
End of the Tournament!

Bullet appeared from the smoke behind him like a ghost, not making a single sound.

Only a few people even noticed him!

Knuckleduster slapped his hand and stared at the stage in shock! Tamao looked at him in confusion, asking "He's gone?!" Knuckleduster shushed her, staring at the stage.

Aizawa curled his lips and Present Mic looked at him in confusion.

All-Might was shocked, staring at the battlefield, shouting "What the hell?!" the other teachers weren't battle worn like these guys and didn't see it at all. Not to mention, All-Might was the best brawler, in close combat, there might not be anyone better than him!

Shoto looked around before he was suddenly strangled from behind! Bullet wrapped his arms around Shoto's neck and wrapped his legs around his arms, pulling them back!

Shoto was stunned and said in shock "HOW?!" Bullet's mask as singed, the bottom tattered to reveal his mouth, strangely the missing burned parts seemed to form an eerie grin while Bullet himself was grinning as he said "Momo no tell you? Stealth Technique created with friend."

Shoto snorted and coughed "Useless!" as he exploded with flames and ice all over his body!

The smoke was cleared in an instant, looking at the situation!

Bullet held on tight and cackled "Come on! You kill or lose!" Shoto's eyes were panicked as he shouted "Let go! You'll die for real!" Bullet tightened his grip and pulled, making Shoto fall to his knees, cackling crazily "KILL OR DIE! CHOOSE SHOTO!"

Cementoss stood up and Midnight rushed out, this was madness!

The match was over!

Endeavor shouted "DO IT, SHOTO!" Shoto turned to see Bullet grinning at him, half of his face frozen but seeming still glaring at him!

He was shocked and his powers went out as he said "I give…" Midnight ran over and said "TODOROKI SURRENDERED! BULLET WINS!"

The crowd booed and shouted "Dirty trick! Disgusting! Get that freak out of here! We want to see Endeavor's son and that other kid! Booo!"

Bullet let out a breath and smiled, taking off his mask with his burned arm, saying awkwardly "Arm frozen. No move…" Shoto let out a breath and smiled, "I help." as he pressed out a flame, gently melting the ice.

Bullet got off him and waved his arms, feeling intense pain! He smiled and stretched out his hand to Shoto, smiling kindly "Good! Bullet almost die! Ahah" Shoto grabbed his hand and replied "Crazy." Bullet paused before laughing, "Yeah! So crazy! Hahaha!" as he pulled Shoto up.

Bullet patted his shoulders, saying "Ice Fire, strong! But use not so good. You freeze everywhere, you feel Bullet move! You make fire then spin, make tornado around villain!" Bullet gestured and added, "No breath! Too hot! Even freeze fire then Katsuki, boom! Understand?"

Shoto's eyes brightened and he said "Hey! That might work!" Bullet gave him a thumbs up and winked, a star twinkling before it was snatched by an extendo-arm. Mei grinned and put the star in a little bottle with the rest.

Bullet ignored this and said "No fear!" before walking with Shoto, adding very seriously "Happen again. Bullet hold. You kill! Villain kill right away, yeah? Do play game with life, very danger!" Shoto nodded and smiled, he looked at Bullet's half burned and half purple body, inwardly shocked that he was still able to move.

Bullet only had tattered shorts from the pants and nothing else! Even his boots were gone!

Still, the wounds could not hide his physique!

Akira squealed and took a picture, saving it as her background and posting it on twitter.

It immediately got a hundred likes.

Akira's friends were shocked "Who's this GOD!?" "Is that HIM?!"

Akira was furiously tweeting back and texting everyone she knew.

This was the life of the number 1 fan!

Just as Bullet was about to leave, there was an announcement!

[Time is tight, please proceed with the finals immediately.]

Midnight and the rest of the teachers were shocked.

Shoto was stunned and angry.

What the hell?!

He couldn't even get a rest?!

Bullet happily walked to the stage as Cementoss stopped him, "Bullet, take a break." Bullet gave him a thumbs up, smiling "Hero no have break! Villain no wait. Injured? Strike to kill! Bullet always ready. Is okay." as he passed him, walking to the stage.

There was silence and everyone heard Bullet.

All-Might was shocked. This guy… before sighing.

Akira translated on her phone to twitter.

Knuckleduster nodded with satisfaction, Tamao was shaken inwardly, this guy has got to be the craziest boy she knows!


Bullet stood on stage and nodded as Mei laughed, "HE DIDN'T UNDERSTAND! AHAHAHAH!"

Katsuki walked up and glared at Bullet, saying "This is bullshit! I wanted a real fight! Not double double's leftovers!" Bullet just pulled his mask down, laughing "Trash, this enough to kill you!" Katsuki shook and gripped his hands in the air, grinning "THEN GET READY TO DIE!"

Bullet got down in a four point stance, chuckling "You kill maybe 100 year!" Katsuki laughed wildly, glaring at Bullet before shooting through the sky, punching at Bullet, who lunged at him!

They punched each other in the face and Katsuki flew backwards slamming into the stage! Bullet flipped back before charging at Katsuki again! He dug his hands into the ground and pulled, shooting forward before flipping and dropping his heel on Katsuki's head!

Katsuki backflipped and slapped an explosion in Bullet's face only to get his wrist grabbed as Bullet slammed him into the stage again! However, this time Katasuki smashed his arm back, blowing up in Bullet's face!

They rolled away and jumped back as the bottom half of Bullet's mask fell off, leaving him with a tattered lower portion, revealing a sickening blood covered grin.

Bullet flicked his arms and cracked his neck, Katsuki grinned crazily "Felt that, asshole?!" Bullet laughed, "Scratched an itch!" as they charged at each other again!

Bullet and Katsuki punched out a dozen times, explosions going off all over Bullet's body!

Bullet was like a machine! He didn't feel anything!

He shot his leg up in an instant, kicking Katsuki in the chin as he jumped and twisted, kicking out, shooting him across the stage! Katsuki coughed up blood and spat out a tooth before landing on his feet and exploding back at Bullet, shooting towards him, spinning as he dropped a heel on Bullet's head in an instant!

Bullet raised his arm and heard a crack as he pushed Katsuki back, punching at him with one arm. Katsuki was stunned for a moment, getting punched in the face as Bullet laughed wildly, swinging his fist "Distracted!? DIE!" before grabbing Katsuki's face and twisting his entire body, smashing him headfirst into the concrete stage!

Katsuki glared at Bullet through his fingers and held his hands out, shouting "STUN GRENADE!" An extremely bright light blinded Bullet for a moment as Katsuki swept his leg and jumped on Bullet, swinging his arms and throwing explosion punches all over his body.

Bullet shook his head and turned to Katsuki slowly, throwing his broken arm around Katsuki, grabbing it with his good one.

Bullet tightened his grip and held Katsuki tight as he stood up saying "You good! Still lose!" before jumping into the air, flipping upside down and spinning.

Katsuki struggled and shouted "Damn! Let me go! You bastard! I'll kill you!" he headbutted Bullet, who just laughed "YOU LOSE!" as they both smashed into the stage headfirst, kicking up a cloud of dust!

Midnight ran over and waved her hand. Cementoss made a gust of wind while moving the concrete and revealed Bakugo unconscious on the ground.

Bullet was laying next to him but on his hands and knees!

Midnight covered her mouth in shock, Bullet's entire body was covered in burns and blood, even his head was dripping blood!

Bullet slowly stood up, his mask covered in blood from smashing his skull into the ground.

But he still raised a thumbs up, "N..No Fear!"

Knuckleduster shouted "YEAH! WAY TO GO KID!"

Akira screamed with her thumbs up "NO FEAR!"

Mei cheered and shook Momo, laughing crazily.


Aizawa smiled slightly and clapped.

Midnight announced with a smile, "The Winner is Bullet!" as she held his back, extremely worried. This guy needed to get to the nurse immediately!