
Chapter 29

TITLE: Internships (2) – It begins

Day 3,

Sora sighed as he looked at the roof of his apartment. This was the third day of the internship and he was on night duty today.

Looking at the room, he could only sigh once more. This was a room given to him by the brain agency as he'll be doing his internship in Hosu city and didn't have a house here.

The room was fairly simple and spacious with a kitchen to the side, a bed in the middle with a TV before it, a huge window at the side, and a door leading to the toilet. The room was decorated with blue and white materials everywhere emphasizing the agency's color.

Standing up from the bed, Sora walked towards the window and looked at the city which was below, it truly was a beautiful sight. Seeing the city, Sora recalled the progress he had made in the past few days.

Though it hasn't been long, Sora had learned a lot from Brainstorm so his aero-telekinesis had leveled up greatly, he believed he could easily lift buildings.

"Now what do I do?"

He was bored, there was nothing for him to do since he had but night duty today. Thinking thus far, he decided to go to an arcade and play some games, maybe it could entertain me.


Gathered around one gaming machine were a multitude of people, their eyes fixated on the boy before the machine. While watching him, they murmured

"Wow he's good"

"Damn how's he doing that?"

"Fuck! Who's this guy!?"

The boy was wearing a hoody with black sunglasses, the hoody hid his features thus no one could guess what he looked like. This was of course Sora and he was playing… well just think of any arcade game.

'This is too easy'

Sora thought as he killed yet another monster, tapping the controller faster than the eye could see, Sora continued his massacre until a few seconds later he stopped as he saw:

"You've won"

"New high score! Please enter your name"

Sora smiled slightly as he thought for a while before writing 'Cyclone' since he didn't use it for his hero name, he decided to use it for this. Seeing this, the people there cheered loudly, Sora sighed and decided to leave the arcade but immediately as he was about to leave, a group of people stopped him as they began talking

"Hello Mr. Cyclone, what will you say about becoming a world-renowned player"

"Mr. Cyclone, how were you able to do all those tricks, are you perhaps a pro?"

"Mr. Cyclone, how about joining me for an interview"

Seeing this, Sora smiled wryly as he thought

'Fuck me'

This will mark the beginning of the legendary gamer, Cyclone.


In the evening,

Leaving his room was Sora, he had a slightly tired look on his face as he walked out of his apartment. This was due to the reporters, they were quite hard to knock off as he didn't want to use his quirk and expose himself.

"Are you okay kid?"

"Yeah am fine, Barrio"

Sora answered the man, who stood at a height of 180cm, with a muscular figure, he had green hair and wore a white mask which highlighted his black eyes. This guy was one of Brainstorm's many sidekicks.

"Okay let's go"

Nodding, they both left the building and met the rest of the team outside as they began patrolling the city.

Standing at the forefront of the team was Brainstorm who was flying high in the sky as he moved faster than the rest and began saving lives.

Sora seeing this sighed. Even though he hadn't seen Brainstorm's face or spoken to him at all, he was sure the guy was tired, working 24/7 continuously using a quirk wasn't an easy feat, only people with extraordinary stamina or simply crazy people like all might could be able to do that easily. Sora wanted to help the guy but he was just an intern and didn't have a license hence he couldn't do much and even his curse was useless here as Brainstorm saved the people fast and effortlessly.


Hearing this everyone stopped what they were doing and looked in the direction in which the explosion came from.

Not a second later, Sora disappeared surprising everyone present.

"Sora stop!"

Brainstorm shouted but it fell on deaf ears as Sora kept moving forward. Seeing this, Brainstorm sighed, he wasn't really surprised by this development. After Sora had joined him for the internship, he looked into some info on Sora and found out the guy had been to the station many times. He was surprised by this thus he needed to find out why and when he saw the reason he was slightly surprised, the guy had used his quirk even without a license to save people and it wasn't once, no, they were multiple occasions in which he did that, heck he had surely saved more people than most heroes.

"Follow him"

Brainstorm ordered as he rushed forward, the sidekicks hearing him, followed shortly after.



Sora cursed as he gilded in the air, he was slightly angry due to the turn of events.

The reason for this was because he just remembered the event he was about to take part in, the Hosu City incident. The incident involving Stain and the Nomu.

He was somewhat angry that he had forgotten this incident, if he had remembered, he won't have come to Hosu but now that he didn't he had to take part in it.

Realizing this, he cursed the ROB as it seemed that guy planned everything from the start by putting an oc here and him being the curious guy he was, went and tried to find out who the guy was and now look at what happened.


He cursed again as he landed on the ground and rushed towards a nearby building.

Arriving before the debris he used the air and raised up the debris thus saving the child which was under it.

Not wasting to confirm the kid's condition, he moved on to the next area.


At the same instance, on the roof of a building stood a lanky individual with white hair, this was of course the leader of the league, Shigaraki.

Looking at the fire below him, his lips formed a creepy smile. He was enjoying the destruction the city was in but his mood became sour.

Squinting his eyes, he was able to see a bit of the individual and from what he was, it was a kid with brown hair.

Not a second later, he became angry as he shouted

"IT'S THAT KID AGAIN! Because of that bastard, I wasn't able to kill all might last time! Nomu attack him! I want him dead, KILL HIM!"

The Nomu who were far away were able to hear their master's cry and immediately, they rushed to the location they thought Sora was.

Sora was completely unaware of this as he saved yet another person from a falling building. During this short time, he was training his aero telekinesis as that's the only ability of his quirk that he used to save the people. Though in a way it was wrong to use people's life as training, he didn't really care as at the end of the day he was the one saving them.

But he soon stopped as a frown appeared on his face, turning his head back he looked at nothing in particular but a soon three silhouettes soon appeared in his vision and slowly their form became prominent and when Sora saw who the visitors were, cursed out loud

"Fuck, look who we have here, Shigaraki's bitches"

There were 3 in number, one was black and huge, the other green and lanky, and the last was yellow with wings protruding from its back.

The Nomu was as unresponsive as always as they looked at him, and a few seconds later, they launched at him.

Sora seeing the Nomu headed to him couldn't help but say

"This might be hard"


… Yeah sure