana would make them backwards, but seeing the cars and yacht and phones and laptops with the WC toilet he couldn't help but feel happy, he didn't have to sit in hardwood carrages with horses bumping on stones, he gave the being another thumbs up for knowing his style, truly worthy of a being who even gods are no more than ants to.

He spent his days patiently waiting for the 10th year to awaken so he could see his shameless father, reading, brushing up on history since he had nothing to do, also thinking of the cheats the being gave him and why he hasn't even gotten a system notification even after trying for 5 years, he felt like cursing the being, but stopped himself as he remembered his previous life where he cursed god after he got off work just to die some minutes later, he feared that if he cursed the being might take the cheat back.

This made him depressed, wishing he could just sleep and wake up on the day of awakening , he could only spend his days reading in the library and gossiping with the maids

He made the butler drive him once every two days in each car since each of them were luxurious and he didn't even get a sniff of a single one in his past life, he must drive them all and enjoy before he starts training from age 10.

Speaking of awakening he found out his mother had the elemental magician class which gave her access to a lot of elements and some perks that came with the class, which she didn't tell him saying he is too young to understand.

He could only give up and wait for his turn.