
. Good bye

I opend the door and saw okimi and her cousin.... The one I saw on my birthday....

I wonder why they are here...

"okimi why do you look so sad.... Is everything alright...."

As I said that she busted into tears and hugged me tight...

"okimi what happened.. TELL ME!

Your making me worried... Okimi!"

"nothing is ok Izumi.... Nothing"

"what are you saying!?"

Suddenly a deeper voice said...(okimis cousin)

"okimi tell her what happened.... You don't have much time left..."


Okimi wiped her tears and started talking...

"Izumi... I'm leaving...

I'm going to USA for my studies...."

"what.... This is a great news! Why are you crying... Crazy girl"

"because I'm leaving tomorrow.... And I don't want to leave you here alon.....

Sometimes the way you act is not good for your health..."

"okimi I'm not a little kid anymore, I can take care of myself... I know you love me but your studies are also really important...."

"I know your not a kid... But wouldn't you be lonely if I leave... Wouldn't you miss me..."

"i will but I want you to go study... I promise I'll be fine!... And I'll call you whenever I miss you"


"no buts!"

After that we talked for a while and okimi told me...

"listen.... I'm leaving my cousin is here to give you company... He is really dumb and annoying.....but what can I do, no one else I can trust lives here..."

"okimi.. It's fine... I can manage alon."

" yeah ok but who will get you groceries...?"

"I'm planning to do it myself from now on..

I know i can do it if I try..."

"ok fine but if you ever feel sad or wanna talk to someone call him ok..... Here is his number"

"your just telling me to call him and talk to him... Does he even wanna talk to me... Like he is not even taking to me.."

"girl it's fine he'll start talking to you as he gets to know you, he's just like that... And he said he would do it, I didn't do anything"

After afew hours she left... We talked like we didn't talk for years....

Even though I acted like I'll be fine but deep inside I knew I'll miss her alot...

The next day I went to see her off at the airport....Her family and her cousin was there too.....

After my parents died This was the first time I left my house other than my birthday....

All this time okimi helped me so much... She always wanted me to do things myself.... I promise.. When she'll come back I'll be just like she wanted.... Tears started rolling down my cheeks... I couldn't stop myself from crying.... Good thing she already left or she would've gotten mad, she doesn't like to see me sad or cry.... I was looking down and crying when her cousin came to me.... And said...

"I know your sad but don't Cry.... She will be angry if she knows and scold me.... Want me to drive you home?"

I wiped my tears and looked up.... I didn't notice befor... He looked really cute and he was blushing.....

He looked interesting so I wanted to be his friend.. At least I'll have some one to talk to when I'm bored...

I chuckled a bit and said...

" Hmm your right... Let's go... But not home can you take me to the park?.... It's Near my apartment... I really liked going there with okimi...."

"oh yeah yeah sure... I don't have anything to do today so why not"

We reached there pretty quick... Maybe because we were talk all the way there....

I got to know alot about him... We had alot in common...

Oh hum his name is Daisuke...

After afew days I thought of going to university.... I don't know why but deep inside I always wanted to continue studying...

Daisuke helped me catch up with everything in 3 months. I got everything really quickly.... I knew all the basics....

He started calling me genius... I really liked his company.... He helped me get admission to the university..... I told okimi everying, everday and soon it was my first day of university....

I got up very early... Ate and got ready... As I was looking in the mirror all the memorys came flooding back.... All the bullying, all the teachers... All of a sudden the room started spinning and I blacked out hitting my head hard on something.....