
Mha remade with a twist

J_O_N006 · Romance
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72 Chs

Chapter six: Part Nine; Jeffery & Uraraka V.s Hawks

We now transition to Jeff and Uraraka in an open area with lots of high buildings all around them. Jeff and Uraraka begin to walk around until they notice a red feather on the ground near them " Red feathers,this must mean he's somewhere near us, Jeffery since you can fly be my eyes and I'll be here on the ground" Uraraka says as she walks away to look around for Hawks. Jeffery nods as he then begins to fly up into the sky to try and find hawks. Uraraka then notices more feathers leading a trail to a dead end. "Lookin for me?" Hawks says, as all the feathers begin to fly upward and into hawk's wings "Where's ya buddy,don't tell me he ran off in the other direction" hawks says while scratching the back of his head. Uraraka then making herself weightless begins to run up the wall hawks is standing on to try and face him," Gunhead Martial Arts, Sumo Slam" she says as she then runs at hawks who flies up into the air "Might want to rethink your approach on fighting me as he then flies away leaving uraraka to herself, panning over to jeffery who is flying around looking for the exit gate instead of hawks gets  cut across the cheek by a feather "There you are," hawks says as jeffery doubles gravity on him making him fall. "My my, what a terrible match up we have here. Jeffery says as he hears uraraka  as she tells him to take hawks to the RG. After they do that they walk out to the gate and then the refreshment area  where they are greeted by nezu "Congratulations you two were faster than i expected,make yourself comfortable" nezu says as he hands jeffery a black and purple slip of paper and directs him towards xero who is sitting on a couch with Momo and Maddix while watching a t.v showing different views of the battles. "They are going too easy on us," Maddix says. "Hey ,xero, what's this slip for?" Jeffery asks as he hands it to xero, "Oh, It's for the final fight, all the first people from their exam who passed are going to fight me after everyone is done. So i suggest you get as much rest as you can because i'm not going easy on any of you" xero says as he hands the slip of paper back to him and goes back to talking with momo. Jeffery noticing this smiles and makes a comment under his breath "who would've thought,heh, this is literally a power couple" xero noticing this cracks a slight smile and continues talking. We then pann over to Roger as he and Hagakure are having a conversation about his viles and build driver. " So how does it work,i've always been curious about it but i never had the chance to ask you" hagakure says as roger begins to explain jeffery notices kaminari and minoru talking jirou "Hey jirou, everything okay over here" jeffery says as he glares at kaminari. "Yeah, everything is fine now,me and jirou over here were just talking out our differences right jirou" kaminari says as he puts his hand on jirou's shoulder, "y-yeah,we're just talking" jirou says with an uncomfortable look. Jeffrey noticing this grabs kaminari's shirt and slams him into the wall "you better not have hurt her" jeffrey says with a furious look in his eye "Hey that's enough jeffery let him go" xero says as he puts his hand on his shoulder,noticing everyone looking at him he lets kaminari go "let's take you somewhere you can blow off some some steam" Xero says as he motions for Izuku who's in the other room, Roger, and Jirou to follow them. "I am so close from shoving my fist down his throat, please jirou if you feel uncomfortable please voice that, i'm sorry that i had an outburst in front of you but he was pushing his boundaries way too far" jeffery said to jirou as he began rambling, jirou then hugged him tightly as she then begins to talk to him "I wanted to say something but i thought i'd make a scene,he said that i should leave you because he's change and learned from his mistakes" as the couple hug each other they hear nezu's voice over the speakers 

"Izuku Midoriya and Kyoka Jirou please make way to you're testing site" nezu says as the two begin walking away "Wish me luck" jirou says as jeffery responds with "You better kick some ass, you too izuku" izuku walking away putting a fist in the air.