
Mha remade with a twist

J_O_N006 · Romance
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72 Chs

Chapter Seventeen: One Month Left

We then cut back to Roger And Jeff On the ship after walking around the island for a bit. "Got everything you needed" Ace said to the two boys as they nodded "Good,now for the next three weeks i want you two to train each other on the haki you learned,after that i'll take you both to meet someone who can give you the basics on the third type of haki" Ace says as the two boys look at each other and fistbump. "This is going to be a fast three weeks" Jeff said as he and Roger went down to the training bay to teach each other. "Hey,contact WhiteBeard, let him know we'll be joining him soon and that I need to discuss something of importance with him,Yonko to Yonko," Ace said to one of his crew members. "Yes sir" the crew mate said as he went to call White beard. "Hello?" Whitebeard said as he was talking with one of his higher ranking members "Hello sir,ace wants to speak with you,he says it's a matter only yonko's can speak about" The crewmate said "Give him the phone" WhiteBeard said as the crewmate did just that "WhiteBeard,I know your busy so i'll get straight to the point, There is a war between Yonko's, Warlords, and Admirals being planned by the marines, we need to have our crews ready incase anything happens,i also have two powerful crew members who already have access to two of the three forms of haki so i would like you teach them the third form" Ace said in a serious tone. "I'll keep mind of that,and i'm somewhere in the sea right now so send me your location and if it's close enough i'll teach them myself" WhiteBeard said as he hung up the phone, "Why are WarLords getting involved in this war" Whitebeard thought to himself. Three weeks go by as Jeff and Roger walk over to show Ace the results of their training. "Show him Roger," Jeff says as Roger then turns his arm black. "Good. What about you?" Ace says as he looks at Jeff. "Watch this," Jeff says to Ace as he closes his eyes. Roger then throws a punch directly at Jeff's head but Jeff dodges the attack before Roger's fist could even get close to his head as if he saw it coming before it happened. "Great, I also have some bad news to tell you two. You might be involved in a war that has nothing to do with you in the first place. But since you're here, you'll get sucked up in it," Ace says while bowing in apology. "We can take you back to the mainland so that you don't get involved" Ace says while bowing, "Hell no. We told you that we were a part of your crew and if that means we have to fight a war then so be it" The two boys say to Ace as he lifts his head up in surprise. "Plus where is the better place to test our sweet new haki?" Jeff says to Ace as he activates his armament haki. "Well then i have good news for you then, My former captain has agreed to teach you the third style of haki," Ace said to the two boys as they high-fived each other. "When we go back everyone is going to be so happy to see us and surprised that we got this strong," Roger says as Jeff and Roger get a call from Jirou and Hagakure. "Hey, are you okay? So much has happened that I need to tell you about '' Hage says to Roger. "What happened?" Roger asked. "All for One attacked everyone and killed Best Jeanist. He almost beat All Might, But Maddix was able to scare him off. Bakugou was kidnapped but retrieved. And the league of villains ambushed us at the training camp, and Nomus ran around the city," Jirou said to Jeff as he Worriedly asked her if everyone at the school was okay. "Yes, we're all okay for the most part but just shooken up" Jirou said as Jeff looked at Roger as they both looked furious. "Alright. Please make sure that you stay safe. Please keep me updated, and I love you" Roger said to Hage as He and Jeff cut off. "So that's the first person we're going to pay a visit to when we get back," Jeff said angrily. "You mean kill. Because he needs to pay in blood for that" Roger said as he was clutching his fist till it bled. "What happened?" asked Ace. "All for One attacked everyone, even killed Best Jeanist," said Roger. "Although I have no idea who those people are, I'm sorry to hear that," Ace said to the two boys. "What are we gonna do, Roger?" asked Jeff. "I'm going to try and get the strongest form I can possibly get. You should probably try to control the joker's power so that you can use it while still being you" Roger said as he went to his room to work with the build driver. "Alright" Jeff said as he went to his room to try and face the joker. "Alright. Lets see here. Ninja and Comic FullBottles," said Roger. "Ninja! Comic! Best Match! Are You Ready?" said the Build Driver. "Henshin!" said Roger. "The Shinobi Entertainer! NinNinComic! Yay!" said the Driver. The Purple and gold sword then transformed into a powerful sword. "I got a name just for you. The Ninpoutou (4Koma for short)," said Roger. "Come on,Why is it whenever I don't need you you show up" Jeff thinks to himself as he's trying to get the joker to come out. Just then one of his eyes turned green.  "You called,I already know what you want and if you want my power you'll have to force it from me,'' the Joker says as Jeffery takes a deep breath and goes into his mental world where he can see the Joker face to face. "Well wouldn't you look at that,the brat actually has the balls to fight" The joker says as he pulls out a toy revolver and shoots Jeff with it sending hi flying "As much as this is your mind kid it's mine as well i've been in your head long enough to passively control everything about you better than you can actively,Have you never questioned how i can use your moves better than you,or how i keep taking over " The Joker says as Jeff Activates his haki "I don't even know why I bothered talking to you,so if it's a fight you want, IT'S A FIGHT YOU"LL GET," Jeff yelled as in the physical he's sitting on his bed meditating. "That's more like it, Show me everything you got kid" The Joker yelled as they began to fight for control over the body. The battle was full of the same moves being used in different ways and stakes