
Mha remade with a twist

J_O_N006 · Romance
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72 Chs

Chapter One: Gaps in time

As they all leave Jeff's hospital room, Recovery Girl assures them that he'll be discharged from the hospital in about a week or so. The boy has been through a lot so he'll need some more rest. He'll be good to go back to school in about a week. Try not to overwhelm him or he'll have migraines,'' they all nod as Recovery Girl hands aizawa some meds, "He'll be needing these to help with the headaches and what not so make sure he takes these when he gets out",says recovery girl .Aizawa thanks her as they begin to leave the hospital. As when they walk out they are greeted by one of the class 1-A students. "How's he holding up" ask the student "he'll be out in a week" says izuku as he goes to introduce him " Guys this is the new student that saiita was talking about he's from the U.S branch of U.A'' Izuku then presents the boy as Maddix Coffee. Xero looks at Izuku as he shakes his head "We already know who he is, Izuku, why are you introducing him again," asked Xero. "We didn't get a chance to properly meet him so it's only fair we get a chance now" says izuku with a smile on his face. "Yes, my name is Maddix. But my hero name is Tempest Wolf '' Maddix   says as his wolf ears and wolf tail gets charged with lightning. "Nice to meet ya"   said Roger. "You too," said Maddix. "Now that you know my name, you should know my quirk. I can freely manipulate electrical energy and see any type of energy. For example I can see what quirks each of you have. Izuku seems to have a type of physical boosting quirk without limits. I see more but it's so small. Anyway I'm glad to finally see Japan's U.A. branch" Maddix says and bows slightly. A week later maddix,izuku,and xero go to get jeffery from the hospital but to their surprise they find him talking to himself as if there was another person in the room, "I didn't know i could use my quirk like that, i guess that makes sense" jeffery says to seemingly no one. "Ummm, you okay over there" asks maddix as he walks into his hospital room "Never better,i just found out something,i also can't wait to leave this hospital, I don't think we've met. Im jeffery" he says as he gets up to introduce himself "Maddix, nice to meet you too" the two boys shake hands as recovery girl walks into the room with folded clothes. She hands them to jeffrey and tells him that these clothes were specially made for him,"Courtesy of U.A,a new hero costume and assist item to go with it based on your showings in the raid two months ago", jeffery then thanks recovery girl as he takes the clothes and pushes everyone out of the room so he can change into them and leave the hospital. Around 10 minutes later jeffery walks out of the room in his new hero costume "It's very fancy and warm,how do i look" asks jeffery as he admires the new costume xero walks up to him as he says "as good as i hoped, i put in the request for a new costume for all of class 1-A,but looking back on the raid you definitely need more precise attacks so the assist weapon should help out with that" Jeff then looks at the bed. "I got a sword,that's sick" he exclaims as he picks it up and unsheeths it he "That blade is cool. But how does it help with his gravity or space quirk?" Maddix asks. Xero begins to explain "the sword was specially crafted for his quirk it allows the user to run his quirk through or on the blade where as other swords would snap or break this one gets sharper and stronger as its an extension of his quirk" Maddix then replies "So like this?" Maddix says as he creates a blade of electricity, "of course yours is stronger but mine is quite deadly as well". Jeffery looking at this tries to emulate what he just saw, As he tries this the sword has a purple outline around it as the blade gets sharper. "Oh that's how it works, also i found something new about my quirk,to an extent i can manipulate space due to my fathers quirk being passed down and merging with mine when i was born" Xero then exclaims "oh that makes sense how you were able to create blackholes or use that one move you used against me." "Yeah. That's how my quirk works," said Jeffeffery. Later that day they took jeffery back to U.A  so he can continue his classes, as he walked into the building and into class 1-A  he's greeted by surprised and cheerful looks "I-Is that really you" asked kirishima "heh in the flesh",jeff replied as the entire class then erupted out of their seats to welcome him back to the class. As this happened someone caught jeff's eye, Todoroki was the only one sitting down and not smiling ,jeff then walked over to him and asked "didja miss me icy hot" todoroki then with a slight grin replied "just glad you didn't die,that's all" as the two boys shake hands.The class go outside into the gym for an activity. "Alright class today were going to be playing dodgeball one round with quirks and one round without" The first round will start in about 5 minutes so go change into your gym clothes, Aizawa then looks at jeffrey and tells him he shouldn't join "You're  still not fully well so you might have to sit this one out,i know you've been dying for action since you woke up but this will be for the better" jeffery then stands up swiftly as he walks over to aizawa "Look I know that i still have the skull injury but i'm much better now,i'll be fine so lighten up" "I can help with that, if i'm allowed" Maddix says.Aizawa then turns around confused "you can?" "Yes I can. Though it isn't the same as Recovery Girl. I can fix very heavy injuries.I just need something that contains around 70,000 volts" Maddix said. Recovery Girl. I can fix very heavy injuries.I just need something that contains around 70,000 volts" Maddix said. Aizawa looked at him surprised as he then remembers that there is a student who has a pure electricity quirk. He then calls up Denki and asks him if he can shock Maddix with around 70,000 volts of electricity. "I mean sure but i don't know why i need to but if he's okay with it," Denki said a bit confused."That should work, just don't go over 70,000 volts or I might shock his brain," Maddix says. "Alright here we go,Indiscriminate shock: 70,000 Volts" denki says as he shocks Maddix. The energy courses through Maddix and shocks Jefferys head. Smoke arises as some of the skin is burnt off but his  cracked skull is as good as new and his skin and hair is repaired. "Wow, it feels good as new,too bad everyone already finished the first round but thanks for fixing my skull maddix," said Jeffrey excitedly. "No problem, just don't hit it too much. Let's play!" Maddix says as he zips to the court. Jeffery then walks onto the court with a smug grin on his face as in a  menacing tone he says "This should be fun". Aizawa then tells the boys to not hold anything back as this is a test to see if they have improved in any way. "3,2,1, Go" Aizawa shouted as the boys began the game "Not so fast," Jeffery said as he used his gravity to snatch all the balls to  "Expected of someone with a gravity quirk" Maddix says and energy all around goes to him and his body is covered in lightning. "But I am faster than you," Maddix says as he starts running back and forth on his side of the court in a flash. "Now what?" Maddix said. "This" says jeffery as he makes all the balls to float and bounce off the walls at rapid speeds "You'll eventually burn out or use up all of your energy" says jeffery with a devilish grin on his face "so pick your poison maddix". "Haha, let's see. It's true I burn out but I haven't yet, never had someone make me use my secret move. Lets  see if you can" Maddix said with a red flash in his eyes. "Thanks for that,but i'm far from done" jeffery then makes all the balls fly back to his side as he then rips four holes into space "this is what im talking about, time to speed it up a bit" jeff then send a ball flying straight towards middix."Heh heh heh,Dodge this!" Maddix zoomed around dodging the balls but barely. In the times he stops, you can see the smoke coming off of him. His eyes started to glow purple. "I'm surprised the balles can survive this speed. You did surprise me Jeffrey," Maddix said. "You're a one of a kind guy maddix, i never thought i'd get to fight like this again,but unfortunately for you this is where this game ends," jeffery then makes the balls spin around at high speeds "scatter shot ball barrage" says jeffery as he throws all the balls at maddix and everywhere around him "You're done for,have fun on the ground maddix" says jeffery as the balls begin to fly at maddix. Maddix had a weird purple glow in his eyes and all the balls stopped in midair. It was like that for a few seconds and they all fell to the ground along with maddix. "Hooh,man i'm exhausted,that was a good match,idk who won but let's call it a draw" said jeffery "Ya, I have only used that skill once before. Nice one Jeffery" Maddix says as he gets up and starts to heal