
Kids Fight

im currently taking a nap... in my classroom, yes I don't care it's break time, been for about 6 minutes... wait the brakes are only five minutes.

listening to my gut, I jerk my hand up and catch something, looking at the item, I see that it's a hand...connected to a person.

"may I help you?" I ask the girl with a weird hairstyle, Onix eyes, and a startled look.

"oh, the class started, and All might is here, distributing out suits," she said composing herself again and taking her hand back.

"thanks" really, I could have missed the class, though I think the teacher would wake me up. still don't remember your name though.

"AH, YOUNG EMIYA, GLAD YOU'RE AWAKE, GO GRAB YOU-... WHERE IS YOUR SUIT?" asked the hulking man reminding me of Berserker, only more normal.

standing up with a yawn, I project my "archer" clothes, the only thing I added is the hood, but that's irrelevant, just for the looks, I might change it into black if I decide to be an underground hero.

"OH, WELL THAT'S CONVENIENT, IMPRESSIVE USE OF YOUR QUIRK," he said with the same smile on his face and dashed off...out the door and down the hallway.

with a shrug, I walk out, normally, As others stare at me in wonder... what? never seen clothes just appear on someone?.

we went our ways, me to our teacher and they went into the locker rooms.

and bout 15 minutes later, with awkward silence between me and all might, they arrived.

the only opinion I had was: impractical...

most of them are just decorations, maybe those grenade things on Bakugo's hands, I can see barrels maybe it does something.

using trance on the thing, I realize that the adults are irresponsible, give a 14-year-old kid with an explosive quirk something that can make bigger explosions, and coincidently it can also bring down about six to seven buildings.

after listening to what we had to do.

(so we fight, good guys, try to get the bomb while bad guys protect it, and try not to bring down the building, got it)

I was fairly confident until I found out that my partner was Bakugo...

damn it.

and we were facing... his nemesis and some kid with balls on his head.

it's almost worse than when I was summoned by myself, a good thing I can trace the rule breaker, I just walked off on him, but he somehow still survived, but who knows I disappeared after two days.

looking over to my teammate, I see him... glaring at me, I could even feel some killing intent, a worm could do better though.

ignoring him, I walk inside the building, pick up the bomb, and place it on the third floor, it was made of cardboard...

with a shrug, I was for the trigger-happy teen to come up.

"Hey, you white-haired bastard, where did you go?!?!" I heard a scream down the hall.

Do I have to work with this child? now I have to walk over and get him, why can't he sense me? so what if he's 14?

with a sigh, I went out of the room and waved at him.

after trying to negotiate -and failing- I watch as he runs out of the room, throwing insults at me.

and where did the "red sucker" come from, and "red and white popsicle".

kids these days.

looking over to the window, I walk up to it and project my bow and arrow, but the tip was dulled.

well, time to show them how it's done, just pull back my bow and release the arrow, break knee caps and win. easy nice?

" by the way young emiya, please don't hurt anyone" I heard all night mutter over the receiver... crap there goes all my plans.

with a sigh, I disperse my bow and look dejected.

"can I shoot the pervert at least?" I ask, just to make sure.

"no" getting my answer I decide to do the smart thing.

you see, the rules said that we had to protect the bomb inside the building... it didn't say which building.

so, walking back inside the room I place the bomb in, I pick it up and jump over to the next building.

problem solved.

too bad someone had to explode the building that I just jumped off of.

(... stupid, overpowered kids these days, what has this world come to?)



btw, should I get him a love interest? like Rumi?

and before you say something about age - which I don't think you will - I don't care about it, so what if they are 10 years apart?
