
Mha remade with a twist

J_O_N006 · Romance
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72 Chs

Chapter Thirteen: Sports Festival Preparations and Unforgotten memories

On their way out of the main gate Izuku and Jeff ran into Roger. "Hey Roger! We were just about to go do some training." said Izuku. "Yeah, wanna go with us?" said Jeff. "Nah, sorry guys I have some stuff I need to do," said Roger. "Oh ok." said Izuku. "It's fine. We understand." said Jeff. As Izuku and Jeff left to train, Roger went in the opposite direction and went to his own training place. As Deku and Jeffrey were coming up on their private training grounds, Izuku stopped for a minute. Jeff noticed that Izuku had stopped and turned to face him. "You alright Izuku?" asked Jeff. "Yeah… I just have this odd feeling that I'm being watched…" said Izuku. "It's probably nothing Izuku," said Jeff. "Yeah, you're right," said Izuku. They kept walking and made their way over to the door of their Private training grounds. Jeff opens the door and they both walk inside. They go to the changing room and change into their hero suits. Then they make their way over to the sparring platform where they had been once before. They get into their fighting stances. "You ready?" asked Jeff. "Couldn't be more ready!" said Izuku. They run at each other, outputting as much power that their bodies can handle. Izuku jumps into the air at Jeff while activating One-for-All at 15%. Jeff levitates himself and activates a zero Gravity field around the platform. Izuku goes for an axe kick but narrowly misses and destroys the ground. Jeff levitates the debris and throws it at izuku. Izuku destroys some of the debris and uses the rest to get an advantage over Jeff by Jumping into the air and bouncing between the floating debris launching himself at Jeff. Not being able to react fast enough, Jeff receives a roundhouse kick to the back from Izuku. The zero gravity makes the impact from the kick send them both flying and into walls opposite from each other. Jeff and Izuku, now both stuck in a wall, manage to climb out and sit against a different wall next to each other. "You ok Jeff?" asked Izuku. "Yeah…" replied Jeff. "Well well well, looks like someone got a quirk and someone else has gotten better…" said a voice familiar to Jeff. Jeff and Izuku look at each other and then look around to see where the voice came from. "Above you…" said the voice. They both look up and Jeff sees someone that looks to be a little older than them. He has long but not too long black Hair fading into a dark blue which then fades into purple tips. He is wearing an advanced American Military like vest. It is also black but where the stitching is supposed to be it is glowing a bluish purple. He is wearing fingerless metal plated gloves. Under his vest is what seems to be an advanced lightweight jacket plated in what seems to be an almost unbreakable metal. He is also wearing sports shoes made from the same material as the jacket. He has a mask that covers the bottom half of his face all the way down into his shirt. (like Kakashi's mask). "And who would you be?" said jeffery in a confused tone,"that's on a need to know basis,and you don't need to know", said the mysterious person, as he then asks "mind if i test my strength against you", "I'll take this one since you fought the last couple times" said Izuku with a confident look on his face. He then thinks to himself "I've been working on something new too so this is perfect". As the two boys get into a fighting stance Izuku starts the match off by using what he can of one for all and leaping towards him goes in for an axe kick the mysterious boy dodges it and counters by hitting Izuku in the face with a rubber chicken. "Did you just hit me with a rubber chicken ?" Izuku says, very confused. He then back steps as the boy hits him with a stronger rubber chicken, " How do you like my quirk" says the boy as he then cracks Izuku in the head with the rubber chicken. "Agh, not very much, what does it even do aside from making rubber chickens" izuku says, slightly annoyed as he rails his arm and yells "Delaware smash". "It can do a lot more,like so", the boy says as he summons a shield to block the oncoming attack  "My quirk is called imagination. It allows me to summon or create things at a moment's notice whenever I need it or want it. Like how I summoned that shield just now," said the boy.  Izuku thinks to himself, "I guess I really need to use my full power if i want to win this then".  Izuku then yells "Full cowling" as he tries his best to run One-For-All throughout his entire body. Coursing red lines begin to appear all over Izuku's body and then fade as all that's left is Izuku being surrounded by green lightning. "Yes I did it," Izuku exclaims in joy.  "It still needs some work but for now it'll do," Izuku says looking down at his hands. Izuku then looks at the boy with a more confident look as he then rushes at him at speeds he never reached before and tried to kick him in his chest, "Woah there, you're certainly faster that much i can tell" as he block the attack with the shield he summoned "but speed alone isn't going to help you much" says the boy as he then summons a massive toy hammer and tries to hit Izuku. "Oh-ho-ho, you're done," said Izuku. Izuku then used his One-For-All on his leg to do a kick. But then suddenly the boy disappears and then reappears behind Izuku. "Too slow," the boy whispered into Izuku's ear. Izuku turns his head and sees the boy behind him. The boy then summons another rubber chicken and makes it 6 times it's normal size. He smacks Izuku into a wall but before doing that he made the wall soft. Izuku hits the wall hard but to his and Jeff's surprise it didn't hurt. Suddenly a door opens. "Did I come at the wrong time…" said Roger as he stared at everyone with a confused look. "No no. You're fine." said the boy. "And who might you even be?" asked Jeff. "Oh come one Jeff…how could you forget me?" said the boy. "I think I'd know you if I did," said Jeff. "Hm. Well, do the words sludge villain ring a bell? And also how could you forget your childhood friend like that." said the boy. "W-wait.. There's no way!" said Jeff. "What's going on Jeff?" asked Roger. "Yeah Jeff, do you know him or something?" asked Izuku. "Y-you're supposed t-to be d-dead.." said Jeff quietly but everyone heard it. "Nope, I'm very much alive." said the boy. "We still don't know your name…" said Izuku. "Oh my apologies." said the boy. "So what's your name?" asked Roger. "Ah yes. Would you like my hero name or my real name first?" asked the boy. "Real name first please," replied Izuku. "Ok well my name is Gabriel but you can just call me Gabe." said Gabe. "Oh. Wait, didn't you say something about a hero's name?" asked Izuku. "Oh yes, World No.1 hero at your service." said Gabe. "WAIT REALLY!?" screamed Izuku out of excitement. "Yep, my hero name is zero but instead of there being a Z there is an X. So it's spelled Xero" said Xero. Jeff sits there staring at the wall with a blank expression. Xero then walks over to Jeff and lifts him to his feet. "You ok?" asked Xero. "Yeah, just in shock is all…" said Jeff. "I completely understand. I mean I did keep you in the dark all these years," said Xero. "So tell me…" said Jeff with an aura forming around him. "Hm?" said Xero. "What really happened after that incident." asked Jeff while his aura was getting bigger. "Well let's start from the beginning shall we?" said Xero. Beginning of flashback: I guess it all started when we were on our way to the arcade/gamestop. We were walking down the sidewalk and the arcade was just in view. "So what are you planning on playing?" asked kid Jeff. "Oh I don't know. I guess I'll just go to what interests me the most." replies kid Xero. "Ok, well how about we have a contest." said kid Jeff. "What kind of contest?" asked kid Xero. "Well, how about we see who can rack up the most tickets?" suggested kid Jeff. Just as I was about to reply, we were walking past a very popular bank. Just as we were about to go in front of the door, the door flew off its hinges and Muscular walked out of the bank holding two large bags of cash. He was about to run but was stopped by the police surrounding him. He would've tried to escape but instead he tried to take one of us hostage. He went for Jeff but I was able to hit Muscular out of the way before he could even touch Jeff. When he got back up he suddenly appeared in front of me and stared at me with a cold murderous glare. "You got some nerve doing that to me kid…" said Muscular. "Well you got some nerve going after a kid just because you're too stupid to not try and escape right away…" said kid Xero. "WHY YOU LITTLE-!!" said Muscular as he was about to hit me but he was suddenly cut off when I levitated him into the air and started to slam him continuously into the ground eventually knocking him out cold. Or so I thought. "Hey, police. Come and do your job…" said kid Xero. Suddenly as the police were  about to take Muscular into custody, Muscular grabs my ankle and stands up.  

"You shouldn't get so cocky and let your guard down kid…" said Muscular while he held me by my ankle and grinned a malicious smile. He then swung me up into the air and started to slam me into the ground repeatedly. "HOW DO YOU LIKE IT BRAT!?" screamed Muscular in an excited anger. As I lay there lifeless for a moment they pronounced me dead and sent me to a funeral home where they were about to prep me for burial. Just before they were about to start I woke up completely healed. "Z-ZOMBIE!!" screamed the cremator. "Chill out, I'm not a zombie. My quirk is what kept me alive." said kid Xero. "O-oh" said the cremator. 

"I would really appreciate it if you would help me fake my death though," said kid Xero. "Wait, why? Don't you want to see your family and friends again?" asked the cremator. "I don't have a family but I do have a best friend…" said kid Xero. "Well don't you find it unfair to him?" asked the cremator. "Yes, but it's necessary," said Xero. "How so?" asked the cremator. "Because if people knew that I'm still alive right now, then people would try and use me or force me to do things for them by kidnapping those closest to me," said kid Xero. "Wow, you sure know a lot about this stuff, kid. But yeah, I'll help you," said the cremator. "Great, thank you very much. I appreciate it." said kid Xero. And after that there was a fake viewing and a fake burial. I left the country and was asked to challenge the current No.1 hero for the position because of how powerful my quirk is. End of flashback:. "So yeah that's what happened," said Xero. "Y-you could've at least told me something," said Jeff. "Yeah," said Izuku. "Listen guys, if I were to do that someone could have eavesdropped on our conversation and do what I don't want to happen." said Xero. "Guy's, I don't see where he could be wrong…" said Roger. "Thank you Roger," said Xero. "No problem," said Roger. "I forgot to tell you why I'm really here," said Xero. "What do you mean?" asked Izuku. "What I really came here to tell you was that I will be enrolling at your school," said Xero "That's all…wait…WHAT!" exclaimed the trio. "Although, I won't be a student. I will be a teacher!" said Xero. "A TEACHER!? BUT WE'RE THE SAME AGE!!" exclaimed the trio. "Yeah yeah, I know it sounds odd having a teacher just a little bit older than you, but at least you know me well enough to know I'll always protect you guys" said Xero. "True…" said Izuku. "Well I look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow for training," said Xero. "What do you mean?" asked Roger. "Well I have taken the liberty of being your guys' practice dummy/trainer," said Xero. "Oh gosh. I'm not ready for this," said Jeffrey. "Well at least you don't have to worry about hurting me!" exclaimed Xero. "Yeah, you're right about that," said Jeffrey. Xero's face turns cold and then he says, "But don't expect me to just stand there…" said Xero coldly. "Okay," said Jeffrey. Xero then left the three standing there contemplating what happened in just that short time. "Oh god," said Izuku. "Well, this is going to be hell," said Roger. 

"Oh I already know that," said Jeff in a scared tone. "What are we gonna do about this?" asked Izuku. "I guess we'll see.." said Jeff. Time skip two weeks of training.