
Mha remade with a twist

J_O_N006 · Romance
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72 Chs

Chapter Two: Violent Changes

"Wow, what a game" Maddix says as he discharges his energy. "You too maddix" jeffery says as he takes a seat the two boys then talk about what happened in the two months he was out. " I'm really curious about what happened when I was gone," asked jeffery,"Not much that I know. There is a new villain, or maybe an anti-hero because most of his kills are villains. We have been told to watch out for him." Maddix says Jeff then gets an idea, " I don't really know how I feel about killing even though it's villains. I don't like people who kill others. So I'll go on patrol tonight and see what this villain is all about." says jeffery with a determined look on his face " I also have been thinking of new moves and ways to use my quirk,so this is a win-win for me." says jeffery. "I can't because I have stuff to do but I can tell you some classified information about the Reaper if you really want to fight him," Maddix says. "I'll need everything I can get,but just to be certain if I die while fighting him let everyone know where I am and make sure you get any and every piece of evidence on him from me," jeffery said as he began to stand up. "Well he might be a relative to me, his power is very much like mine. In fact that is where I got most of my skills. He is going to the 4th district tonight but be careful. He has a skill that can shut down quirks but he can only do it to five separate people so bring some help. He is difficult so be careful" Maddix says. "Thanks for the info,but if he is really as lethal as you say he is,then i'll just have to kill him the moment i see him won't I",said jeffery with a sinister smile on his face. "Well, the number one hero in America did "kill" him but for some reason a week later he died with the Reaper's signature next to him" Maddix said. "We don't know if he just can't be killed or if he is like your Joker in the case that he can die only temporarily" said Maddix. Later that night jeffery went to the 4th district to try and scope out the reaper's abilities "S-somebody,Anybody help, he's going to kill me" a man from inside a dimly lit building. Jeffery, hearing these cries for help rushed into the building, "Stay calm sir,can you tell me where you are" jeffery said as he looked around inside the building, "Up here please he's not here yet please save me" the man pleaded. Jeffrey, hearing this, rushed to the top level of the building to try and free the man. The moment jefferey entered the room he noticed that there was no one in there. "You really are an idiot,killing you will be a piece of cake" Said a shadowy figure holding a energy scythe, "Heh, you must be the reaper everyone is talking about, It'll be an honor to take you out" Jeffery said as he drew his sword from the sheath. As jeffery turned to face him he was immediately thrown into the street by the reaper's scythe, As Jeff stood up he was met with a blade coming straight for his head. He then ducked under it as he then coated his blade in gravity "Holy Christ you're strong and fast,this isn't going to be as easy as I thought,I should probably stop holding back and get in gear" said Jeffrey as he rushed at the reaper. The reaper then turned his scythe into a sword as he clashed with the gravity infused blade "You're really boring me with this fight,so I'll end it right here right now" said the reaper as he dashed backward and then up into the air to gain distance from him. He then snapped his fingers as he said "Energy style: Blade storm" As he said this his arm began to burn up and at the same time scythes began to litter the alleyway they were in as they began to spin rapidly circle Jeffery. "Time to die hero" reaper said as each scythe began to cut and tear jeffrey, "I totally underestimated him,I couldn't even react to any of his attacks,he's a lot more lethal than I anticipated" jeffrey thought to himself, he then began  thinking of a way to escape from this attack as he heard a voice in his head."Hey kid you're going to die here,so swap out with me. If you die then I'll die since I'm stuck in your head, you'll even gain access to a part of my abilities like minor regeneration so whaddya say" the voice said to Jeffrey in his head. "Sure, whatever,just get me out of this situation and I'm all yours" said Jeffery back to the voice, On the outside the reaper was about to finish jeff off with a energy throwing knife "You're not as fun as I thought,what a disappointing guy" he said as he threw the knife right at Jeffrey's head. At that same moment the swap was complete and the joker was in full control of Jeffery's body along with the added bonuses he mentioned as he then coated his hand in gravity and grabbed one of the scythes of energy to block the knife from hitting him," It's good to be back in the flesh" the joker possessed Jeffrey said as he then rushed at the unsuspecting reaper with it and the hero assist sword in hand "WATCH OUT REAPER, HAHAHAHA" he shouted as he ran the reaper through with both blades. Surprised by the sudden change of power and character the reaper jumps back as he pulls the two blades out from his body "Ack, that certainly surprised me. You finally done playing games then" said the reaper as he noticed slight differences in Jeff's appearance as he then said "Green eyes,fang like teeth,a creepy ass grin, either you've been hiding something in this fight or you're not you", "Finally figured it out reaper or should I say Maddix Coffee" the joker said as he picked up his sword. "What did you just say" the reaper said in a confused tone as he created another scythe with smoking hands, as he then thought to himself "I can't really keep this up for too long,I'll have to finish this now", the joker possessed Jeffrey then looked down at his sword as he then said "Hey kid feel free to take notes on how to properly use a quirk like this" as he then uses the space aspect of Jeffery's quirk as he creates a mini black hole in his hands and coats it around his sword "I'll call it void blade, or void coating,whatever its called it'll cut you down with the greatest of ease,and don't act surprised that I know who you are. Same quirk,same weakness,and he somehow knows when and where you'd be, seems really fishy to me" the joker says as he rushes at the reaper with his bloodlust being on full display. "What's wrong didn't think that I'd know how to use my vessels quirk, And since you're burning out so you're going to die here" the joker said as he swing the blade at his head,"Hahahaha, You're fun after all too bad I have to leave" the reaper says as he disappears",Confused at how he escaped the joker exhales sharply as the sword turn back to normal "turning into pure energy and leaving without a trace,he really is a coward" the joker says as he sits on the ground expecting fade back into Jeff's subconscious. A couple minutes go by as he notices that he's still in control of his body,"huh,I'm still in control,this will be interesting" he says with a sinister smile.