
Mha remade with a twist

J_O_N006 · Romance
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72 Chs

Chapter Eight: New quirks,Same Dangers

Maddix went to the hospital wing and saw them all still in chairs. They looked fine but he felt guilty. He looked at them and apologized. "Maddix, why did you strike us?" Tsu asked. "It wasn't on purpose, it seems like the teachers forgot that I can't work as a team with others due to my predator instinct. When I see competition my mind thinks of nothing but wanting to fight. My "storm call" called down the lightning and hit you guys so i'm very sorry." Maddix said. "So we were just collateral damage? We were just in your way?" Tsu asked. It seems that she is the only one comfortable with talking to Maddix. "No no, you see my Wolf side is a lot more potent than others with animal quirks. My wolf side wants to win at all costs and I am very sorry for not controlling myself." Maddix said as he bowed. "What did you do to us?" Momo asked. She was feeling weird since she woke up. "My blood has a very unique effect if processed in a certain way. It can temporarily give a regeneration-like effect and awaken your quirk" Maddix told them. He didn't lie but avoided specifics this way. "Your blood can awaken quirks? You can be stupid rich if you sell it" Hagakure said. Maddix wanted to glare at her but he caused too much damage already. 'I'm not selling. Anyway, someone is here" Maddix said as he stepped aside. Xero was there looking at them. "Xero! What happened?" Momo asked. "After the lightning strike I pressured Maddix into bringing Reaper. We fought and I won though I had to use some tactics I'm not proud of." Xero said. "How could Maddix bring the Reaper?" Tsu asked. "I'll explain. The Reaper and I have a unique way we perceive quirks. We see it as a core in the body while everyone else knows it as quirk cells. Me and the Reaper have the same quirk core and i'm not talking about we have the same quirk, I mean we literally are sharing a link to the same quirk core. If one dies the other loses his quirk. We put some conditions in order to prevent the consequences. His condition was that I don't get involved in any fights involving him, and my condition was that he doesn't interfere with my life. We agreed and left each other. When one holds a ton of anger then the other can feel it as well. That is why Xero made me pissed and out came the Reaper." Maddix explained. "I have been meaning to ask you Maddix, what exactly did Reaper do? He took you and appeared out of nowhere." Xero asked. "It's a very unique ability that lets him enter his own dimension where nothing, not even you can oppose him. I can do the same but he can do it more efficiently" Maddix said. "Maddix, will we s-still go on that d-date?" Tsu asked. "Only if you still want to," Maddix said. Before Tsu could answer Momo asked a question. "You said you can see quirks, does that mean you can tell us what abilities we have?". "Yes and I will tell you. Momo can create stuff faster and with less cost. She can also create anything she can think of as long as it is possible in real life. Say she can make a Meck  but not a dragon." Maddix said. "So I'm more like Xero!" Momo exclaimed. "Yes, you are more like him, who else wants to know?" Maddix askes. Tokoyami raised his hand. "Call on shadow" Maddix says as he opens the windows to let the evening light in. Dark shadow appeared but in a much different look. Its body was a light, bright yellow and its eyes were blue. "Your quirk can be used at its fullest during midday and midnight but the straight won't go down much in between. He can also detach from your body when you want him to." Maddix said. "What about me?" Tsu asked. "You have the traits of most amphibians as active quirks. You can also manipulate water. You can also retain a more human-like appearance than before if you want. Just as he was about to explain Hagakure's abilities, the chair turned invisible and she started to turn visible from the bottom up. Xero noticed that she wasn't wearing anything and made a blanket out of thin air. Xero then threw it in Hagakure just before her visibility got past half way up her thighs. Everyone looked at Hagakure in shock but also in awe, they saw a beautiful girl with light brown hair and light pinkish eyes. Hagakure looked at everyone confused as to why they were looking at her and why Xero threw a blanket on her. Everyone then looked at Maddix. "Oh, so that's what she looks like without my skills. I was close" Maddix says. "What do you mean Maddix?" Tsu and Hagakure asked at the same time. "Her quirk is light refraction. I can do something similar" Maddix says as he turns invisible for a moment and turns back. "I can sense energy fluctuations and see anything that refracts energy," Maddix said as Tsu slammed a metal pan on his head. "Pervert!" Hagakure screamed.  "Hey I didn't do anything! I can just see her without color! Anyways Jiro can create and manipulate sound. The Navel laser is more compatible with his body." Maddix explained. "So now what?" Momo asked. "Well here is some news. Tsu, Momo, and Jiro's rooms were destroyed when the Reaper took control of Maddix's Storm call and struck lightning down randomly to block any heroes." Xero said. "Where will we live?" Jiro asks. "Well luckily, I haven't given a reward to Maddix. so his reward is a penthouse on campus. Tsu can live there with him" Xero said and gave a slight wink to Maddix. "Momo can live with me so I can help her with her quirk and Jiro can live with Jeffrey since he is the only one who lives in a house across the street," Xero said. "What about the rules separating genders?" Momo asked, slightly blushing. "I know what happened to Maddix in the past so I don't think he will try something that Tsu would not want. And the same can be said about Jeffery. So there shouldn't be a problem. I can use my influence to make it happen. "Xero said. "One request tho. Can we get money to replace the stuff that was destroyed?" asked Tsu. "Once I get Momo trained, we should be able to replace the stuff with our quirks." replied Xero. "Why not now?" asked Aoyama. "Well. one, I don't even know what you guys lost. Two, I think I need to take a break from teaching and using my quirk for a bit. Three, I did you all a favor by carrying you here and I really don't feel like doing anything else for a while." said Xero. "It's fine, we get what you mean." said Tokoyami. "Alright, well I think we should get you all settled in. Yeah?" said Xero while Momo tried to stand. Just as she was about to start walking, her knees collapsed due to her body trying to still get used to the enhancements. Xero caught her by her arms. "That shouldn't happen yet," said Maddix. "What shouldn't happen yet?" asked Momo. "Your bodies are changing to adapt to your quirks. I have seen this happen once and it took her out for the rest of the day. Xero, take Momo to her bed at your place. I will take Tsu, she is next" Maddix said. "Well, there's a problem…and I know all three of us have it.." said Xero. "Huh?" replied Maddix. "We all live alone so essentially there's only one bed in our houses and it will take a little bit for them to finish your penthouse and Jeff doesn't get guests.." whispered Xero. "I can take Tsu in my dimension to make a house. But that is not a good idea while the body is changing. Any suggestions?" Maddix asked. "Well your dorm also got destroyed but i think i just remembered that i have a theater room with a couch that folds into a bed. You and Tsu could stay there until your penthouse is finished. Gender separation is a problem because the floor i have is made from marble and nobody will be sleeping on the floor. And I'm definitely not sleeping with you!" exclaimed Xero while pointing at Maddix. "Relax my guy. I have a wolf form so I can pretty much sleep wherever. I just need a couple of blankets," said Maddix. "Or, instead of getting dog hair all over my house. I could just use another solution I thought of but it has to do with my quirk," Xero said. "What is it?" Tsu asked. "You two might not like it but it will solve the gender issue, so I need to ask you girls not to overreact and Maddix I need to ask if you are ok with this," said Xero. "Hurry up and tell me, but judging by what I'm hearing i have an idea what it is, so say it," Maddix said. "Ok, but don't hit me or anything or there may be consequences." "Alright! Just say it!" said Maddix, Tsu and Momo. "Ok! Jeez. My idea was that Maddix and I could maybe*starts mumbling*change genders so you don't feel uncomfortable sleeping with a boy.." said Xero. Jeffery got to the door after recovering in another room overhearing this conversation and almost walked right back out after hearing the last part "I know what it sounds like,but you need the full context" Maddix says as he begins explaining everything "Oh that makes sense, i'll have to explain this to Aizawa so he doesn't freak out but  speaking of which i need to let him know i'm okay" Jeffery says as he goes to sit down with Jirou "Oh Maddix,me and you need to have a chat later,all four of us"  Jeffery says to Maddix as he sits down. "Look, I know I messed up with the whole shocking everyone thing but I really didn't mean to" Maddix says as Jeffery looks at him confused. "It wasn't about that,but I am a bit angry about that" Jeffery says as he falls asleep. "Well i can alway order a cab and stay at a hotel, Just kidding I have literally heard what goes on in there," said Maddix. "Uh, hey guys. We're still in Recovery Girl's office. And Jeff, what was your take on the temporary `genderbend`?" said Xero. Jeff didn't respond. "Oh he's asleep,well i guess we should leave him be,unless you want him to be a girl Jirou"Xero said as he winked at jirou "He'd be so upset, so i'd rather him stay the way he is,as long as there is something like a curtain or board separating us," Jirou said. "Alright, well I've had experience with this before on a mission. So don't be surprised if you have seen me before…" said Xero. Everyone looks at Xero with confused faces except Maddix who was even more confused cause he just got there a few months ago. Xero then goes to the corner of the room and pulls the curtain that reaches the floor closed. There's an oddly colored light with a unique sound. Suddenly there's rustling coming from behind the curtain. Then it stops. Jeffrey goes to pull the curtain back to see what his friend is doing but stops when Jirou grabs him with her earphone jacks. Jeff sits back down and stares at the curtain. And asks, "You alright over there buddy?". Maddix then goes to open the curtain but is stopped by Tsu's tongue. Tokoyami didn't know how to address Dark Shadow anymore so he went by the lighting outside. "Dark Shadow." Tokoyami said as Dark shadow came out. "Yes?" asked Dark Shadow. "Could you look to see what is going on behind that curtain while detached?" asked Tokoyami. "I can try." replied Dark Shadow while he successfully detached from Tokoyami and took a similar appearance to him. Dark shadow then walked over to the curtain and peeked behind it. As he did, everyone leaned to see if they could see inside but couldn't. Dark Shadow was then pulled inside with him screaming. Then a loud shush comes from behind the curtain. Maddix then walks over to Tokoyami. "If you call Dark Shadow back, he has to come back right?" whispered Maddix. "Well yeah, why?" asked Tokoyami, whispering back. "Well he's behind the curtain, so if you call him back it should flip the curtain open," whispered Maddix. "Oh, good idea." whispered Tokoyami. Tokoyami then cleared his voice and said, "Dark Shadow, return to me!". There was a shriek but it wasn't from Dark Shadow. Suddenly the curtain flipped up and they all saw a woman trying on a shirt off of a clothing rack. She quickly pulled the curtain back down and yelled, "Perverts!". Everyone looked at each other confused except Jeff. Jeff facepalmed and picked up Jirou to leave. Jirou stopped him out of curiosity of who it was and where she recognized her. Jirou's eyes widened and got a little excited. Jeff looks at her confused and like she had lost her mind. "Maddix…Fix her.." said Jeff. "It wasn't from my doing," said Maddix. Jirou then smacks Jeff on the head and scolds him for what he had said. Then goes to explain  that there was this anonymous singer at a concert she went to a couple of years ago, and while she was singing the wa a villain attack. She goes on to explain that the singer then jumped down and took care of the whole situation while still singing. Jeff looks at her confused. "What does that have to do with her?" Jeff asked. Jirou looked at him like he was stupid. Jeff then realizes that was the mission that Xero was talking about. Xero then opens the curtain and looks at everyone. Everyone stares at her for a second. "What are you all staring at? Perverts!" said Xero. Aoyama then says, "He is officially the only person who has out sparkled me". Everyone looks at Aoyama and then just stare at him like he's stupid.