
Midnight Surrender

#1 In a small town, young Daisy endures a life of suffering under the tyranny of her stepfamily and the neglect of her father. Her once loving home now a prison, she and her mother are forced to serve her father's new wife and daughters. When a proposal arrives from a wealthy but disfigured nobleman, her father, eager to protect his other daughters, condemns Daisy to a seemingly bleak fate. #arranged marriage

JasmineJosef · Fantaisie
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88 Chs

A Veil of Thorns - Chapter 13

Before Daisy could leave for home, her father had suggested that she have a private moment with Lord Blackthorne to say their goodbyes. However, Daisy had more than a goodbye to say.

Her mind was riddled with questions, and her heart burned with annoyance. She couldn't help but feel that Lord Blackthorne treated her as nothing more than a mere possession.

As they stepped outside onto the terrace, Daisy gently withdrew her hand from his hold. The sunlight peeked through the clouds, casting a warm glow on the terrace after a long night of rain. The air was fresh and crisp, carrying the scent of damp earth and blossoming flowers.

Daisy looked into Lord Blackthorne's eyes, searching to understand him, but his gaze remained inscrutable, offering no clues to his thoughts or feelings.

Taking a deep breath, she began the conversation, trying to maintain a polite tone. "Lord Blackthorne, I wanted to thank you for your hospitality. Your home is truly magnificent, and I appreciate everything you have done for my family and me."

He inclined his head in acknowledgment, a polite smile playing on his lips. "You're most welcome, Daisy. I'm glad I could provide some comfort to you and your family during this time."

Despite his courteous response, Daisy's heart raced as she prepared to address the issue that had been bothering her. "But My Lord, I must admit that I wish you had asked for my thoughts and feelings before arranging our wedding. I cannot help but feel that my feelings matter little to you."

Lord Blackthorne raised an eyebrow, seemingly surprised by her candor. Then his eyes narrowed and darkened, flickering with a curious blend of amusement and intrigue.

"I apologize. It seems that I mistook your company for acceptance."

"No, My Lord. You haven't. I did accept to meet with you." She corrected.

"Ah, so you have accepted my company, but not my proposal for marriage?"

"Yes," she replied.

"Then are you declining my proposal, Daisy?"

"Does it have to be one or the other?" She blurted before she knew better. She stiffened, her hands clenching around her dress.

Lord Blackthorne chuckled, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Oh, Daisy, you are a puzzle, aren't you? Here you stand, taking issue with my decision-making, yet seemingly unable to make a decision yourself."

"I don't have difficulty making decisions," she said defensively. This wasn't fun at all. What did he find so amusing? "But if you insist I make a decision now then I will." She gazed into his golden eyes, which were almost amber at the moment.

Daisy saw the amusement in Lord Blackthorne's eyes turn to something else when she challenged him. There was a shift in his demeanor that she couldn't quite place, as if he was calculating something in his mind.

For a moment, he looked at her intently, his golden eyes probing, almost as if he was trying to read her thoughts. Then, to her surprise, he took a step closer, closing the distance between them.

"Daisy," he said, his voice low and smooth. "You misunderstand me. I do not wish for you to decline my proposal."

"What if I do?" She asked.

"Then I would be disappointed, Daisy." He replied. "And I never give up on what I want."

Daisy's heart skipped a beat at his response. His words sounded almost like a warning and were tinged with possessiveness.

"Then perhaps you should exercise some patience, My Lord." She breathed, keeping her ground.

God, she was digging her grave deeper and deeper. A disappointed Marquess was already bad enough. She didn't want to anger him as well.

Lord Blackthorne's expression shifted slightly, as if he was considering her words. "Patience has never been one of my virtues, Daisy," he replied, his voice still smooth but with a hint of hardness beneath the surface. "But I suppose I can make an exception for you."

Oh, how thoughtful, she almost snorted but bit her tongue. He infuriated her, but she knew this man wasn't going to let her go. She was doomed.

She tried not to let her nerves show on her face. Taking a deep breath, she said, "I appreciate your consideration, My Lord."

Lord Blackthorne regarded her with a long, intense gaze. Daisy could feel the weight of his scrutiny. "Very well, Daisy," he finally said, his voice softening slightly. "You can discuss the matter with your father, but I hope you won't keep me waiting too long."

How suffocating, she thought as she forced a smile on her face. She was glad when her family finally came out and the carriages arrived, interrupting her intense talk with her "future husband".

Lord Blackthorne offered her his hand again and escorted her to the carriage. Daisy wasn't sure if her decision was right because she could already feel the ominous energy from Katherine and her daughters, but Lord Blackthorne was danger and darkness itself.

"I hope to see you soon again, Daisy." He said lifting her hand to his mouth. His soft lips brushed against her knuckles, and heat coiled in her stomach again.


Rhain lifted his gaze to meet her warm brown eyes with flecks of emerald. They were like rich soil where the seeds of something beautiful were beginning to sprout and grow.

Her brown hair cascaded down her shoulders in soft waves, gleaming under the sun's gentle rays. Her skin was smooth and flawless, with a warm, golden glow that hinted at days spent under the open sky. And her lips, full and rosy, matched the subtle flush on her cheeks.

He could hear the change in the rhythm of her heartbeat, and he knew she wasn't immune to his allure, but she refused to yield to it. Her resistance was like a flame to his desire.

He helped her climb up the carriage and get inside. Once she was seated, she met his gaze, "Thank you for a lovely stay."

Rhain gave her a small smile and said, "The pleasure was mine. Safe travels to you."

Daisy nodded, "Until we meet again."

He nodded, his eyes lingering on her for a moment longer before he closed the door and stepped back. As the carriage began to move, he watched it until it disappeared from sight.

Rhain turned on his heel and headed back inside the house. He made his way down the grand hallway, his boots clacking against the marble floor.

As he entered the sitting room, he saw Edric pouring himself a drink from the decanter on the table. "Rhain! Rhain!" He mused as he turned around. "What are you up to?"

Rhain strode over to the couch with the speed of a hunter, his eyes still lingering on the door where Daisy had just departed. He sank into the cushions with a sense of relief, grateful to be away from the human world once again.

Edric came to join him, throwing his legs up on the sofa and taking a sip of his drink. "You seem to be enjoying the hunt too much this time. I can see why. Daisy is…" he tried to find the right word. "She has very good instincts."


"The young one has none."

Lila? She was delectable but she gave him a painful headache that made him lose his appetite.

"The other one, Cassandra. She is the normal one." Edric added.

"It seems.." Usually, humans could feel their predatory aura. It was a survival instinct, but they eventually succumbed to their charm.

"But marriage?" He looked at him seriously. "What is it with the marriage? Have you become religious?"

Rhain let out a low laugh. "Hardly." He had his reason, but oddly, he didn't feel like sharing it with Edric yet.

"Well, if you keep going at this pace, she will run away," Edric said.

"That is the point. How far would she get anyway?" He would like to know.

Edric chuckled and shook his head. "You older ones, always take it too far."

"When you get older you will understand. The thrill of the hunt becomes more exhilarating than the actual conquest." Although with Daisy, he was hunting for more than one thing.