
MHA: Shadow manipulation

Well, what are you waiting for? Give it a shot. Or don't. It's your choice . . . . . AN: This is disclaimer, I don't own this series or any character in it

Apandora · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs


All Might: "So, can someone tell me who was the MVP of this match?"

Lida simply raised his hand.

All Might: "Yes, Young Lida?"

Lida: "Before that, I would like to ask whose idea it was to switch the bomb for a fake one?"

I just pointed at Momo.

Momo: "I came up with the plan, but Nemo executed all the fighting."

Lida simply nodded.

Lida: "Sensei, it's difficult to choose an MVP, but I would say the MVP was Momo Yaoyorozu."

I just frowned a bit, and nobody noticed because everyone was looking at Momo.

Nemo: 'How come she's the MVP? I did basically all the action.'

All Might: "And why isn't it young Anemo?"

Lida just adjusted his glasses and started making strange hand gestures.

Lida: "If I guess correctly, Yaoyorozu probably planned everything, including how Anemo should pacify them."

Momo wanted to say something, probably that it wasn't her plan, but when she looked at me, I started shaking my head.

Nemo: 'Let her have the MVP, today nothing will spoil my mood from that new game.'

All Might was quiet for a moment. He saw our exchange of looks, so he just confirmed what Lida said.

All Might: "Correct, and the next team will be... Team B against Team E."

I looked at the teams. So Broccoli and Uraraka against Explosive and Baldy.

So both teams started going to their positions. Meanwhile, Momo came up to me.

Momo: "Nemo san, why did you do that, why didn't you want to tell them that the whole fight was your idea?"

I was quite surprised, I expected her not to talk to me anymore, oh well.

Nemo: "I didn't want to prolong that conversation. I don't mind being just in the shadow."

Momo just looked at me for a moment.

Momo: "Are you thinking like that all the time? Have you ever never wanted to be seen standing out."

I had nothing to say to that.

Nemo: "I'm used to it."

Momo: "..."

Momo fell silent and looked at me, as if how do I say this, she looked angrily? Suddenly, out of nowhere, she changed the conversation.

Momo: "I heard you're friends with Kirishima?"

I froze in place at that. And there was a strange atmosphere.

Nemo: 'Friend? No, he's not a friend, he's Mina's friend, not mine.'

Nemo: "Ahh, yeah, fri-end."

With this strange response, Momo began to ponder something. I opened my mouth to say something, but it was too late. Someone jumped into our conversation.

Mina: "Hey, you two, it's starting, come watch."

Momo wanted to look at me, but I wasn't there anymore. I stood next to that red and white-haired guy.

He glanced at me for a moment and then started watching the screen.

It had already started with All Might's voice. It seemed Explosive Boy was quite angry, no, I underestimated his emotions; he was boiling with rage. Within a few seconds, he got to Broccoli.

I could see that Explosive Boy is a bully. I recognized that immediately. Oh well, nothing to be done. I watched as Broccoli tried to run away from him, but Explosive Boy still found him. But then something unexpected happened. Suddenly, Broccoli struck upwards into the air.

Then followed a massive explosion.

Nemo: 'How much strength does Broccoli have, that blow would have turned me into a corpse.'

All Might: "End, the heroes have won."


After a while, only three of them returned because Broccoli had completely destroyed his hand again.

Nemo: 'Doesn't Broccoli know how to use his Quirk properly?'

All Might: "So, who was the MVP of this match?"

Momo raised her hand and began to praise Lida. I couldn't do anything but agree; that Baldy was the best in the match.

We then moved to another building because the first one was destroyed. As All Might began to draw the next team, I decided to take a little break, so I took a nap for a while. I had nothing to do, and I didn't feel like watching another match anymore.


But after some time I woke up due to the terrible temperature; it was freezing cold. It was that half-and-half haired guy. He froze the entire building. I was quite curious about which match this was. All Might just turned to us.

All Might: "That's it for today, I still need to check on young Midoriya."

All Might started running off, and I decided to do the same because a new game was waiting for me at the store. I quickly changed back into regular clothes and started walking towards the store.

I couldn't wait; I stood in front of the store. The distribution of copies was scheduled for three hours later, and I was already there, first in line. I took out my phone and started playing Dungeon Dive.


???: "I'm not the first one here?"

I just glanced up from my phone and saw a guy in a hoodie, his face covered by the hood, but his blue hair still visible, fading into a grayish shade. I also noticed a small scar across his lips.

I just nodded.

Nemo: "Yeah, I've been here for fifteen minutes."

The guy looked at my phone.

???: "That's Dungeon Dive. I have it too. Wanna play together? It'll help pass the time."

I just looked at him.

Nemo: "Alright, send me a friend request. This is my username."

I showed him my phone with my username.


Nemo: "Take down that boss; my skills are on cooldown."

???: "Sure thing. And you won't have to use anything else. Hehehe."

The final boss of dungeon fell, and I glanced at the guy; he seemed okay. Just a bit more aggressive and scratching his neck quite a bit. We didn't even notice it, and the door suddenly opened.

We both looked at the open door like an entrance to heaven. I bought Baldur's Gate 6 with him. I started leaving the store. It wasn't too late yet.

The guy looked at me.

???: "Wanna play co-op with me once we download it?"

This surprised me a lot.

Nemo: "I wouldn't mind that."

???: "Wanna exchange contacts?"

I was completely frozen in place; no one had ever asked me for my contact information before. It made me feel a bit happy. So I just nodded slightly. And before I knew it, I had a small smile on my face.

Nemo: "Sure."


When I arrived home, I immediately tossed the copy onto my computer and started downloading. I smiled with my usual shark-like grin; I knew this was going to be a long night.

In the meantime, I started chatting with that guy on Discord.

Nemo: "Hey, are you downloading it already?"

???: "Yeah, it'll be done in a few seconds. I live pretty close to that store."

Nemo: "I'll have it in about fifteen minutes. I've been looking forward to this all day."

???: "Me too, this is going to be great, especially when we do a genocide run."

Nemo: "You want to do genocide right from the first attempt?"

???: "Sure, it's more fun that way, and it'll be harder. Do you want to do it differently?"

Nemo: "No, no, I'm fine with that, at least it'll be more entertaining."

And so began a night full of gaming.

(End of a chapter)