
39: I-Island (V)




Akira immediately took advantage of the opening and blasted towards the Villain.

He went to the Villain's left side, touched it, and said,


The Villain lost consciousness, reverted back to his normal self, and dropped to the ground.

"Are you alright, Kirishima-san?"

"Heh, I'm alright, Takubro." replied the boy, holding his side.

With a sigh, Akira approaches Kirishima and places his hand on his shoulder. He then says,


A blue light then shines on Kirishima's injuries.

"Thank you!" bowed the boy.

"Now what about Baku-"


A loud boom was heard as a dust cloud was heard. Someone came flying out of the cloud, knocked out.

"Che. That bastard was too troublesome." said a boy, walking away from the cloud of dust, wiping some sweat off his face.

"Phew! You beat him!"

"I thought we had to help you, Bakugo..." said Akira with a small grin.

"Huh!??? I don't need help from you extras! Look at him. He's covered in burns!" pointed Bakugo at the knocked-out Nobu.

[A/N: Imagine being beaten off-screen...]


Now, as if remembering something, Akira widens his eyes.

He then runs towards the pale Villain and touches his arm.

"Heal." a blue light then encompassed the injury, healing it.

'I healed his injury, just enough to patch him up... I don't want anyone dying on my conscience. Even if they're a Villain. The only ones exempt from this are... Shigaraki and All For one...' thought Akira, as his eyes turned cold for a split second when thinking about the last part.

"Now... what should we do about them? What if they wake up?" asked Kirishima.


After a few minutes, in the room named "Plant Factory", you could see students sitting. Beside them were the heads of the Villains they defeated.

"Oi, you sure that sinking them to the floor is enough?" asked Bakugo.

"Yes. If they're there, then they won't be able to activate their quirks. At least I think so." replied Akira.

As they sat around, they could finally spot Kirishima running back to them.

"It's no good! The doors are locked for some reason!"

"It's okay. I can just open them forcefully. For now, let's move. It's dangerous to stay in one place, especially if they can know where we're going." advised Akira.

Seeing no objections, he nodded and stood up.

"Now... Only if we knew where the Control Room is at..."

As the boys were leaving, they suddenly hear a door breaking, making them wary.

"Let's get inside here, everyone!" said a voice.

"Hey, that voice!" exclaimed Kirishima.


A group of students suddenly run into the room.

"What kind of room is this...?"

"This is the Plant Factory. They research how Quirks influence plants here." replied a blonde-haired girl.

"Wait, everyone! What happened here...?" questioned Momo cautiously as they saw some burn marks and some destroyed trees.

"You guys are here too!" shouted an energetic voice from afar.

"Kirishima-san? Bakugo-san and Takumi-san too!?" the group exclaims as they saw three boys all in tattered suits approaching them.

"So, everyone is safe." sighed Akira in relief.


A few minutes earlier...

After just learning that All Might, among several other Pro Heroes, were being held hostage, Midoriya and the group hid in a room...

"Everyone, I suggest that we follow All Might-sensei's instructions and escape from this place," spoke Iida firmly.

"Yeah! Wha-what if we escape and tell the Heroes outside?" advised Sero with a nervous smile.

"It... will be hard to escape this building... On lockdown, this building is at the level of Security as Tartarus, the prison where very High-Profile Villains are kept..." contemplated Melissa.

"Then, isn't waiting all we can do...?" said Kaminari.

"But, are you okay with just that, Kaminari?" asked Jiro.


"Don't you think we should go help them?"

"A-are you crazy!? They even captured All Might! What chance do we have?" said Sero.


"I understand where Iida and Sero stand with escaping, as we are still students... But, I simply can't leave the other people still in this building. People who are probably also being threatened..." Momo told the group.

"We are aspiring Heroes..." spoke Todoroki.

"Yes! But we are still not allowed to work as one without the License!" reminded Iida.

"Even so, are we not supposed to do anything, even though we have the power to do so?"

Todoroki's reply resulted in Iida's silence. It also made some of the students contemplate on whether they really should escape...

"I want to save them. And... I think I have an idea. We need a way to save All Might and the others without fighting the Villains!"

"Is that... even possible?" questioned Kaminari.

"Even if it is, shouldn't we at least try Deku's way?" suggested Uraraka.

"Yes! Even if it's hard, I want to find the best possible solution to this and save everyone!"


Back to the current time...

"What happened here, Akira-san?" asked Todoroki.

Bakugo answers while pointing at some heads, "We beat those Villains to a pulp."

"Yes. It seems like Villains have taken over this building. Ah!" replied Akira as he spots Melissa.

"Melissa-san. Do you know where the Security Control Room is?"

Melissa replies, "Yes! It's on the Top Floor!"


"Wait! Everyone! Look at the elevator!" warned Jiro as she saw the elevator light up.

"What!? Now, the elevator works!?"

The Floor Designators indicated that the Elevator was coming down...

100 to 99 to 98, so on.

Akira quickly touched everyone and said, "Levitate."

"Everyone, you guys go on first," said Akira as the students floated upwards.

"Eh? But what about you, Akira-san!?" asked Momo.

"I'll take care of the Villains if they even are one."

"Huh? Like the hell, you will! I'll beat them quickly!" protested Bakugo.

Akira then turned to face him, "Stop being difficult. This is a serious situation. Stop putting your pride above everything else. I can take care of them quickly and efficiently. I know you're smart, so go help them, Bakugo."

With a clenched fist, "Fine..."

"Sero, please help them land on that railing up there." pointed Akira upwards.

But, there were still some worried faces, so Akira told them,

"Don't worry. This will just take one second."


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