

TITLE: The Exams (1) – Easy win 

The students were on a bus headed to their exam venue, which they didn't know yet. They all were nervous and wondered where the site was but they didn't have to wait long as the bus stopped, and Mr. Aizawa told them to get off as they had arrived at their destination, The Takoba National Stadium, where the exam was going to take place. Everyone was anxious, except for Sora, who looked at the building with a smile. He thought to himself, 'Finally, I can get my license and avoid the police.' He was glad to work this time because this exam would prevent him from going to prison, as he was very close to getting there. Mr. Aizawa looked at his students and said,

"Now that we are here, you guys have to do your best in these exams. If you can pass, you will get your provisional license meaning you have evolved from eggs to chicklings, so give it your all." Hearing this, they all roared plus Ultra though a random guy added up, his roar scaring the hell out of them. He was a bulky individual wearing a cap and with slit-like eyes.

"It's not good to randomly insert yourself into other people's hurdles, Inasa" a guy wearing a uniform similar to his reprimanded him, and immediately the boy apologized saying

"PLEASE ACCEPT MY HUMBLE APOLOGIES" with a firm bow to the ground. This freaked out the U.A. students as they wondered 'who's this guy.' Aizawa immediately recognized him and it didn't take long for the others to recognize the uniform as Bakugou said "U.A. to the east, Shiketsu to the west. One of the only hero academies that match up to U.A., Shiketsu High." Immediately as he was done, Inasa said loudly "I just wanted to try and say it once!! PLUS ULTRA!!! After all, I myself must say loves U.A. It's the utmost HONOR to be able to compete with you all. I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST" it was only then that his classmates noticed that he was bleeding

"Yoarashi Inasa" Aizawa muttered and immediately the students asked whether he knew him and Aizawa moved on to explain "A rather enthusiastic guy, if you listen to him, you will notice all his words are positive. He's strong, at the last entrance exam, he got second place but despite all this, he refused the admission offer"

This shocked the students as this meant, that this guy was almost as talented as Sora they stared at Sora but the latter didn't care as he knew, he was Inasa's worst matchup since he used a wind quirk and that was ineffective against Sora.

Moments later, a woman appeared out of nowhere she called Aizawa out by his hero name and as soon as Aizawa heard her voice, his face grew grim, Izuku was about to start explaining who she was when she said

"Let's get married"

"No thanks," Aizawa said immediately causing her to laugh madly but Aizawa didn't find this funny as he said, "same old unamusing sense of humor huh, Joke."

"The smile hero, Ms Joke! Her quirk is called roaring laughter….blah blah blah" Izuku was finally able to introduce her as she continued her marriage pun with Aizawa who was not taking any of her shit. Tsuyu seeing this had to mention how close they seemed and Joke didn't miss the opportunity to escalate the situation by claiming their relationship was made out of love and so on but Aizawa immediately refuted this before he noticed her students and said

"So your school's here with you too" Joke nodded as she motioned her students to come and a few minutes later, everyone was getting familiar with each other and so on. Sora seeing this couldn't help but say to himself 'Please don't come here' but he jinxed it as Shindou, the most enthusiastic of them all approached him as he said

"Sora Menhera, the man at the center of all the attention… you have an exceptionally strong spirit. It's a privilege to stand alongside you all today. We will do our best" Sora seeing the look in his eyes couldn't help but smirk as he shook his hand and said

"Yeah try your best"

After this, the other students soon surrounded him to get his autograph but they soon felt a chill run down their spine as they noticed Hana's smile, it was cold and dangerous as though she'd stab any that came too close but they were saved as an announcement came, informing the students to get changed into their costumes and head in for the information session.


A few moments had passed and Mera, head of the hero public safety commission was just about done briefing the examinees on how they were going to carry out a test to reduce their numbers since there were 1540 of them. The test involved each examinee being given 6 balls and each will have three targets they could place those targets wherever they wanted except the armpit and soles of their feet. To win, one had to take down at least 2 opponents and you lose if all 3 of your targets are hit. After he was done with the explanation, they expanded the stadium, shocking many of the participants but they were brought out of their stupor as he informed them that they had a minute to find a terrain suitable for them.

With that done and over with, the 1A students stood together as they planned their course of action, Izuku suggested that they all stay together but Sora thought otherwise as he said

"Yeah you guys can stay together but I'll be heading out with Hana, if I stay here it'll make things too easy for you guys and I doubt Mr Aizawa will want that" To this, Izuku nodded but it seemed Sora wasn't the only one planning to separate from the group as Bakugou went his way followed by Kirishima and Todoroki went alone.

Seconds later, it began and everyone's target was U.A. This was why Sora decided to separate himself, he wanted to avoid a stressful situation like this. He was currently running together with Hana, they were headed to one of the cities in the exams but they soon stopped as multiple balls were thrown at them, Sora immediately created a shield that blocked all the balls as he scanned around and noticed the various students around them then he said

"Let's do this quick so I can rest"

"Why are you always so lazy, darling?" Hana complained and Sora scratched his head with a wry smile as he said "I have no words" With that said, they stormed into action, and moments later, they could be seen heading to the waiting room.

As soon as Sora entered, he looked around and noticed the ever-loud Inasa doing what he does best (being loud) while Todoroki could be seen seated in a corner.

"Yo Todoroki" Sora waved and the latter waved back as they sat next to each other Hana said

"Wow, Todoroki you were so quick"

"It was nothing, I was in a favorable environment so it was easy," he said before pointing at Inasa as he asked, "By the way Nakamura, I clearly remember seeing you in the entrance exam for recommended students, but I don't remember this guy did you by chance see him?" Hana looked at Inasa and pondered for a moment before responding 

"Now that you mention it, I don't remember seeing him too." Todoroki was surprised to hear this, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, he changed the subject and asked Sora for his thoughts on the chances of success for the others. Sora responded to the question.

"I'm not worried, everyone will be coming around soon. It's just a matter of time now"

And he wasn't wrong as a few minutes later, Yaoyorozu stepped in with a group of other 1A students, and a few more minutes passed before all the remaining 1A students entered the waiting room. Sora had his usual stoic expression on as he said

"See, I told you" With this, all of 1A had passed the first exams and now it was time for the 2nd and last stage of the exams it didn't take long for it to start as the students were told to look at the screen. Different bombings were taking place all over the various terrains. This surprised the examinees as they wondered why this was happening and Mera explained to them that they would be conducting rescue maneuvers.

"Here, you will be tested on your ability to adequately carry out rescue operations. The individuals you are to save are people who have doing this sort of thing for a long and are part of the Help Us company (HUC). Disguised as normal citizens they are all over the place and all of you will be carrying out their rescues. Your activities will be scored on a point system, now all those who have scored above the average value will pass. You have 10 minutes to get ready."

It was now time for the final stage….!


Hello, my fans, I'm back for a while per your pleas, and with Gwith's help, I have come back to write this strand finishing it.

To those who have been faithful, mustgrateful. Hope you continue supporting me and this fanfic and please share so others can come and read this story.

God bless you and thank you very much for all your support.