
. The old truth

"2002... the day it all happened.... Your birthday"

"MY BIRTHDAY!? what happened in that day!?"

"OI! if you talk to much im not saying anything!"

"ok, ok sorry"

"hmm..... That day... Wait! Did you ever meet that friend of your dad... Humm.... That priest?

"what!?.. Oh yeah uncle George, yes I know him... Why?"

"I'm telling you na stop!... When you wer born the doctors did something wrong... And... And... You died..."



"OK OK..."

"when your dad heard what happened... He took you to that priest.. George.... He did some rituals and told your parents that he can get your soul back... But life must go for another life... Your parents didn't know what to do... they really wanted you back so they said yes.... Not knowing what could happen...

You wer there first child after trying for years they finally got you so they loved you alot..... When the priest did the ritual... He did something with the other world.... And when that happened... My mom died..... She was screaming in pain but the priest didn't stop.... I saw my mother dieing in front of my eyes.... I didn't have a father... She was my only family... I loved her more than anything... But since I was young I couldn't do anything..... Then finally When I turned 18..... In Your 13th birthday I came to this world.... When the priest knew about this he told your parents... They tried alot to get me away from you... But at last they passed away in your 17th birthday the day I finally saw you... I didn't want to show you my face then but after watching for 2 years I did it... You don't have any phobias.... They are there because of the rituals he did.... "


"IZUMI!! SUT UP! why are you screaming?... I did not kill anyone... They sacrificed themselves to save you...."

"what the heck are you saying?!"

"I'm telling you what you wanted to know... Izumi this is the truth...."

"then why are you here.... To take revenge!?"

"wouldn't I've killed you by now if I wanted to?"


"believe me Izumi I don't wanna harm you... I've been with you for years..."

"then why are you here!?"

"Izumi..... When I'm with you I feel safe like I'm with my mother..... If I do anything to you I might lose everything I have....."

"so your with me because I remind you of your mother....?!"

"Nohh Izumi..... All these years I felt something else.... Something.... More than that.... Izumi.... I... I.."

suddenly a light came through the window, it was morning already....

I looked back and he was gone.... All this happened and I didn't know anything about it..... My head started hurting really bad... I didn't sleep all night so I fell asleep as I put my head on the pillow...I woke up really late it was already 3pm I really overslept today...

I woke up, took a shower and ate some food.. Suddenly the door bell Rang... I opened the door and saw.....

"okimi!? Hi!, how are you doing?? "

"good.... How about you?"

"good but why do you look sad and what is he doing here?"