
Mia, A Journalist.

Sapheeramage · Urbain
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10 Chs


Mia checked her phone for the third time in the last ten minutes. She was still waiting for her editor to reply to her message, hoping that he would approve her idea for a new article. She had spent the last week researching and interviewing various sources about the latest developments and innovations in the magical community, and she was eager to share her findings with her readers.

She looked around the ballroom, where hundreds of guests were gathered for the charity gala. The event was organized by the United Council of Supernatural Races, or UCSR, a global organization that aimed to promote peace and cooperation among the different magical beings that coexisted with humans. The gala was supposed to raise funds and awareness for various causes and projects that the UCSR supported, such as environmental protection, human rights, education, and health.

Mia was invited to the gala as a journalist, but she felt out of place among the glamorous and powerful crowd. She saw vampires, werewolves, fairies, witches, and other creatures that she could not even name, all dressed in elegant and expensive outfits, adorned with jewels and accessories. They were chatting, laughing, drinking, and dancing, seemingly oblivious to the problems and conflicts that plagued the world.

Mia felt bored by the speeches and the mingling, and wondered if there was anything worth reporting here. She had hoped to find some interesting stories or scandals, but so far, she had only encountered polite and superficial conversations. She sighed and decided to get another drink from the bar, when she spotted a handsome and mysterious man across the room.

He was tall and lean, with dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He wore a black suit and a white shirt, with a silver tie and a matching watch. He looked like a model or a movie star, but Mia recognized him from her research. He was Leo Blackwood, the CEO of Blackwood Industries, one of the largest and most influential corporations in the world. He was also a vampire, and one of the richest and most powerful ones at that.

Mia felt a surge of curiosity and attraction, and decided to approach him. She had read a lot about him, but she had never seen him in person. She wanted to know more about him, and maybe get an exclusive interview. She also wanted to see if he was as charming and charismatic as he looked.

She walked towards him, weaving through the crowd, until she reached his side. He was standing alone, holding a glass of red wine, and looking bored. He did not seem to notice her, until she cleared her throat and said, "Hi, I'm Mia. Mia Jones. I work for the Magic Times, an online magazine that covers the latest news and trends in the magical community. I'm a big fan of your work, Mr. Blackwood. Can I ask you a few questions?"

Leo turned his head and looked at her. He was surprised by her boldness and intrigued by her appearance. She was beautiful, with long blonde hair and green eyes. She wore a simple but elegant red dress, that hugged her curves and contrasted with her fair skin. She looked like a human, but he sensed something else in her. Something familiar, but also unknown.

He smiled and said, "Hello, Mia. I'm Leo. Leo Blackwood. And yes, you can ask me anything you want. But first, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?" Mia said, feeling a flutter in her stomach.

"What are you?" Leo asked, his eyes narrowing.

Mia blinked, confused by his question. "What do you mean, what am I? I'm a human, of course. What else would I be?"

Leo shook his head and said, "No, you're not. You're something else. Something more. I can feel it. You have magic in you, but not like any magic I've ever felt before. It's different. It's unique. It's...fascinating."

Mia felt a chill run down her spine, and wondered how he knew. She had always kept her secret, ever since she was a child. She had inherited a rare and powerful gift from her mother, who had died when she was young. She could see and manipulate the threads of fate, the invisible forces that shaped the lives and destinies of everyone and everything. She could change the course of events, alter the outcomes of situations, and influence the choices and actions of others. She could also see the past and the future, the causes and the effects, the connections and the patterns.

She had never told anyone about her gift, not even her father or her friends. She had learned to hide it, to control it, to use it sparingly and wisely. She had used it to help others, to make the world a better place, to pursue her passion for journalism. She had also used it to protect herself, to avoid danger, to escape trouble. She had never met anyone who could see or sense her magic, until now.

She wondered how Leo could do it, and what he wanted from her. She felt a mix of fear and curiosity, and decided to play along. She said, "Well, I guess you'll have to find out for yourself, Mr. Blackwood. But first, can you answer my questions?"

Leo nodded and said, "Of course, Ms. Jones. But please, call me Leo. And I'll call you Mia. We don't need to be so formal, do we?"

Mia smiled and said, "Okay, Leo. And no, we don't. So, tell me, what are you doing here tonight? What are your thoughts on the UCSR and its goals? How do you balance your business and your personal life? How do you cope with being a vampire in a world that is still afraid and hostile towards your kind?"

Leo answered her questions, and asked her some of his own. They engaged in a witty and flirtatious conversation, exchanging information, opinions, jokes, and compliments. They were both impressed by each other's intelligence and charisma, and felt a strong attraction. They also sensed a mysterious familiarity, as if they had met before, in another time and place.

They did not notice the time passing, or the people around them. They did not notice the change in the atmosphere, or the tension in the air. They did not notice the loud explosion, followed by screams and chaos, until it was too late.

A group of masked men armed with guns and magic stormed the gala, and announced that they were there to kidnap Leo. They were part of a rogue faction of vampires who wanted to use Leo's power and influence to start a war with the other races. They had been planning this for months, and they had finally found their opportunity.

They fired their weapons and cast their spells, killing and injuring anyone who stood in their way. They made their way to the stage, where Leo and Mia were standing, and surrounded them. They pointed their guns and wands at them, and shouted, "Don't move, or we'll shoot! We're here for Leo Blackwood, and we won't leave without him!"

Mia and Leo were shocked and scared, but they did not panic. They looked at each other, and felt a surge of adrenaline and determination. They decided to fight back, and to escape together. They did not know why, but they felt a bond, a trust, a loyalty, that was stronger than anything they had ever felt before.

Mia used her gift, and saw the threads of fate that connected them to their attackers. She saw the weak points, the gaps, the opportunities. She whispered to Leo, "Follow my lead. I have a plan."

Leo nodded, and said, "I trust you. Let's do this."

Mia and Leo managed to escape the attackers, and run to the parking lot, where Leo's car was waiting. They got in the car, and Leo told Mia to buckle up. He said that he would explain everything later, but for now, they needed to get away from the danger. He started the car, and drove away at high speed, leaving behind the burning building and the terrified guests.