
. Was it a dream?

Izumi takahashi is a 19 year old college student. Who suffers from psychosis also known as paranoid disorder, this is a disorder of imagining things that isn't actually happening. she was diagnosed with this disorder when she was 13 years old. her life wasn't the same since.

when she was 17 her parents died in a car accident. and now she lives alone in Sōka Japan. She went to Soka Minami High School befor, but now she doesn't go to college. Izumi was the most beautiful girl in her town. Every Boy had a crush on her even the teachers. And she was also the best at studies. She didn't want to get in on anything like relationships so she started skipping classes and soon dropped out. And now she was the crazy girl in town because of her disorder. But her best friend okimi nakashima, Her best friend from childhood, was the only one who didn't think she was crazy....

This morning i woke up late as always. Nothing was new. I saw a shadow looking at me from the corridoor. I am used to it now, Shadow looking at me from all around the house, Getting sleep paralysis, people calling me crazy it's now normal to me. I know what I see is true. but no one seem to believe me. Except my best friend okimi she is the only person who believes in me. Every day she comes to my house after college, gets me food and and listens to me about what happened in my day. everyday almost the same... I know she doesn't believe in what I say but she doesn't say I'm crazy instead she says my best friends imaginations are amazing....

after eating the food she got me. i was tell her what happened today but.....

Today it felt different like there was a 3rd person with us. normally shadows were looking at me but not when okimi was around. but today there was someone, I could feel it.....

After she left the feeling disappeared. I didn't think much of it...

At night i was about to sleep but I got that feeling again. like someone was looking at me from really close. I ignored it and went to bed.. I was just dozing off when i felt heavy breathing near my face, i opened my eyes quickly and saw him....

Large red eyes, long horns, dark black hair, blood dripping from cheeks....

I've never seen a guy like him. I was speechless. I tried to say something but I couldn't i was looking into his eyes and he was looking into mine i don't know how long i was looking into them. It's like i was hypnotized. I was leaving in a world of his eyes. I couldn't hear, speak, or do anything just look at his eyes. I came to my senses in the morning. I didn't know what was happening. I carried on with my day thinking it was just a normal dream. but deep inside I knew I wasn't dreaming....