
Their only chance to escape

It took only a matter of seconds for Bakugou to realize what was occurring on the floor in front of him as Midoriya shoved past him to tackle the villain standing by the door to the ground. Deku was dismembering a villain... Deku was eating a living human.!

Shock manifested into horror as the blood and tissue flying away from the villain's retaliating body, leaving pools of blood slowly leaking into the cell. Bakugous' eyes widened with horror as his mind reeled back to the memories of Deku eating his own hand to preserve his hunger.

The horribly disturbing habit he had scolded him for which had held back the ferocious animal now decimating the villain before him. He didn't have time to think about it now, but the thought that Midoriya had chosen to eat his own hands over and over, instead of risking his life, scared him; no matter how much he would deny it.

He had held himself back for Bakugou's safety, and shoved him violently out of the way to let himself loose on the villain who had made the deadly mistake to open the cage door to a cannibal alone...

It didn't take long for Bakugou to shake himself out of his horror as the sounds of the squelching of flesh and the lack of resistance came from the villain who laid motionlessly on the floor, in a pool of their own blood.

Midoriya ignored his presence as he edged his way out of the room, avoiding the splatters of blood which scattered the walls around them, not tempted to look down to the villain as turned to run away and escape; calling for Midoriya to follow as he did so.

Bakugou had only taken a few steps once he realized that Midoriya wasn't following him, coaxing him to turn around and lay his eyes on his classmates who were still devouring into the villain, shoveling handful after handfuls of flesh and meat into his mouth.

The lifeless head rolled onto its side from the force Izuku was placing onto the body as Bakugou's eyes caught the villains own, causing him to take a sharp intake of breath at the grotesquely morbid scene of death which ingrained itself into his mind; his voice shaking with distress as he crept horrifyingly away from the body.

Bakugous' words slid from his mouth with a hiss, stressing his words as he stumbled on his words, panic flooded into his body as Midoriya remained oblivious to the world around him, his concentration pinpointed into hollowing the carcass before him..

"D-Deku! Come one! We need to go.!"

His words went ignored, as Midoriya continued devouring the villain at a rapid pace, tearing chunk after chunk of flesh and blood into his mouth as quickly as humanly possible; uncaring for the reactions of his classmate watching him eat.

"Deku, stop it! we need to leave..!"

Bakugous words were only becoming more desperate by the second, as Midoriya slowed down enough from his eating to utter a few words between mouthfuls.

"I-i …can't."

The blond felt his eyes widen at the insanity of Izukus' response, this was their chance to escape and he was wasting every precious second which trickled past; staying behind to attack the villain who would no longer be able to chase them down...

Bakugou knew for sure that it wouldn't be long until the rest of the villains came knocking to find their comrade dead on the ground, and he was certain they wouldn't be pleased.

Infuriated anger raged beneath the overwhelming dread and hysteria the blond was desperately trying to constrain beneath his visibly frustrated face his eyes brows narrowing heavily as he growled out his agitations.

"What do you mean you can't..! We need to get a move on and escape, not wait around here for the villains to find us!"

The world remained silent for a second before

Izuku visibly slowed his pace, finally giving Bakugou the reasonable response he clearly didn't crave.

"I can't afford to."

Bakugou took a step back as he began almost laughing from the insanity of it all, still baffled by his answer, "What!?"

Izuku didn't bother to look up at Katsuki as he shoveled another couple of handful of meat into his mouth, the action making Bakugou to gag.

"I need to eat as much as possible, Kacchan, "Izuku muttered out dully, " need the energy to fight off anyone who will chase after us."

He paused as he shoved another handful of flesh into his mouth before finally looking up at his classmate, his multicoloured eyes dull and tired.

"There is no chance of us getting out of here without getting chased, if I don't eat we won't get far otherwise."

offhand remark about not being able to protect himself, only watching with a sickening gulp as Izuku continued devouring the dead body, his mind still releasing with the realization of how desperate Izuku must have been for food at the extent of the body which was already gone.

How dangerously close he must have been to eating him, locked in that confined cell; together and alone with no one to hear him scream.

He would never admit it aloud, but Bakugou knew now how his quirk worked, and how difficult it would be to escape without the green-haired ghoul beside him. Bakugou knew he would never be able to leave him behind in that gloomy, malodorous cell...

Unbeknownst to him, Midoriya was having the same dreaded thoughts as well, now having thankfully tamed the barely controllable urges swelling inside him.

Their brief few seconds of unchallenged freedom were beginning to trickle away.

"Ol! Get away from her!'

when all of a sudden shouts of fury came tumbling down the corridor. The infuriated noises set the pair of hero students on edge, both of them snapping their heads behind them as they saw compress run around the corner before sprinting down the corridor behind them.

The villains' surprise appearance made the two boys freeze with panic before Bakugou jumped up and began running away at the sight of the blue marbles flying towards them.

It only took a blink of an eye for Izuku to vanish from Bakugous' line of sight in front of him before reappearing next to Compress with vicious movement as he tore his arm off, avoiding all the marbles from his quick as he had rapidly approached him.

Compress let out an unholy scream as the sound alerted the rest of the villains who were not far behind him, the missing limb thrown across the corridor as the masked villain lent down to grasp at his missing arm with gritted teeth, his blood mixing with Magnes over the walls and floor.

"Deku! We need to leave!"

Bakugou's frantic yells called out as Izuku turned bask to look at his widened eyes, his classmates' voice distracting him from the cremation villain standing behind him.

The blue flames which had tickled against the villains' hands exploded throughout the room towards them, coating Izuku who was closer to the villain in a wave of white sizzling agony, singeing away at his skin off before his quirk quickly replaced it.

Bakugou, who was standing just far enough away to jump out of the villain's reduced range from the size of the corridor, lept back and watched with jaw-dropped horror as the wall of cremating flames immersed his classmate, Izuku's screams overwhelmed by the roar of the flames.


Bakugou's screams of fear were silenced by the wall of flames; Dabi hidden on the other side, grinning like a psychopath as the screams from within the fire vanished, his scarred hands up to control the flames all the while.

He was too busy trying to prevent his healthy skin from singeing to react quick enough to the black, red-veined tentacle of Izukus Kagune, which shot out like a missile as Midoriya used the villain's body to push himself out of the other side of the blue flames; simultaneously launching the burnt villain back down the corridor with unfortunately minimal injuries.

Bakugou's eyes widened with shock as Midoriya landed beside him, gasping for breath as the fire drained the oxygen from the air, his skin molten skin dropping off before being rapidly replaced by new flesh.

It seemed as if his cannibalistic diet was already beginning to show its side effects in full force once again.

With Midoriya struggling to get up off the floor as quickly as possible, no words were shared in the frantic attempts Bakugou took to grab at his classmate's boiling skin, pulling him up successfully as they continued running down the corridor.

As soon Midoriya had gotten his footing, Bakugou let go of his hand as they increased the speed they were running down the corridor in an attempt to find any window to jump from.

In the few vital seconds the flames had given them, the pair found their home stretch as they ran up a set of stairs towards a window which sat placed only meters in front of them.

Unfortunately, they didn't take into account the maze of paths the villains could have taken to pass the wall of fire they left behind, as the leader of the Jeague of villains, Shigaraki ran out of a nearby corridor behind them that they had only just passed.

In the few seconds, Midoriya had needed to reheal from the damage caused by the fire-wielding villain, the regeneration had caused him to lag slightly behind as the pain caused him to stumble forward with grit in his teeth.

Those few inches were all that was needed for Shigaraki to catch up and launch himself far enough to latch his uncovered hand onto Midoriya calf as Bakugou reached the window just before him, smashing it with his hand as the quirk suppression cuffs they had placed on him previously were still fully activated.

Midoriya let out an inhuman scream as the disintegration of Shiggarakis quirk settled itself deep within his skin, the scream drawing the undivided attention of Bakugou as he turned away from the open window to see his classmate getting dragged back down the corridor.

Shiggaraki let out an insane grin of success as he watched the terror on Bakugou's face pull on his distraught features as he called out desperately to his friend.

" DEKU!"

The grinding of his teeth could be heard as he slammed his jaw shut after gasping in agony, only mayaging to grit a few words through his teeth as he used all his upper body strength to try and pull himself up and away from the strong grip around his leg.

"J-Just... Run.!'

Shiggarakis eyes visibly widened at Midoriya's words, yanking him back towards him as he tightened his grip, causing Midoriya to slam his eyes shut as he tried to distract himself from the pain.

"No... You're not going ANYWHERE.!'

Midoriya grunted as he forcibly yanked back face down onto the ground, using the lack of excess pull space Shiggaraki had to activate his kagune in a desperate attempt to loosen the villains' grip around his leg; the silent war of regeneration and disintegration raging between them.

The force of the Midoriya attack wasn't enough.

Shigaraki's head whipped back from the force of Izuku's assault, his grip holding true as he kept his grasp firm, but it gave Izuku enough time to force his body off the ground; lifting Shigaraki's grip with him as he pulled away.

Within a matter of milliseconds, Shigaraki recovered and lurched his head back towards Midoriya as he aimed his other arm towards Izuku's face with a vile, malicious scowl glaring up at him.

Izuku didn't have any more time to waste.

It started with a crack, the internal structure of Izuku bones in the calf of his leg fracturing in half before the rest of the bone followed in shattering


"What the!"

Shigaraki words were cut short as Izuku watched a splatter of blood land on a shocked expression on the villain's face, the flesh of his calf splintering into fragments down the side; following the pattern his bone was making inside.

The tears of mangled flesh and disintegrating bone tore themselves apart as Izuku used the power of both his quirks, in a mix of green lightning, flying blood, and insanity, together to plummet Shigaraki in the face; sent the man flying away in writhing pain down the corridor.

Shigaraki's hand was ripped from his leg as it convulsed and snapped back into place, stumbling away while gasping for air as limped dangerously towards Bakugou, concentrating all of his energy into healing the leg he had torn apart.

The look of alarm and fright, clear as day on Bakugou's face, was the first thing Izuku saw as he quickly stumbled his way towards the window, desperately grabbing ahold of the blond's arm as he wanked his classmate out of the window behind him; falling to the ground a few meters below before the pair running as fast as they could into the darkness of the night.

Stomps of shoes and gasps of breathlessness vibrated through the stagnant nighttime air, Midoriya and Bakugou sprinting as fast as their bodies would carry them away from the place which would surely bring them to an early demise.

Adrenaline was pumping high, after Izuku managed to break off the quirk cuffs on Bakugou wrists which his quirk allowing them to jump across the moonlit skyline, propelling explosions and strength induced leaps with the aid of Izuku's Kagune giving them the edge they needed to get back to civilization as quick as they could; whichever direction that was.

It wasn't long before their exhaustion settled in again as they ran further and further away from the villain's lair, Izuku keeping his sense of smell going to try and pick up on anyone following them.

Thankfully, not a single soul had traced them to the Police station the pair were standing before.

As the pair slowed down and Bakugou began to march his way inside, Izuku hesitated, his Kagune slowly dissipating into nothing behind him as he stared warily up at the tall building in front of


His little awkward pause in his pace caught the attention of Bakugou, whose body was now visible from the luminescent lights coming from inside the police station.

The blond focused on his face, exhaustion, and fatigue shining through his pale skin.

"Deku... Come on, we need to get inside."

Bakugous spoke cautiously as Midoriya visibly gulped, his eyes widening awkwardly as he tried to mumble out his excuse.

"I-i. I need to find something to eat, my stomach is starting to hurt from all the healin-"

Izuku began, stumbling over his words as he winced with pain. A sharp pain making itself known down the bottom of his leg that Shigaraki had tried to destroy, "It's not safe for me to be near too many-"

"Holy Shit Deku, Your Leg!"

Bakugous distressed words cut him off as he gasped again in pain, looking down to notice the bottom of his leg barely holding itself together as Shiggarakis disintegration carried on clawing deeply into him.

The strong wave of adrenaline that had been numbing the pain falling away as the shooting pain down his calf hit him at full force as his body desperately tried to keep up with the rapid pace of the disintegration as it seemingly grew faster and faster.

Or maybe it was his body running out of food?

Izuku's leg began to crumple below him as he fell to the ground, his body slowly losing its battle as he looked in horror at the flakes of dead skin falling off his legs in front of him; the decay slowly crawling higher up his leg.

He sucked in a deep, pained breath.


Within a matter of moments, Bakugou was beside him, panic and desperation for help were clear on his face as his hands hovered over Izuku's legs;

stumped with no idea how to slow the villains' quirk down...

"Fucking Hell It's Spreading! Shit, Shit! Deku, I Don't Know- How-"

His hands subconsciously lowered closer to Midoriya's leg as the green-haired boy noticed what Bakugou was unknowingly doing.

"Kacchan Stop." Izuku's words came out in a sudden scream, causing Katsuki to flinch away at the unexpected noise, his hands lifting away from the dying leg.

Bakugou looked like he was about to start yelling angrily at the sudden noise when Izuku quickly butted in.

"You can't touch it! Izuku began with wide-eyed alarm, "I don't want it to spread to you!"

Bakugous eyes widened simultaneously with his words with a gulp, watching Izuku breath heavily in and out as he fell into a panicked frenzy, his shoeless foot falling apart into nothing as it crumbled out of existence.

His friend who had been kidnapped and held hostage together with him and is probably the only reason Bakugou knew he was alive, was quickly disappearing before his eyes.

At this rate, Izuku was slowly reaching his end.

"Deku! What- How-" Bakugou began with a terrifying panic for his friend's safety as rare tears bloomed in his eyes as he brought his hands up to grab at his hair as he looked down at Izuku's missing foot, "How do we stop this..!?"

Izuku didn't respond, pushing Bakugou away forcefully with his arm as he sat up, bringing his other arm into his mouth before biting down forcefully.

Bakagou rolled slightly away before he stopped, his head shooting in Deku's direction as he watched with alarm what he assumed was Izuku trying to gain more energy through eating his own flesh once again.

Except, Izuku never pulled his flesh away, leaning forward as he activated a single Kagune from behind his back before slicing through the fortunately decay-free flesh of his thigh.

The arm in his mouth muffling the agonizing screams which still managed to vibrate through the tight grip Izuku held it in, white pain searing through him like a bolt of lightning.

Bakugou's incoherent screams in the background of his mind were muted by the deafening sensations he felt raging throughout his body.


He dismembered his leg off in a single slice, stopping the spread of Shiggarakis quickly in its place, Izukus kagune dissipated into nothing as he flopped onto his back; gasping for air as he tried to mute the pain.


His senses were too warped to notice the new figures and people standing around him, the sounds of shouts and screams muffled around him, as he shakily tried to push himself back up onto his arms.

"Ge-... back.!"

His eyesight was too blurred to notice the small swarm of Police officers charging out of the building, quinques raised, or the two officers holding Bakugou back as they attacked him as he tried to stand; only to be knocked back onto the ground in an instant.

Frantic cries could be heard as he managed to make out one of the figures getting dragged away, Bakugou's face slowly coming back into focus for only a moment as his fearful eyes screamed out to him.


That was the last thing he heard before his lights went dark, and his slumber called him back to sleep.

It all happened so quickly, and Bakugou watched hysterically as it all unfolded before him.

In a matter of moments, Izuku's leg was dismembered from his body with a sickening quelch from his activated quirk; the police from inside the station making themselves known as his Kagune vanished into nothing.

Izuku's leg fell into dust, no longer having the fuel source it needed to continue regenerating as it disappeared with the breeze of the police rushing past him, weapons raised to attack.

There was nothing Bakugou could do but watch with appal, two police officers came up behind him in some kind of attempt to get him away from his classmate, as they hit him violently with the tools which looked so similar to tentacle that Midoriya could control; the pair of them both too exhausted and drained to resist.


He struggled against their hold pathetically,

Midoriya now lying motionlessly on the ground as he was dragged into the police station; kicking and screaming profanities as he went.

Why were they attacking him out of nowhere?

Couldn't they see that Deku wasn't trying to harm him?

The possibilities of what knowledge the police had about Izuku and his quirks made Bakugou freeze with fear as his world seemed to blur as well; too deep in his thoughts to notice the people rushing around and the two police officers trying to talk to him.

Had they seen Midoriya's eye? Had they been unfortunate enough to spot the kagune? Which had vanished only a few seconds before the officers had even left the building?

Seconds trickled into minutes, and only after a matter of moments did Aizawa, trailed by All Might and Nezu come hurrying through the door; Aizawa splitting off from the others once he spotted Bakugou weakly protesting against the police officers tight hold, lost within his own mind.

It was only after Aizawa sensei spoke that his thoughts snapped back to the present, looking up at him in shock and relief.

"Hey! Let go of him! I'll take it from here!"

The two police officers loosened their grips as they looked at each other with a nonchalant shrug, giving Bakugou the opportunity to shake himself free of their holds.

"Fuck!" Bakugou cursed quietly, falling into a sitting position on the floor, Aizawa quickly following him down in a kneel as he held onto Bakugou's shoulders and quickly checked him over with widened, worried eyes.

"Bakugou! Are you alright? What happened? What-How did you escape?'

His sense's words were coming out in spitfire in an oddly out of character yet comforting way,

Bakugou holding back a silent cry as he gritted his teeth in a grin; his eyes betraying him as strained tears rolled down their indented tracks.

Bakugou wasn't thinking straight enough to answer his questions, too focused on his worries for Midoriya.

"I should have died.!"

Aizawa flinched back with a heavy gasp, eyes widening with concern as he misinterpreted Bakugous words.

"Bakugou, it's not your

Bakugou stumbled over his words, whispering them seemingly to himself as he interrupted his sensei.

"If Deku hadn't been there- Without him- There's no way I would have made it out alive..!'

Aizawa slowly let go of Bakugou's shoulder with a quiet gasp of shock, before he pulled himself out of his shock and grasped Bakugou's shoulders once again, grounding the blond back to reality; finally coherent enough to understand his sensei's questions as he started up at him lethargically.

Aizawa felt a wave of confusion and concern fall over him, his expression growing fearful as he looked into the exhausted and dull red eyes of his student, slightly jogging the blond for an answer.

"Bakugou, what are you talking about?"

Bakugou didn't blink as he stared up at his sensei, jaw opened before gulping, as he slowly gathered what Aizawa was asking.

"What happened to you two?'

His silence was soon replaced with a quiet chuckle mixed sloppily with his growing sobs of anguish, verging on the edge of hysterical, as he replied.

"H-he was eating his own hands! His own fingers!"

Bakugou lowered his head into his shaky hands as his eyes remained wide. He choked on his words as he sucked in a sharp, ragged breath, his words horribly strained and throat itchy and dry from his screams of anger and terror earlier.

"He ate his own flesh and blood to stop himself from getting hungry, to stop himself from eating me..! H-he shoved me a-aside and took on the entire league of villains while I couldn't access my quirk because of the cuffs they had put on my wrists.!"

Aizawa steadily grew pale as Bakugou continued replaying his memories, opting to pull the hysterically crying boy into a hug of safety as words kept pouring from the traumatized blond's mouth. The action of the last few days finally catching up with him and hitting reality.

"They had locked us in a room together for hours and he was starving but he didn't once hurt me!"

Bakugou turned into his teacher as he grabbed ahold of Aizawa's hero uniform in a rare show of weakness and insecurity.

"He took every hit the villains sent at us, just to give us a chance to escape.!"

His words finished up as his fatigue finally caught up with him, his final words going silent and unsaid within his mind.

He took every hit just to save me!

A/N no chapter this Sunday