
29: Villain Attack


//Day 2 of Internship//

I woke up, as the sky was still dark.

I took a shower and coming out of the room, I could see Porkian approaching me.

"Gu-gu-gu-gu Good morning, Takumi-san. Mr. Imprint tu-tu-tu-told me to wake you up and asked you to meet at the entrance.

"I see. Thank you, Porkian-san."


Walking towards the entrance, I could see Mr. Imprint in casual clothes.

"Ah! Takumi. You're wearing casual clothes, good. Come, let's eat breakfast." Mr. Imprint says.

As we head out, someone shouts.

"Wait for me!~"

It was Hoodoo. Her clothes were disheveled, and her hair was messy.

"Were you really going to eat breakfast without me, Kida~? With what happened~?" she says teasingly.

Mr. Imprint was trying to be composed but his face was starting to turn a shade of red.

He then replies, "Ahem. Well, you're here now. But you should change clothes..."


After Hoodoo changed clothes, we walked around town and we stopped in a 24 Hour Restaurant.


As we ate, I asked him,

"Mr. Imprint, I-"

"Please, Takumi, if we're in casual clothes, you can call me Kida." he cuts me off.

"Alright. Kida-san, I actually want to develop another technique. And I was just wondering if you would help me with it..." I ask, taking a bite of my Tamagoyaki.

"Of course. It's one of my responsibilities to you as your Supervisor." he replies with a smile.

"So, what is your quirk, kid?" asked Hoodoo.

"Yeah. Now that I remember, you still need to tell me all the capabilities of your quirk, Takumi."

"It's Word Activation..."


I told them about my quirk and the technique I wanted to develop.

"Ah... I see. You want to develop a move where you don't need constant contact with the object you want to affect..."

"Yes, sir."


As we finished eating, we immediately wear our costumes to start the patrol around the Prefecture and Hoodoo went back to her Agency.

"Alright, Edict, if there aren't any crimes by noon, we'll start your training." Kida tells me.

"Understood." I reply.


It was an uneventful day. That's why, in the afternoon, we started my training.


"Any conditions needed for your quirk to be activated, Takumi?"

"Yes. My quirk needs speech and 5-finger contact..."

"Okay. With that, we can start your training by practicing using your quirk with just 4 fingers." he starts.


I follow what he said, touch a stone, and say "Enlarge".

It enlarges but is smaller than usual. Really small. It usually quadruples in size, but now, it's only twice in size.

Sigh. I knew it wasn't going to be easy...

Another training montage...


//Day 3 of the Internship//

It was yet another uneventful day, so we continued my training.

I managed to overcome yesterday's problem. I just needed to input an extra amount of energy.

Since I overcame the problem, we moved on to only using 3 fingers.

My quirk's effects became weaker, even with the additional energy.

After a few hours, Kida gave me the consent to move on to 2-finger activation.

It became even weaker.


We continued training until the evening.


//Day 4 of the Internship//

Another bombing happened, so my training was postponed.

The police now had suspects. Mr. Imprint, me, and some of Mr. Imprint's Sidekicks accompanied the Police.

I, alongside one other Sidekick, went with Mr. Imprint to accompany the Police.

We arrived in front of a house.

The Police knocked on the door and an adult man opened it.

"Yes? Huh? Police?" asked the man.

"Are you Fuku Daisan?" asked a policeman.

"Yes. What's wrong, sir?"

"Please come with us. We have reasons to suspect you as the orchestrator of the recent bombing of several buildings."

"H-huh? O-okay..." said the man with a mix of emotions.

As the Police were bringing the man to their car, someone shouted from their transceivers.

"Requesting backup in XXXX XXXX Street. We have found the bomber!" shouted a policeman as explosions went off in the background.

"Copy. Come on!" they shouted as they uncuffed the man, bowed, and went in their car.

"Let's go, Edict!" Mr. Imprint exclaimed as he zoomed off.

I blasted through the sky, following Mr. Imprint.

Looking onwards, I could see smoke and explosions, 500 meters ahead of us.

"There are explosions over there, sir!" I tell Mr. Imprint.

"Understood," he replied as he traveled faster.


We arrive at the site, and people were running frantically.

In the middle of it was a woman, with a mohawk hairstyle, wearing a punk outfit.

She was holding a duffle bag, taking things out, kissing them, and throwing them away.

She was laughing maniacally as the surroundings were exploding.

She doesn't notice me and Mr. Imprint and the Police haven't arrived yet.


"Edict, get ready. Once I attack, you restrain her afterward."

"Okay, sir."

A blur went towards the woman at great speeds.

Mr. Imprint tackles the woman and she was sent flying many meters away. Her body landed on the rubble she caused.

I immediately blast towards her to restrain her. As she was getting up, I hit her nape with my staff, knocking her out. To be safe, I say "Sleep".

I take a tiny rope from my belt, enlarge it, and tie it around the woman. After I bind her with the rope, I quickly touch the ground and say,

"Locate" I could feel dozens of people under the debris. As I turn to tell Mr. Imprint, I could see him already helping people.

The police and one of Mr. Imprint's sidekicks finally arrive.

"Sir, there are people stuck there, there, and there," I tell him while going to one of the spots I pointed at.

"Copy. Packy, everyone, please help them."

"Understood, Hero-san."

"Understhood Sthir." saluted the sidekick.


Some of the policemen helped me and Packy in helping the trapped people, while the others cuffed the sleeping bomber.

The policemen who called in the transceiver also arrived.


What did you think of the chapter?