
Mha remade with a twist

J_O_N006 · Romance
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72 Chs

Chapter Nine: New features,New training

After everyone left Recovery Girl's office they each went the ways they had planned. We then cut to Ace in a heated battle with unknown villain "Who are you, and why did you think it was a good idea to try and attack me" Ace says as he shoots flames at the villain "Hey man,it's just a part of the job,killing you just so happens to fall in line with it" the villain says as he shoots a wave of blue flames at Ace knocking him through the building he was just in "Look i'll give you two options either you can die fighting me here or die with honor when my boss kills you" The villain says as he makes a wall of flames to block Ace's incoming attack "How about neither,you chose the wrong day to have a fire fight" Ace says as he uses his flames at his feet to fly in the air "Flame Geyser" Ace shouts as pillars of flames begin forming around the villain "Oh this isn't good" the villain says  as he charges up two waves of blue flames  from both hands to counter the attack "At this rate we might as well stop fighting cause this is going nowhere" the villain says as he cups his hands together for a massive attack "Cremation flame" the villain shouts as massive wave of blue flames are shot out at Ace's direction but before ace can react a powerful gust of wind puts out the flame "I had a feeling you'd be down here" Mirko says "Well i'll at least leave you with a name before i go" he says as he tells them his name is Dabi as black sludge comes out of his mouth then envelopes his body teleporting  him  somewhere else. The next morning xero wakes up with momo at her side as she almost forgot what happened last night "Right,I switched gender" xero says as she clutches her chest almost freaking out. The same happens with the rest of them, as they all consecutively meet at the school " I almost forgot you changed into a girl Xero" Jeff says as three people walk into the classroom  along with Aizawa "Class meet the Pussy Cats, Their organization is partnered with U.A and their offering to let you guys stay at their island for a week" Aizawa said while handing out permission slips to the class "Have these signed by tomorrow or you won't be eligible to go" Aizawa says as Jeffery and Roger look at each other as they have their own plans in mind. After class ends Jeff and roger meet at the front of RG's office to discuss their plans "So we know that Ace knows haki and knows people who know it as well right, he also invited us to be a part of his crew right so even if we don't meet those people he can still teach us haki" Roger says as he looks at Jeffery,"So how am i supposed to tell this to Aizawa and jirou that i'm going away for a month or two to learn some secret technique" jeffery says ashe is interrupted by Xero "I can help with that, you'll have to explain to Jirou though,but I can talk Aizawa into letting you go" Xero says as she points in her direction "good luck buddy" she says as she walks to talk to Aizawa. Jeffery then walks over to Jirou to explain everything to her "When will you be back,and promise me that you'll call and visit because you're not going to ditch me!" Jirou says in a serious tone "Wouldn't dream of it," Jeff says as they get their lunch. We then pan over to Roger and Hagakure as he is surprised that he can see her "Wow,You're really pretty Hagakure" Roger says as he almost forgot what he wanted to tell her "Thank you Roger, But what did you want to tell me?" Hagakure asks as Roger stumbles over his words "Well um,You see, What I wanted to tell you was.." Roger says as he is too distracted at the fact that he can see her. "Him and Jeff are going on a trip somewhere, they want to get stronger and learn a new technique, am I right Roger" Xero says as she puts her hand on Roger's shoulder "Yeah that's what I wanted to tell you, I'll be gone for two months and i just wanted to let you know since your my girlfriend and everything.." Roger says still stammering. Hagakure sighed as she gave Roger her only conditions "You better call me,and be safe too,also visit, can you do that for me Roger?" Hagakure asks as Roger nods "Good, now let's get some lunch"  Hagakure says as she grabs Roger's hand. Momo then pushes Xero "You too Xero,let's go eat" Momo says as she and Xero walk hand in hand to the lunch line. Later that day when school was over Jeff and Roger went to find Ace and ask him if he could teach them haki, When the two boys found him he was at the same beach they had found him at "Ah, You two,Have you come to help rebuild my ship" Ace says as 20 men come out from around the area. "Not exactly but we can help, but we have a favor to ask, we want you to teach us everything  you know about haki" Jeff says as roger transforms into one of his from to quicken the building process "I could teach you everything i know but what am i getting out of all of this,and i appreciate you helping me with the ship" Ace says as he goes to talk to Jeff directly "Roger and I will join your crew if you do, so will you teach us?" Jeffery asks as Ace agrees "I've been short on men for some time now so having two people with powerful quirks on hand would be a great addition to the crew"  Ace says as he stick out his hand, Jeffery does the same and as they shake hands they hear roger yell from the now finished and improved ship "All Done, I added a few new features to get it up to date but still keep the pirate theme" Roger says as Jeffery tells him what they talked about "Great,so when does the training start" Roger asks as ace scratches his head "Let's say tomorrow since were leaving tomorrow, it gives you time to pack up and say  your goodbyes to your loved ones" Ace says as he tells the two boys to watch closely as he activates his armament haki on his arms. His arms turn black and are dense as iron "As i've told you haki comes in three forms this is the combative form of it, as the name suggest it coats whatever part of your body in haki and hardens around it creating this" Ace says as the boys watch and listen closely "Haki isn't an exclusive skill,in theory everyone can do it since haki is just manipulating your own spiritual energy and applying it to certain aspects, the reason why you don't see people running around using it willy nilly is because most people are unaware that they even have spiritual energy much more the fact that it takes extreme training to even use it" Ace says as roger de-transforms and pulls out his phone to take notes on all of this "The next application is Observation Haki, it gives the user a sixth sense in the form of sensing others,precognition which naturally helps in dodging quicker, and when activated to turns the users eyes red for a second before fading away" Ace says as he has one of his crewmates throw something at him while he's turned around  as the man picks up a rock and throws it at Ace he dodges it with ease to prove a point. "Interesting,so can you actually see what was coming at you" Jeff asks Ace as Roger passes him the notes on his phone,"Not exactly i can sense that something is coming from that direction but in cases where it's advanced you can see an image in your head of what is coming at you" Ace says as he hears another voice "Hey, Jeff ,Roger, you coming?" Izuku says as he looks over where they are "Yeah, in a second" Jeff says as he motions for ace to continue talking "The last application and the one with the largest range is Conqueror's haki, It allows the user to force their will upon a single or large groups of people depending on the user, it comes out in a wave of the color of your haki then whoever is in range if there will si weaker than yours they'll be put to sleep" Ace says as Jeff finishes writing notes on this and hands the phone back to Roger "Thanks a lot Ace, we'll meet back here tomorrow" says roger as him Jeff walk over to Izuku