
Hero exam

it's been 10 months, my body is in good condition, but to be honest, im still not sure, im optimal for killing, but I can't do that now, I need to limit myself... or knock my opponents out, I don't know, whatever works.

I get on the train to reach my destination, I can just use my prana to get there faster but, I don't have a license yet.

about 15 minutes later I was at the Gates of UA high, walking in I see the green-haired kid who tries to save someone from a sludge.

ignoring him I walk into the school, I have an exam to pass.

the written exam master an hour, and we were not allowed to leave if we finished early.

after finishing my test of 100 questions in 25 minutes, I sit out the rest of the time.

and finally, after a bus ride, we are at the part where we can destroy things. oh, joy.

looking around I see many wearing tracksuits, some even made handmade costumes, looking down, I see what im wearing, a T-shirt, a black color, and baggy pants for mobility...whatever I can project my archer clothes.

there was a loud voice screaming to start, and I dash into the arena... never mind this is a small city, how rich are these guys?

as I was about to turn a corner I saw a robot, swinging at me.

projecting my most used weapons, Kanshou and Bakuya, I cut the hand that was coming my way, jumping up I slice the things head off...well that's one point.

looking to my right I see another small robot and send kanshou at it, I managed to hit its head and shut the robot down, projecting another Kanshou in my hand I run down the path, looking left and right to see if there are any more targets left, getting to a crossroad I see one on my left, a two-pointer and two on my right, a one, and a three-pointer.

dispersing my short swords and protecting a bow and arrow I shoot all three of them, hitting two on in the head and causing them to explode and the third went through the robot, shutting it down.


I mutter as I continue my sprint down the road, looking for more.

projecting a large sword I send it into a three-pointer, turning around I stop a robot from hitting someone from behind by shooting an arrow through it.


it's only 3 minutes in, and I still have more to destroy, so I should get a move on.

with that thought running through my head, I send five swords to some robots in front of me.


looking around I don't see many robots so I look for high ground. spotting a location on a high story building I charge my legs with prana and jump up enough to reach the building next to it, then jump again to get to my desired location.

"I have the high ground" nailed it.

pulling on my bow I send a few arrows to the robots, managing to rack up 31 points.

"10 MINUTES LEFT LITTLE LISTENERS!!" screamed the announcer, honestly why is he screaming? he has a quirk that enhances his voice, does he need to scream in the microphone?

looking around I see more robots behind me, turning around I send arrows in their direction, which hit obviously.

things went on like this until there were only 5 minutes left.

I was still on the highest roof and could not see any more robots.

"so 86 points huh, well I did steal some of them" I mutter as I look around for more targets to shoot when suddenly the building shakes, looking over, I see a giant... holy crap.

sighing to myself I project the sword and knock it on the bow, pulling the string and channeling prana in the blade, It turned into a swirling arrow. bending my knee to stabilize myself I release the arrow, that sores through the air and hits the giant zero pointers head.


looking at the broken thing, I wonder just how much money do they spend yearly on this exam.


a week passed... no news, it sure is taking long isn't it?

"Shirou it's here!" yelled my father from downstairs. getting up I walk out of my room, down the stairs, and into the living room where my parents were.

taking the letter I sit down in between them and open the letter. looking at the circular gadget, all of us were confused so I run a trace on it... oh it's a hologram.

pushing the top of it an image of a... Hobo? appeared.

with a monotone voice, he started "you passed, congratulations, you also got the highest score on the test, congratulations on that too, Class 1-A don't be late or you'll be expelled" as the hologram turned off I just stare at the thing. to be honest I expected it to be I don't know a letter?

sighing at my predicament, I looked up when the hologram reappeared again, but this time it was a rat.

"This will self destruct in 10 seconds"

I threw the thing out of the window.